123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177 |
- using System;
- using System.Reflection;
- using IllusionPlugin;
- using GamecraftModdingAPI.Events;
- using GamecraftModdingAPI.Commands;
- using Discord;
- namespace GamecraftRPC
- {
- public class Plugin : IPlugin // the Illusion Plugin Architecture (IPA) will ignore classes that don't implement IPlugin'
- {
- public string Name { get; } = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;
- public string Version { get; } = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
- private static readonly long CLIENT_ID =
- #if DEBUG
- 692733325902872619;
- #else
- 696732441012076605;
- #endif
- private Discord.Discord discordRPC;
- // called when Gamecraft shuts down
- public void OnApplicationQuit()
- {
- // Shutdown this mod
- if (discordRPC != null)
- {
- discordRPC.GetActivityManager().ClearActivity((result) => { GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility.Logging.LogDebug($"Cleared status: {result}"); });
- discordRPC.Dispose();
- }
- GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility.Logging.LogDebug($"{Name} has shutdown");
- // Shutdown the Gamecraft modding API last
- GamecraftModdingAPI.Main.Shutdown();
- }
- // called when Gamecraft starts up
- public void OnApplicationStart()
- {
- // Initialize the Gamecraft modding API first
- GamecraftModdingAPI.Main.Init();
- // Initialize this mod
- discordRPC = new Discord.Discord(CLIENT_ID, (UInt64)Discord.CreateFlags.Default);
- discordRPC.SetLogHook(LogLevel.Debug, (_, msg) => { GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility.Logging.MetaLog(msg); });
- discordRPC.GetRelationshipManager().OnRefresh += () =>
- {
- discordRPC.GetRelationshipManager().Filter((ref Relationship r) => { return r.Presence.Status == Status.Online && r.Type == RelationshipType.Friend; });
- PresenceUtility.Users = new Relationship[discordRPC.GetRelationshipManager().Count()];
- for (uint i = 0; i < discordRPC.GetRelationshipManager().Count(); i++)
- {
- PresenceUtility.Users[i] = discordRPC.GetRelationshipManager().GetAt(i);
- }
- };
- SetDiscordActivity(discordRPC, state: "Loading...", details: "Initializing Gamecraft", start: (int)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds);
- EventManager.AddEventHandler(new Events.GamePresenceHandler(discordRPC));
- EventManager.AddEventHandler(new Events.MenuPresenceHandler(discordRPC));
- EventManager.AddEventHandler(new Events.EditPresenceHandler(discordRPC));
- EventManager.AddEventHandler(new Events.SimulatePresenceHandler(discordRPC));
- SimpleCustomCommandEngine<string> rpcCommand = new SimpleCustomCommandEngine<string>(
- (s) => { SetDiscordActivity(discordRPC, state: s); }, // TODO: command action
- "SetRichPresence", // command name (used to invoke it in the console)
- "Set Discord status (experimental)" // command description (displayed when help command is executed)
- ); // this command can also be executed using the Command Computer
- SimpleCustomCommandEngine inviteNGniusCommand = new SimpleCustomCommandEngine(() =>
- discordRPC.GetActivityManager().SendInvite(106537989684887552, ActivityActionType.Join, "Join the Borg", (res) => { GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility.Logging.LogDebug($"Send invite {res}"); }),
- "InviteNGnius",
- "Send a Discord lobby invite to NGnius");
- SimpleCustomCommandEngine<long> inviteDiscordCommand = new SimpleCustomCommandEngine<long>((id) =>
- discordRPC.GetActivityManager().SendInvite(id, ActivityActionType.Join, "Join the Borg", (res) => { GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility.Logging.LogDebug($"Send invite {res}"); }),
- "InviteDiscord",
- "Send a game invite to a Discord user");
- SimpleCustomCommandEngine listDiscordUsersCommand = new SimpleCustomCommandEngine(
- () =>
- {
- string result = "Online Friends\n";
- for (int i = 0; i < PresenceUtility.Users.Length; i++)
- {
- result += $"{PresenceUtility.Users[i].User.Username} ({PresenceUtility.Users[i].User.Id})\n";
- }
- GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility.Logging.CommandLog(result);
- },
- "ListDiscordUsers",
- "List online Discord friends");
- // register the command so the modding API knows about it
- CommandManager.AddCommand(rpcCommand);
- CommandManager.AddCommand(inviteNGniusCommand);
- CommandManager.AddCommand(inviteDiscordCommand);
- CommandManager.AddCommand(listDiscordUsersCommand);
- GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility.GameEngineManager.AddGameEngine(new Engines.PlayerCountEngine(discordRPC));
- GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility.Logging.LogDebug($"{Name} has started up");
- }
- // unused methods
- public void OnFixedUpdate() { } // called once per physics update
- public void OnLevelWasInitialized(int level) { } // called after a level is initialized
- public void OnLevelWasLoaded(int level) { } // called after a level is loaded
- public void OnUpdate() // called once per rendered frame (frame update)
- {
- if (discordRPC != null ) discordRPC.RunCallbacks();
- }
- public static void SetDiscordActivity(Discord.Discord discordRPC, string state = null, string details = null, int start = 0, int end = 0, string largeImg = "gamecraft-logo-g", string largeTxt = "Gamecraft", string smallImg = "exmods-logo-xm2", string smallTxt = "Exmods", string partyId = null, int partyCurrentSize = 0, int partyMaxSize = 0, string matchSecret = null, string joinSecret = null, string spectateSecret = null, bool instance = true, string debug = "")
- {
- if (discordRPC == null) return;
- ref Activity activity = ref PresenceUtility.Activity;
- activity.Instance = instance;
- if (state != null) activity.State = state;
- if (details != null) activity.Details = details;
- if (start != 0) activity.Timestamps.Start = start;
- if (end != 0) activity.Timestamps.End = end;
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(largeImg))
- {
- activity.Assets.LargeImage = largeImg;
- activity.Assets.LargeText = largeTxt;
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smallImg))
- {
- activity.Assets.SmallImage = smallImg;
- activity.Assets.SmallText = smallTxt;
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(partyId))
- {
- activity.Party.Id = partyId;
- activity.Party.Size.CurrentSize = partyCurrentSize;
- activity.Party.Size.MaxSize = partyMaxSize;
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchSecret) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(joinSecret) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(spectateSecret))
- {
- activity.Secrets.Match = matchSecret;
- activity.Secrets.Join = joinSecret;
- activity.Secrets.Spectate = spectateSecret;
- }
- discordRPC.GetActivityManager().UpdateActivity(activity, result =>
- {
- GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility.Logging.MetaLog($"Update Activity Result: {result} {debug}");
- });
- }
- public static void SetDiscordActivity(Discord.Discord discordRPC, Discord.Activity activity, string debug = "")
- {
- PresenceUtility.Activity = activity;
- discordRPC.GetActivityManager().UpdateActivity(PresenceUtility.Activity, result =>
- {
- GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility.Logging.MetaLog($"Update Activity Result: {result} {debug}");
- });
- }
- public static void SetDiscordActivity(Discord.Discord discordRPC, string debug = "")
- {
- discordRPC.GetActivityManager().UpdateActivity(PresenceUtility.Activity, result =>
- {
- GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility.Logging.MetaLog($"Update Activity Result: {result} {debug}");
- });
- }
- }
- }