# NPort Stuff for importing things into Techblox. ## Setup Refer to [HelloModdingWorld's instructions](https://git.exmods.org/modtainers/HelloModdingWorld). Some external libraries are also used, which should be installed seperately. ## Building Refer to [HelloModdingWorld's instructions](https://git.exmods.org/modtainers/HelloModdingWorld). Some external libraries written in Rust are also used, which can be built by the standard Rust toolchain (`cargo build`). ## Installation Patch Techblox with the latest version of [GCIPA](https://git.exmods.org/modtainers/GCIPA) and install [GamecraftModdingAPI](https://git.exmods.org/modtainers/GamecraftModdingAPI) first. Then, to install the NPort, download the latest release and put `NPort.dll` into Techblox's `Plugins` folder. The next time Techblox is launched, NPort may automatically download any other required files.