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Implement techblox game save deserialization for all blocks available in-game

NGnius (Graham) 2 years ago
15 changed files with 494 additions and 7 deletions
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.gitignore View File

@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Cargo.lock

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src/techblox/blocks/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
use crate::techblox::{SerializedEntityDescriptor, Parsable, SerializedEntityComponent,
use libfj_parsable_macro_derive::*;

/// Engine entity descriptor
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct EngineBlockEntity {
/// parent block entity
pub block: BlockEntity,
/// Engine tweakables component
pub tweak_component: EngineBlockTweakableComponent,

impl SerializedEntityDescriptor for EngineBlockEntity {
fn serialized_components() -> u8 {
BlockEntity::serialized_components() + 1

fn components<'a>(&'a self) -> Vec<&'a dyn SerializedEntityComponent> {
let mut c = self.block.components();
return c;

fn hash_name(&self) -> u32 {
Self::hash("EngineBlockEntityDescriptor") // 1757314505

/// Engine settings entity component.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct EngineBlockTweakableComponent {
/// Engine power (percent?)
pub power: f32,
/// Is the engine's transmission automatic? (bool)
pub automatic_gears: u32, // why is this not stored as u8 like the other bools?

impl SerializedEntityComponent for EngineBlockTweakableComponent {}

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src/techblox/blocks/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
use crate::techblox::{SerializedEntityDescriptor, Parsable, SerializedEntityComponent,
use libfj_parsable_macro_derive::*;

/// Joint block entity descriptor
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct JointBlockEntity {
/// parent block entity
pub block: BlockEntity,

impl SerializedEntityDescriptor for JointBlockEntity {
fn serialized_components() -> u8 {

fn components<'a>(&'a self) -> Vec<&'a dyn SerializedEntityComponent> {

fn hash_name(&self) -> u32 {
Self::hash("JointBlockEntityDescriptorV3") // 3586818581

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src/techblox/blocks/ View File

@@ -1,16 +1,100 @@
use std::io::Read;

use crate::techblox::{Parsable, SerializedEntityDescriptor};
use crate::techblox::blocks::*;

const HASHNAMES: &[&str] = &[
// Block group info entities
// Block entities
// Other Non-block entities (stored after blocks in game saves)

pub fn lookup_hashname(hash: u32, data: &mut dyn Read) -> std::io::Result<Box<dyn SerializedEntityDescriptor>> {
Ok(match hash {
1357220432 /*StandardBlockEntityDescriptorV4*/ => Box::new(BlockEntity::parse(data)?),
2281299333 /*PilotSeatEntityDescriptorV4*/ => Box::new(PilotSeatEntity::parse(data)?),
1360086092 /*PassengerSeatEntityDescriptorV4*/ => Box::new(PassengerSeatEntity::parse(data)?),
1757314505 /*EngineBlockEntityDescriptor*/ => Box::new(EngineBlockEntity::parse(data)?),
3586818581 /*JointBlockEntityDescriptorV3*/ => Box::new(JointBlockEntity::parse(data)?),
3789998433 /*DampedAngularSpringEntityDescriptorV4*/ => Box::new(DampedAngularSpringEntity::parse(data)?),
2892049599 /*DampedSpringEntityDescriptorV5*/ => Box::new(DampedSpringEntity::parse(data)?),
1156723746 /*WheelRigEntityDescriptor*/ => Box::new(WheelRigEntity::parse(data)?),
1864425618 /*WheelRigSteerableEntityDescriptor*/ => Box::new(WheelRigSteerableEntity::parse(data)?),
1517625162 /*TyreEntityDescriptorV1*/ => Box::new(TyreEntity::parse(data)?),
_ => {
println!("Unknown hash ID {}", hash);
println!("Unknown hash ID {} (missing entry for {})", hash, lookup_name_by_hash(hash).unwrap_or("<Unknown>"));
return Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Unrecognised hash {}", hash)))

pub fn lookup_name_by_hash(hash: u32) -> Option<&'static str> {
for name in HASHNAMES {
if crate::techblox::hashname(name) == hash {
return Some(name);

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src/techblox/blocks/ View File

@@ -2,7 +2,14 @@

mod block_entity;
mod common_components;
mod engine;
mod joint;
mod lookup_tables;
mod pilot_seat;
mod passenger_seat;
mod spring;
mod tyre;
mod wheel_rig;
mod wire_entity;

pub use block_entity::{BlockEntity};
@@ -10,5 +17,13 @@ pub use common_components::{DBEntityStruct, PositionEntityStruct, ScalingEntityS
SkewComponent, GridRotationStruct, SerializedGridConnectionsEntityStruct, SerializedBlockPlacementInfoStruct,
SerializedCubeMaterialStruct, SerializedUniformBlockScaleEntityStruct, SerializedColourParameterEntityStruct,
pub use engine::{EngineBlockEntity, EngineBlockTweakableComponent};
pub use joint::{JointBlockEntity};
pub use pilot_seat::{PilotSeatEntity, SeatFollowCamComponent};
pub use passenger_seat::PassengerSeatEntity;
pub(crate) use lookup_tables::*;
pub use spring::{DampedAngularSpringEntity, TweakableJointDampingComponent, DampedAngularSpringROStruct,
DampedSpringEntity, DampedSpringROStruct};
pub use tyre::{TyreEntity};
pub use wheel_rig::{WheelRigEntity, WheelRigTweakableStruct, WheelRigSteerableEntity, WheelRigSteerableTweakableStruct};
pub use wire_entity::{SerializedWireEntity, WireSaveDataStruct, SerializedGlobalWireSettingsEntity, GlobalWireSettingsEntityStruct};

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src/techblox/blocks/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
use crate::techblox::{SerializedEntityDescriptor, Parsable, SerializedEntityComponent,
blocks::{BlockEntity, SeatFollowCamComponent}};
use libfj_parsable_macro_derive::*;

/// Passenger seat entity descriptor (V4)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct PassengerSeatEntity {
/// parent block entity
pub block: BlockEntity,
/// Seat following camera component
pub cam_component: SeatFollowCamComponent,

impl SerializedEntityDescriptor for PassengerSeatEntity {
fn serialized_components() -> u8 {
BlockEntity::serialized_components() + 1

fn components<'a>(&'a self) -> Vec<&'a dyn SerializedEntityComponent> {
let mut c = self.block.components();
return c;

fn hash_name(&self) -> u32 {
Self::hash("PassengerSeatEntityDescriptorV4") // 1360086092

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src/techblox/blocks/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
use crate::techblox::{SerializedEntityDescriptor, Parsable, SerializedEntityComponent, blocks::BlockEntity};
use libfj_parsable_macro_derive::*;

/// Pilot seat entity descriptor (V4)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct PilotSeatEntity {
/// parent block entity
pub block: BlockEntity,
/// Seat following camera component
pub cam_component: SeatFollowCamComponent,

impl SerializedEntityDescriptor for PilotSeatEntity {
fn serialized_components() -> u8 {
BlockEntity::serialized_components() + 1

fn components<'a>(&'a self) -> Vec<&'a dyn SerializedEntityComponent> {
let mut c = self.block.components();
return c;

fn hash_name(&self) -> u32 {
Self::hash("PilotSeatEntityDescriptorV4") // 2281299333

/// Seat settings entity component.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct SeatFollowCamComponent {
/// Should the camera follow the seat? (bool)
pub follow: u8,

impl SerializedEntityComponent for SeatFollowCamComponent {}

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src/techblox/blocks/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
use crate::techblox::{SerializedEntityDescriptor, Parsable, SerializedEntityComponent,
use libfj_parsable_macro_derive::*;

/// Damped angular spring entity descriptor
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct DampedAngularSpringEntity {
/// parent block entity
pub block: BlockEntity,
/// Joint tweakables component
pub tweak_component: TweakableJointDampingComponent,
/// Spring tweakables component
pub spring_component: DampedAngularSpringROStruct,

impl SerializedEntityDescriptor for DampedAngularSpringEntity {
fn serialized_components() -> u8 {
BlockEntity::serialized_components() + 2

fn components<'a>(&'a self) -> Vec<&'a dyn SerializedEntityComponent> {
let mut c = self.block.components();
return c;

fn hash_name(&self) -> u32 {
Self::hash("DampedAngularSpringEntityDescriptorV4") // 3789998433

/// Damped spring entity descriptor
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct DampedSpringEntity {
/// parent block entity
pub block: BlockEntity,
/// Joint tweakables component
pub tweak_component: TweakableJointDampingComponent,
/// Spring tweakables component
pub spring_component: DampedSpringROStruct,

impl SerializedEntityDescriptor for DampedSpringEntity {
fn serialized_components() -> u8 {
BlockEntity::serialized_components() + 2

fn components<'a>(&'a self) -> Vec<&'a dyn SerializedEntityComponent> {
let mut c = self.block.components();
return c;

fn hash_name(&self) -> u32 {
Self::hash("DampedSpringEntityDescriptorV5") // 2892049599

/// Joint settings entity component.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct TweakableJointDampingComponent {
/// Joint stiffness (percent?)
pub stiffness: f32,
/// Force damping (percent?)
pub damping: f32,

impl SerializedEntityComponent for TweakableJointDampingComponent {}

/// Damped angular spring settings entity component.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct DampedSpringROStruct {
/// Maximum spring extension
pub max_extension: f32,

impl SerializedEntityComponent for DampedSpringROStruct {}

/// Damped angular spring settings entity component.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct DampedAngularSpringROStruct {
/// Minimum sprint extension
pub joint_min: f32,
/// Maximum sprint extension
pub joint_max: f32,

impl SerializedEntityComponent for DampedAngularSpringROStruct {}

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src/techblox/blocks/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
use crate::techblox::{SerializedEntityDescriptor, Parsable, SerializedEntityComponent,
use libfj_parsable_macro_derive::*;

/// Tire entity descriptor
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct TyreEntity {
/// parent block entity
pub block: BlockEntity,

impl SerializedEntityDescriptor for TyreEntity {
fn serialized_components() -> u8 {

fn components<'a>(&'a self) -> Vec<&'a dyn SerializedEntityComponent> {

fn hash_name(&self) -> u32 {
Self::hash("TyreEntityDescriptorV1") // 1517625162

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src/techblox/blocks/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
use crate::techblox::{SerializedEntityDescriptor, Parsable, SerializedEntityComponent,
blocks::{BlockEntity, TweakableJointDampingComponent}};
use libfj_parsable_macro_derive::*;

/// Wheel rig entity descriptor
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct WheelRigEntity {
/// parent block entity
pub block: BlockEntity,
/// Wheel tweakables component
pub tweak_component: WheelRigTweakableStruct,
/// Joint tweakables component
pub joint_component: TweakableJointDampingComponent,

impl SerializedEntityDescriptor for WheelRigEntity {
fn serialized_components() -> u8 {
BlockEntity::serialized_components() + 2

fn components<'a>(&'a self) -> Vec<&'a dyn SerializedEntityComponent> {
let mut c = self.block.components();
return c;

fn hash_name(&self) -> u32 {
Self::hash("WheelRigEntityDescriptor") // 1156723746

/// Wheel rig entity descriptor
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct WheelRigSteerableEntity {
/// parent wheel rig entity
pub block: WheelRigEntity,
/// Steering tweakables component
pub tweak_component: WheelRigSteerableTweakableStruct,

impl SerializedEntityDescriptor for WheelRigSteerableEntity {
fn serialized_components() -> u8 {
WheelRigEntity::serialized_components() + 1

fn components<'a>(&'a self) -> Vec<&'a dyn SerializedEntityComponent> {
let mut c = self.block.components();
return c;

fn hash_name(&self) -> u32 {
Self::hash("WheelRigSteerableEntityDescriptor") // 1864425618

/// Wheel rig settings entity component.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct WheelRigTweakableStruct {
/// Brake force (percent?)
pub braking_strength: f32,

impl SerializedEntityComponent for WheelRigTweakableStruct {}

/// Steering wheel rig settings entity component.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Parsable)]
pub struct WheelRigSteerableTweakableStruct {
/// Wheel steering angle (max?)
pub steer_angle: f32,

impl SerializedEntityComponent for WheelRigSteerableTweakableStruct {}

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src/techblox/ View File

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use crate::techblox::{hashname, brute_force, Parsable};
use crate::techblox::{hashname, brute_force, Parsable, blocks::lookup_name_by_hash};
use libfj_parsable_macro_derive::*;

/// An entity's header information.
@@ -24,6 +24,17 @@ impl EntityHeader {

/// Lookup the name from the header's hash from a list of known entity names.
/// This is much faster than guess_name() and is guaranteed to return a correct result if one exists.
/// If the hash has no known correct name, None is returned instead.
pub fn lookup_name(&self) -> Option<String> {
if let Some(name) = lookup_name_by_hash(self.hash) {
return Some(name.to_string());

/// Create an entity header using the hash of `name`.
pub fn from_name(name: &str, entity_id: u32, group_id: u32, component_count: u8) -> Self {
Self {

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src/techblox/ View File

@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ impl Parsable for GameSave {
for _i in 0..cube_count {
let header = EntityHeader::parse(data)?;
let hash = header.hash;
println!("Handling block {} (hash: {} id:{}/{} components: {})", cubes_h.len(), hash, header.entity_id, header.group_id, header.component_count);
cubes_e.push(lookup_hashname(hash, data)?);

+ 1
- 0 View File

@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test --all-features -- --nocapture
# RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test --release --all-features -- --nocapture
# RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test --features techblox -- --nocapture
exit $?

tests/All.Techblox View File

+ 62
- 3
tests/ View File

@@ -10,7 +10,11 @@ use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
#[cfg(feature = "techblox")]
const GAMESAVE_PATH: &str = "tests/GameSave.Techblox";
#[cfg(feature = "techblox")]
const GAMESAVE_PATH2: &str = "tests/GameSave2.Techblox";
const GAMESAVE_PATH_OUT: &str = "tests/GameSave.out.Techblox";
#[cfg(feature = "techblox")]
const GAMESAVE_PATH_ALL: &str = "tests/All.Techblox";
#[cfg(feature = "techblox")]
const GAMESAVE_PATH_ALL_OUT: &str = "tests/All.out.Techblox";

#[cfg(feature = "techblox")]
const HASHNAMES: &[&str] = &[
@@ -148,15 +152,70 @@ fn hash_tb_name() {
#[cfg(feature = "techblox")]
fn techblox_gamesave_perfect_parse() -> Result<(), ()> {
let mut in_file = File::open(GAMESAVE_PATH).map_err(|_| ())?;
let mut in_file = File::open(GAMESAVE_PATH_ALL).map_err(|_| ())?;
let mut buf = Vec::new();
in_file.read_to_end(&mut buf).map_err(|_| ())?;
let gs = techblox::GameSave::parse(&mut buf.as_slice()).map_err(|_| ())?;
let mut out_file = OpenOptions::new()
.map_err(|_| ())?;
gs.dump(&mut out_file).map_err(|_| ())?;
assert_eq!(in_file.stream_position().unwrap(), out_file.stream_position().unwrap());

#[cfg(feature = "techblox")]
fn techblox_gamesave_parse_all() -> Result<(), ()> {
let mut in_file = File::open(GAMESAVE_PATH_ALL).map_err(|_| ())?;
let mut buf = Vec::new();
in_file.read_to_end(&mut buf).map_err(|_| ())?;
let gs = techblox::GameSave::parse(&mut buf.as_slice()).map_err(|_| ())?;

// verify
for i in 1..(gs.group_len as usize) {
assert_eq!(gs.group_headers[i-1].hash, gs.group_headers[i].hash);
//println!("#{} count {} vs {}", i, gs.group_headers[i-1].component_count, gs.group_headers[i].component_count);
assert_eq!(gs.group_headers[i-1].component_count, gs.group_headers[i].component_count);
for i in 0..(gs.group_len as usize) {
assert_eq!(gs.group_headers[i].component_count, techblox::BlockGroupEntity::serialized_components());
assert_eq!(gs.group_headers[i].hash, gs.cube_groups[i].hash_name());
for i in 1..(gs.cube_len as usize) {
//assert_eq!(gs.cube_headers[i-1].hash, gs.cube_headers[i].hash);
//println!("#{} count {} vs {}", i, gs.cube_headers[i-1].component_count, gs.cube_headers[i].component_count);
if gs.cube_headers[i-1].hash == gs.cube_headers[i].hash {
assert_eq!(gs.group_headers[i-1].component_count, gs.group_headers[i].component_count);
for i in 0..(gs.cube_len as usize) {
assert!(gs.cube_headers[i].component_count >= blocks::BlockEntity::serialized_components());
//println!("#{} components: {}", i, gs.cube_headers[i].component_count);
assert_eq!(gs.cube_headers[i].hash, gs.cube_entities[i].hash_name());

//println!("Parsed wire settings hash: {} obsolete? {}", gs.wire_settings_header.hash, gs.wire_settings_entity.settings_component.obsolete != 0);
assert_eq!(gs.wire_settings_header.hash, EntityHeader::from_name("GlobalWireSettingsEntityDescriptor", 0, 0, 0).hash);
assert_eq!(gs.wire_settings_header.hash, gs.wire_settings_entity.hash_name());

//println!("Parsed Flycam hash: {}", gs.flycam_header.hash);
assert_eq!(gs.flycam_header.hash, EntityHeader::from_name("FlyCamEntityDescriptorV0", 0, 0, 0).hash);
assert_eq!(gs.flycam_header.hash, gs.flycam_entity.hash_name());

//println!("Parsed Phycam hash: {}", gs.phycam_header.hash);
assert_eq!(gs.phycam_header.hash, EntityHeader::from_name("CharacterCameraEntityDescriptorV1", 0, 0, 0).hash);
assert_eq!(gs.phycam_header.hash, gs.phycam_entity.hash_name());

// write out
let mut out_file = OpenOptions::new()
.map_err(|_| ())?;
gs.dump(&mut out_file).map_err(|_| ())?;
assert_eq!(in_file.stream_position().unwrap(), out_file.stream_position().unwrap());
