Rust API for Gitea, automatically generated
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Name Type Description Notes
_links *::models::FileLinksResponse [optional] [default to null]
content String `content` is populated when `type` is `file`, otherwise null [optional] [default to null]
download_url String [optional] [default to null]
encoding String `encoding` is populated when `type` is `file`, otherwise null [optional] [default to null]
git_url String [optional] [default to null]
html_url String [optional] [default to null]
name String [optional] [default to null]
path String [optional] [default to null]
sha String [optional] [default to null]
size i64 [optional] [default to null]
submodule_git_url String `submodule_git_url` is populated when `type` is `submodule`, otherwise null [optional] [default to null]
target String `target` is populated when `type` is `symlink`, otherwise null [optional] [default to null]
_type String `type` will be `file`, `dir`, `symlink`, or `submodule` [optional] [default to null]
url String [optional] [default to null]

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