using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Threading; using GamecraftModdingAPI.Engines; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using RobocraftX.Common.Input; using RobocraftX.Common.Utilities; using RobocraftX.StateSync; using Svelto.ECS; using Unity.Jobs; using uREPL; namespace GCDC { public class DiscordClient { private string _token; private bool _running; private Thread _rect; private readonly Queue messages = new Queue(); private readonly GCDCPlugin plugin; public DiscordClient(GCDCPlugin plugin) => this.plugin = plugin; public void Ready() { if (File.Exists("gcdc.json")) { var jo = JObject.Load(new JsonTextReader(File.OpenText("gcdc.json"))); _token = jo["token"]?.Value(); } if (_token != null) Start(); } public void Setup(string tokenOrChannel) { if (!tokenOrChannel.Contains("-")) { if (!long.TryParse(tokenOrChannel, out _)) { Log.Error("Bad format for channel ID."); return; } Process.Start( "" + tokenOrChannel); Log.Output( "Please authorize the GCDC app on the page that should open. This connection is only used to avoid account spam and to display your Discord name."); } else { try { if (JObject.Parse(WebUtils.Request("users/get?token=" + tokenOrChannel))["response"]?.Value() == "OK") { _token = tokenOrChannel; var jo = new JObject {["token"] = tokenOrChannel}; File.WriteAllText("gcdc.json", jo.ToString()); Start(); Log.Output( "Successfully logged in. You can now use a text block named Discord and the dc command."); } else Log.Error("Failed to verify login. Please try again."); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Failed to verify login. Please try again. (Error logged.)"); Console.WriteLine(e); } } } public void SendMessage(string message) { if (!_running) { Log.Error("Run dcsetup first."); return; } try { var parameters = "token=" + _token + "&message=" + message; var resp = JObject.Parse(WebUtils.Request("messages/send?" + parameters, "")); if (resp["response"]?.Value() == "OK") { AddMessage("<" + resp["username"] + "> " + message); Log.Output("Message sent"); } else Log.Error("Failed to send message"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Failed to send message (error logged)."); Console.WriteLine(e); } } public void Start() { if (_running) return; _running = true; _rect = new Thread(() => { Console.WriteLine("Starting DC receiver thread..."); while (_running) { try { string resp = WebUtils.Request("messages/get?token=" + _token); var jo = JObject.Parse(resp); AddMessage("<" + jo["username"] + "> " + jo["message"]); } catch (WebException) { // ignored } catch (ThreadInterruptedException) { break; } } }) {Name = "DC Receiver Thread"}; _rect.Start(); } public void AddMessage(string message) { messages.Enqueue(message); if (messages.Count > 10) messages.Dequeue(); plugin.Update(messages); } public void Stop() { _running = false; _rect.Interrupt(); } public void Update() => plugin.Update(messages); } }