@@ -109,21 +109,26 @@ You may also want to verify the game's files by right clicking the game in Steam |
UpdateButton(installbtn, false); |
UpdateButton(uninstallbtn, false); |
bool install = false, update = false; |
Action<string, Color> addText = (txt, color) => |
{ |
int start = modinfobox.Text.Length; |
modinfobox.AppendText(txt + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); |
modinfobox.Select(start, txt.Length); |
modinfobox.SelectionColor = color; |
modinfobox.DeselectAll(); |
modinfobox.SelectionColor = modinfobox.ForeColor; |
}; |
foreach (ListViewItem item in modlist.SelectedItems) |
{ |
var mod = mods[item.Name]; |
if (modlist.SelectedItems.Count == 1) |
{ |
bool up = mod.Updatable; |
modinfobox.Text = ((up ? "New version available! " + mod.UpdateDetails + "\n\n" |
: "") + mod.Description).Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine); |
if(up) |
{ |
modinfobox.Select(0, "New version available!".Length); |
modinfobox.SelectionColor = Color.Aqua; |
modinfobox.DeselectAll(); |
modinfobox.SelectionColor = modinfobox.ForeColor; |
} |
if (mod.Updatable) |
addText("New version available! " + mod.UpdateDetails, Color.Aqua); |
if (mod.LastUpdated < lastGameUpdateTime) |
addText("Outdated mod! It may not work properly on the latest version of the game.", Color.DarkOrange); |
if (mod.Description != null) |
modinfobox.AppendText(mod.Description.Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine)); |
} |
else |
modinfobox.Text = modlist.SelectedItems.Count + " mods selected"; |