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Sebastiano Mandalà GitHub 1 year ago
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
1 changed files with 131 additions and 38 deletions
  1. +131

+ 131
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@@ -10,67 +10,160 @@ Svelto.ECS is easy to start with, but full of tricks for expert users. The harde
simplest setup:

using System;
using Svelto.ECS;
using Svelto.ECS.Schedulers;
using Svelto.ECS.Vanilla.Example.SimpleEntityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// This is the common pattern to declare Svelto Exclusive Groups (usually split by composition root)
/// </summary>
public static class ExclusiveGroups
public static ExclusiveGroup group0 = new ExclusiveGroup();
public static ExclusiveGroup group1 = new ExclusiveGroup();

namespace Svelto.ECS.Vanilla.Example
/// <summary>
/// The Context is the application starting point.
/// As a Composition root, it gives to the coder the responsibility to create, initialize and
/// inject dependencies.
/// Every application can have more than one context and every context can have one
/// or more composition roots (a facade, but even a factory, can be a composition root)
/// </summary>
public class SimpleContext
//the group where the entity will be built in
public static ExclusiveGroup group0 = new ExclusiveGroup();

public SimpleContext()
var simpleSubmissionEntityViewScheduler = new SimpleEntitiesSubmissionScheduler();
//Build Svelto Entities and Engines container, called EnginesRoot
_enginesRoot = new EnginesRoot(simpleSubmissionEntityViewScheduler);

var entityFactory = _enginesRoot.GenerateEntityFactory();

//Add an Engine to the enginesRoot to manage the SimpleEntities
var behaviourForEntityClassEngine = new BehaviourForEntityClassEngine();
//an entity submission scheduler is needed to submit entities to the Svelto database, Svelto is not
//responsible to decide when to submit entities, it's the user's responsibility to do so.
var entitySubmissionScheduler = new SimpleEntitiesSubmissionScheduler();
//An EnginesRoot holds all the engines and entities created. it needs a EntitySubmissionScheduler to know when to
//add previously built entities to the Svelto database. Using the SimpleEntitiesSubmissionScheduler
//is expected as it gives complete control to the user about when the submission happens
_enginesRoot = new EnginesRoot(entitySubmissionScheduler);

//an entity factory allows to build entities inside engines
var entityFactory = _enginesRoot.GenerateEntityFactory();
//the entity functions allows other operations on entities, like remove and swap
var entityFunctions = _enginesRoot.GenerateEntityFunctions();

//Add the Engine to manage the SimpleEntities
var behaviourForEntityClassEngine = new BehaviourForEntityClassEngine(entityFunctions);

//build a new Entity with ID 0 in group0
//build Entity with ID 0 in group0
entityFactory.BuildEntity<SimpleEntityDescriptor>(new EGID(0, ExclusiveGroups.group0));

//submit the previously built entities to the Svelto database

//as Svelto doesn't provide an engine ticking system, it's the user's responsibility to
//update engines
//as Svelto doesn't provide an engine/system ticking system, it's the user's responsibility to
//update engines

Console.Log("Done - click any button to quit");


readonly EnginesRoot _enginesRoot;

your first entity descriptor:
readonly EnginesRoot _enginesRoot;

//An EntityComponent must always implement the IEntityComponent interface
//don't worry, boxing/unboxing will never happen.
public struct EntityComponent : IEntityComponent
public int counter;
public int counter;

class SimpleEntityDescriptor : GenericEntityDescriptor<EntityComponent>
your first engine executing entities behaviours:
/// <summary>
/// The EntityDescriptor identifies your Entity. It's essential to identify
/// your entities with a name that comes from the Game Design domain.
/// </summary>
class SimpleEntityDescriptor : GenericEntityDescriptor<EntityComponent> { }

public class BehaviourForEntityClassEngine : IQueryingEntitiesEngine
namespace SimpleEntityEngine
public EntitiesDB entitiesDB { get; set; }

public void Ready() { }

public void Update()
public class BehaviourForEntityClassEngine :
//this interface makes the engine reactive, it's absolutely optional, you need to read my articles
//and wiki about it.
IReactOnAddEx<EntityComponent>, IReactOnSwapEx<EntityComponent>, IReactOnRemoveEx<EntityComponent>,
//while this interface is optional too, it's almost always used as it gives access to the entitiesDB
var (components, count) = entitiesDB.QueryEntities<EntityComponent>(ExclusiveGroups.group0);

for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
//extra entity functions
readonly IEntityFunctions _entityFunctions;

public BehaviourForEntityClassEngine(IEntityFunctions entityFunctions)
_entityFunctions = entityFunctions;

public EntitiesDB entitiesDB { get; set; }

public void Ready() { }

public void Update()
//Simple query to get all the entities with EntityComponent in group1
var (components, entityIDs, count) = entitiesDB.QueryEntities<EntityComponent>(ExclusiveGroups.group1);

uint entityID;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
entityID = entityIDs[i];

Console.Log("Entity Struct engine executed");

//the following methods are called by Svelto.ECS when an entity is added to a group
public void Add((uint start, uint end) rangeOfEntities, in EntityCollection<EntityComponent> entities
, ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID)
var (_, entityIDs, _) = entities;

for (uint index = rangeOfEntities.start; index < rangeOfEntities.end; index++)
//Swap entities between groups is a very common operation and it's necessary to
//move entities between groups/sets. A Group represent a state/adjective of an entity, so changing
//group means change state/behaviour as different engines will process different groups.
//it's the Svelto equivalent of adding/remove components to an entity at run time
_entityFunctions.SwapEntityGroup<SimpleEntityDescriptor>(new EGID(entityIDs[index], groupID), ExclusiveGroups.group1);

//the following methods are called by Svelto.ECS when an entity is swapped from a group to another
public void MovedTo((uint start, uint end) rangeOfEntities, in EntityCollection<EntityComponent> entities
, ExclusiveGroupStruct fromGroup, ExclusiveGroupStruct toGroup)
var (_, entityIDs, _) = entities;
for (var index = rangeOfEntities.start; index < rangeOfEntities.end; index++)
Console.Log($"entity {entityIDs[index]} moved from {fromGroup} to {toGroup}");
//like for the swap operation, removing entities from the Svelto database is a very common operation.
//For both operations is necessary to specify the EntityDescriptor to use. This has also a philosophical
//reason to happen, it's to always remind which entity type we are operating with.
_entityFunctions.RemoveEntity<SimpleEntityDescriptor>(new EGID(entityIDs[index], toGroup));

//the following methods are called by Svelto.ECS when an entity is removed from a group
public void Remove((uint start, uint end) rangeOfEntities, in EntityCollection<EntityComponent> entities, ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID)
var (_, entityIDs, _) = entities;

for (uint index = rangeOfEntities.start; index < rangeOfEntities.end; index++)
Console.Log($"entity {entityIDs[index]} removed from {groupID.ToString()}");

learn more about svelto on the Wiki page:
