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Svelto.ECS 3.2.3 - fixed bugs and improved code

sebas77 2 years ago
30 changed files with 491 additions and 438 deletions
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+ 1
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.gitignore View File

@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/obj/

+ 1
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@@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 4062f995396f9d34f8a58c7646f819c315356775
Subproject commit 8a1924de0f6017ccc03396b45a3ee78ae9195dac

+ 4
- 5
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/CheckEntityUtilities.cs View File

@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
.FastConcat(" previous operation was: ")
.FastConcat(_multipleOperationOnSameEGIDChecker[egid] == 1 ? "add" : "remove"));

if (_idChecker.TryGetValue((uint) egid.groupID, out var hash))
if (_idChecker.TryGetValue(egid.groupID, out var hash))
if (hash.Contains(egid.entityID) == false)
throw new ECSException("Trying to remove an Entity never submitted in the database "
.FastConcat(" caller: ", caller, " ").FastConcat(egid.entityID)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
.FastConcat(" previous operation was: ")
.FastConcat(_multipleOperationOnSameEGIDChecker[egid] == 1 ? "add" : "remove"));

var hash = _idChecker.GetOrCreate((uint) egid.groupID, () => new HashSet<uint>());
var hash = _idChecker.GetOrCreate(egid.groupID, () => new HashSet<uint>());
if (hash.Contains(egid.entityID) == true)
throw new ECSException("Trying to add an Entity already submitted to the database "
.FastConcat(" caller: ", caller, " ").FastConcat(egid.entityID)
@@ -67,13 +67,12 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
: "not available"));
_multipleOperationOnSameEGIDChecker.Add(egid, 1);

void RemoveGroupID(ExclusiveBuildGroup groupID) { _idChecker.Remove((uint)groupID); }
void RemoveGroupID(ExclusiveBuildGroup groupID) { _idChecker.Remove(groupID); }

@@ -81,6 +80,6 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
void ClearChecks() { _multipleOperationOnSameEGIDChecker.FastClear(); }

readonly FasterDictionary<EGID, uint> _multipleOperationOnSameEGIDChecker = new FasterDictionary<EGID, uint>();
readonly FasterDictionary<uint, HashSet<uint>> _idChecker = new FasterDictionary<uint, HashSet<uint>>();
readonly FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, HashSet<uint>> _idChecker = new FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, HashSet<uint>>();

+ 18
- 15
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/EGID.cs View File

@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public struct EGID:IEquatable<EGID>,IComparable<EGID>
public struct EGID : IEquatable<EGID>, IComparable<EGID>
[FieldOffset(0)] public readonly uint entityID;
[FieldOffset(4)] public readonly ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID;
[FieldOffset(0)] readonly ulong _GID;
[FieldOffset(0)] readonly ulong _GID;

public static bool operator ==(EGID obj1, EGID obj2)
@@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

public EGID(uint entityID, ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID) : this()
if (groupID == (ExclusiveGroupStruct)default)
throw new Exception("Trying to use a not initialised group ID");
_GID = MAKE_GLOBAL_ID(entityID, (uint) groupID);
if (groupID == (ExclusiveGroupStruct) default)
throw new Exception("Trying to use a not initialised group ID");
_GID = MAKE_GLOBAL_ID(entityID, groupID.ToIDAndBitmask());
static ulong MAKE_GLOBAL_ID(uint entityId, uint groupId)
return (ulong)groupId << 32 | ((ulong)entityId & 0xFFFFFFFF);
return (ulong) groupId << 32 | ((ulong) entityId & 0xFFFFFFFF);

public static explicit operator uint(EGID id)
@@ -46,7 +46,10 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

//in the way it's used, ulong must be always the same for each id/group
public static explicit operator ulong(EGID id) { return id._GID; }
public static explicit operator ulong(EGID id)
return id._GID;

public bool Equals(EGID other)
@@ -72,7 +75,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
return _GID.CompareTo(other._GID);
internal EGID(uint entityID, uint groupID) : this()
_GID = MAKE_GLOBAL_ID(entityID, groupID);
@@ -81,14 +84,14 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public override string ToString()
var value = groupID.ToName();
return "id ".FastConcat(entityID).FastConcat(" group ").FastConcat(value);
public EntityReference ToEntityReference(EntitiesDB entitiesDB)
return entitiesDB.GetEntityReference(this);

+ 80
- 87
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/EnginesRoot.DoubleBufferedEntitiesToAdd.cs View File

@@ -7,173 +7,127 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
internal class DoubleBufferedEntitiesToAdd
const int MaximumNumberOfItemsPerFrameBeforeToClear = 100;

internal void Swap()
public DoubleBufferedEntitiesToAdd()
Swap(ref current, ref other);
Swap(ref currentEntitiesCreatedPerGroup, ref otherEntitiesCreatedPerGroup);
_currentEntitiesCreatedPerGroup = _entitiesCreatedPerGroupA;
_otherEntitiesCreatedPerGroup = _entitiesCreatedPerGroupB;

void Swap<T>(ref T item1, ref T item2)
var toSwap = item2;
item2 = item1;
item1 = toSwap;
current = _entityComponentsToAddBufferA;
other = _entityComponentsToAddBufferB;

public void ClearOther()
//do not clear the groups created so far, they will be reused, unless they are too many!
var otherCount = other.count;
if (otherCount > MaximumNumberOfItemsPerFrameBeforeToClear)
FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>[] otherValuesArray = other.unsafeValues;
for (int i = 0; i < otherCount; ++i)
var otherValuesArray = other.unsafeValues;
for (var i = 0; i < otherCount; ++i)
var safeDictionariesCount = otherValuesArray[i].count;
ITypeSafeDictionary[] safeDictionaries = otherValuesArray[i].unsafeValues;
var safeDictionariesCount = otherValuesArray[i].count;
var safeDictionaries = otherValuesArray[i].unsafeValues;
for (int j = 0; j < safeDictionariesCount; ++j)
for (var j = 0; j < safeDictionariesCount; ++j)
//clear the dictionary of entities create do far (it won't allocate though)
//reset the number of entities created so far

FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>[] otherValuesArray = other.unsafeValues;
for (int i = 0; i < otherCount; ++i)
var otherValuesArray = other.unsafeValues;
for (var i = 0; i < otherCount; ++i)
var safeDictionariesCount = otherValuesArray[i].count;
ITypeSafeDictionary[] safeDictionaries = otherValuesArray[i].unsafeValues;
var safeDictionariesCount = otherValuesArray[i].count;
var safeDictionaries = otherValuesArray[i].unsafeValues;
//do not remove the dictionaries of entities per type created so far, they will be reused
if (safeDictionariesCount <= MaximumNumberOfItemsPerFrameBeforeToClear)
for (int j = 0; j < safeDictionariesCount; ++j)
for (var j = 0; j < safeDictionariesCount; ++j)
//clear the dictionary of entities create do far (it won't allocate though)
for (int j = 0; j < safeDictionariesCount; ++j)
for (var j = 0; j < safeDictionariesCount; ++j)
//clear the dictionary of entities create do far (it won't allocate though)


//reset the number of entities created so far
//Before I tried for the third time to use a SparseSet instead of FasterDictionary, remember that
//while group indices are sequential, they may not be used in a sequential order. Sparseset needs
//entities to be created sequentially (the index cannot be managed externally)
internal FasterDictionary<uint, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>> current;
internal FasterDictionary<uint, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>> other;

/// <summary>
/// To avoid extra allocation, I don't clear the groups, so I need an extra data structure
/// to keep count of the number of entities built this frame. At the moment the actual number
/// of entities built is not used
/// </summary>
FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint> currentEntitiesCreatedPerGroup;
FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint> otherEntitiesCreatedPerGroup;

readonly FasterDictionary<uint, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>>
_entityComponentsToAddBufferA =
new FasterDictionary<uint, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>>();

readonly FasterDictionary<uint, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>>
_entityComponentsToAddBufferB =
new FasterDictionary<uint, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>>();

readonly FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint> _entitiesCreatedPerGroupA = new FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint>();
readonly FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint> _entitiesCreatedPerGroupB = new FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint>();

public DoubleBufferedEntitiesToAdd()
currentEntitiesCreatedPerGroup = _entitiesCreatedPerGroupA;
otherEntitiesCreatedPerGroup = _entitiesCreatedPerGroupB;

current = _entityComponentsToAddBufferA;
other = _entityComponentsToAddBufferB;

public void Dispose()
var otherValuesArray = other.unsafeValues;
for (int i = 0; i < other.count; ++i)
for (var i = 0; i < other.count; ++i)
var safeDictionariesCount = otherValuesArray[i].count;
var safeDictionaries = otherValuesArray[i].unsafeValues;
//do not remove the dictionaries of entities per type created so far, they will be reused
for (int j = 0; j < safeDictionariesCount; ++j)
for (var j = 0; j < safeDictionariesCount; ++j)
//clear the dictionary of entities create do far (it won't allocate though)
var currentValuesArray = current.unsafeValues;
for (int i = 0; i < current.count; ++i)
for (var i = 0; i < current.count; ++i)
var safeDictionariesCount = currentValuesArray[i].count;
var safeDictionaries = currentValuesArray[i].unsafeValues;
//do not remove the dictionaries of entities per type created so far, they will be reused
for (int j = 0; j < safeDictionariesCount; ++j)
for (var j = 0; j < safeDictionariesCount; ++j)
//clear the dictionary of entities create do far (it won't allocate though)

internal void IncrementEntityCount(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID)
internal bool AnyEntityCreated()
return _currentEntitiesCreatedPerGroup.count > 0;

internal bool AnyEntityCreated()
internal bool AnyOtherEntityCreated()
return currentEntitiesCreatedPerGroup.count > 0;
return _otherEntitiesCreatedPerGroup.count > 0;

internal bool AnyOtherEntityCreated()
internal void IncrementEntityCount(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID)
return otherEntitiesCreatedPerGroup.count > 0;

internal void Preallocate
(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID, uint numberOfEntities, IComponentBuilder[] entityComponentsToBuild)
void PreallocateDictionaries(FasterDictionary<uint, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>> fasterDictionary1)
void PreallocateDictionaries
(FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>> dic)
FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary> group =
fasterDictionary1.GetOrCreate((uint) groupID, () => new FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>());
var group = dic.GetOrCreate(groupID, () => new FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType,

foreach (var componentBuilder in entityComponentsToBuild)
var entityComponentType = componentBuilder.GetEntityComponentType();
var safeDictionary = @group.GetOrCreate(new RefWrapperType(entityComponentType)
, () => componentBuilder.CreateDictionary(numberOfEntities));
var safeDictionary = group.GetOrCreate(new RefWrapperType(entityComponentType)
, () => componentBuilder
componentBuilder.Preallocate(safeDictionary, numberOfEntities);
@@ -181,9 +135,48 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS


internal void Swap()
Swap(ref current, ref other);
Swap(ref _currentEntitiesCreatedPerGroup, ref _otherEntitiesCreatedPerGroup);

void Swap<T>(ref T item1, ref T item2)
var toSwap = item2;
item2 = item1;
item1 = toSwap;

//Before I tried for the third time to use a SparseSet instead of FasterDictionary, remember that
//while group indices are sequential, they may not be used in a sequential order. Sparseset needs
//entities to be created sequentially (the index cannot be managed externally)
internal FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>> current;
internal FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>> other;

readonly FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint> _entitiesCreatedPerGroupA =
new FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint>();

readonly FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint> _entitiesCreatedPerGroupB =
new FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint>();

readonly FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>> _entityComponentsToAddBufferA =
new FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>>();

readonly FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>> _entityComponentsToAddBufferB =
new FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>>();

/// <summary>
/// To avoid extra allocation, I don't clear the groups, so I need an extra data structure
/// to keep count of the number of entities built this frame. At the moment the actual number
/// of entities built is not used
/// </summary>
FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint> _currentEntitiesCreatedPerGroup;
FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, uint> _otherEntitiesCreatedPerGroup;

+ 1
- 1
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/EnginesRoot.Engines.cs View File

@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
entityList.Value.ExecuteEnginesRemoveCallbacks(_reactiveEnginesAddRemoveOnDispose, profiler
, new ExclusiveGroupStruct(groups.Key));
, groups.Key);
catch (Exception e)

+ 11
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com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/EnginesRoot.Entities.cs View File

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
CheckAddEntityID(entityID, descriptorType);

DBC.ECS.Check.Require((uint)entityID.groupID != 0
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(entityID.groupID.isInvalid == false
, "invalid group detected, are you using new ExclusiveGroupStruct() instead of new ExclusiveGroup()?");

var reference = _entityLocator.ClaimReference();
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
var wrapper = new RefWrapperType(entityComponentType);

ITypeSafeDictionary fromTypeSafeDictionary =
GetTypeSafeDictionary((uint) entityGID.groupID, fromGroup, wrapper);
GetTypeSafeDictionary(entityGID.groupID, fromGroup, wrapper);

if (fromTypeSafeDictionary.Has(entityGID.entityID) == false)
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
//add all the entities
var refWrapper = new RefWrapperType(entityComponentType);
var fromTypeSafeDictionary = GetTypeSafeDictionary((uint) entityGID.groupID, fromGroup, refWrapper);
var fromTypeSafeDictionary = GetTypeSafeDictionary(entityGID.groupID, fromGroup, refWrapper);

ITypeSafeDictionary toEntitiesDictionary = null;
if (toGroup != null)
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
using (sampler.Sample("RemoveEntityFromDictionary"))
var refWrapper = new RefWrapperType(entityComponentType);
var fromTypeSafeDictionary = GetTypeSafeDictionary((uint) entityGID.groupID, fromGroup, refWrapper);
var fromTypeSafeDictionary = GetTypeSafeDictionary(entityGID.groupID, fromGroup, refWrapper);

@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary> fromGroup = GetDBGroup(fromIdGroupId);
FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary> toGroup = GetOrCreateDBGroup(toGroupId);

_entityLocator.UpdateAllGroupReferenceLocators(fromIdGroupId, (uint) toGroupId);
_entityLocator.UpdateAllGroupReferenceLocators(fromIdGroupId, toGroupId);

foreach (var dictionaryOfEntities in fromGroup)
@@ -235,12 +235,11 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
var groupsOfEntityType = _groupsPerEntity[dictionaryOfEntities.Key];
var groupOfEntitiesToCopyAndClear = groupsOfEntityType[fromIdGroupId];

toEntitiesDictionary.AddEntitiesFromDictionary(groupOfEntitiesToCopyAndClear, (uint) toGroupId, this);
toEntitiesDictionary.AddEntitiesFromDictionary(groupOfEntitiesToCopyAndClear, toGroupId, this);

//call all the MoveTo callbacks
, dictionaryOfEntities.Value, new ExclusiveGroupStruct(fromIdGroupId)
, new ExclusiveGroupStruct(toGroupId), profiler);
, dictionaryOfEntities.Value, fromIdGroupId, toGroupId, profiler);

//todo: if it's unmanaged, I can use fastclear
@@ -254,7 +253,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
if (_groupEntityComponentsDB.TryGetValue(fromIdGroupId
, out FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>
fromGroup) == false)
throw new ECSException("Group doesn't exist: ".FastConcat((uint) fromIdGroupId));
throw new ECSException("Group doesn't exist: ".FastConcat(fromIdGroupId.ToName()));

return fromGroup;
@@ -289,11 +288,11 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

static ITypeSafeDictionary GetTypeSafeDictionary
(uint groupID, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary> @group, RefWrapperType refWrapper)
(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary> @group, RefWrapperType refWrapper)
if (@group.TryGetValue(refWrapper, out ITypeSafeDictionary fromTypeSafeDictionary) == false)
throw new ECSException("no group found: ".FastConcat(groupID));
throw new ECSException("no group found: ".FastConcat(groupID.ToName()));

return fromTypeSafeDictionary;
@@ -308,7 +307,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
foreach (var dictionaryOfEntities in dictionariesOfEntities)
dictionaryOfEntities.Value.ExecuteEnginesRemoveCallbacks(_reactiveEnginesAddRemove, profiler
, new ExclusiveGroupStruct(groupID));
, groupID);

var groupsOfEntityType = _groupsPerEntity[dictionaryOfEntities.Key];

+ 5
- 5
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/EnginesRoot.GenericEntityFunctions.cs View File

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public void RemoveEntity<T>(EGID entityEGID) where T : IEntityDescriptor, new()
DBC.ECS.Check.Require((uint)entityEGID.groupID != 0, "invalid group detected");
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(entityEGID.groupID.isInvalid == false, "invalid group detected");
var descriptorComponentsToBuild = EntityDescriptorTemplate<T>.descriptor.componentsToBuild;
_enginesRoot.Target.CheckRemoveEntityID(entityEGID, TypeCache<T>.type);

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public void RemoveEntitiesFromGroup(ExclusiveBuildGroup groupID)
DBC.ECS.Check.Require((uint)groupID != 0, "invalid group detected");
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(groupID.isInvalid == false, "invalid group detected");

@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public void SwapEntityGroup<T>(EGID fromID, ExclusiveBuildGroup toGroupID)
where T : IEntityDescriptor, new()
SwapEntityGroup<T>(fromID, new EGID(fromID.entityID, (uint) toGroupID));
SwapEntityGroup<T>(fromID, new EGID(fromID.entityID, toGroupID));

@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public void SwapEntityGroup<T>(EGID fromID, EGID toID)
where T : IEntityDescriptor, new()
DBC.ECS.Check.Require((uint)fromID.groupID != 0, "invalid group detected");
DBC.ECS.Check.Require((uint)toID.groupID != 0, "invalid group detected");
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(fromID.groupID.isInvalid == false, "invalid group detected");
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(toID.groupID.isInvalid == false, "invalid group detected");

var enginesRootTarget = _enginesRoot.Target;
var descriptorComponentsToBuild = EntityDescriptorTemplate<T>.descriptor.componentsToBuild;

+ 4
- 5
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/EnginesRoot.Submission.cs View File

@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
//each group is indexed by entity view type. for each type there is a dictionary indexed by entityID
foreach (var groupToSubmit in _groupedEntityToAdd.other)
var groupID = new ExclusiveGroupStruct(groupToSubmit.Key);
var groupID = groupToSubmit.Key;
var groupDB = GetOrCreateDBGroup(groupID);

//add the entityComponents in the group
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
groupID, groupDB, wrapper, targetTypeSafeDictionary);

//Fill the DB with the entity components generated this frame.
dbDic.AddEntitiesFromDictionary(targetTypeSafeDictionary, (uint) groupID, this);
dbDic.AddEntitiesFromDictionary(targetTypeSafeDictionary, groupID, this);
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
foreach (var groupToSubmit in _groupedEntityToAdd.other)
var groupID = new ExclusiveGroupStruct(groupToSubmit.Key);
var groupID = groupToSubmit.Key;
var groupDB = GetDBGroup(groupID);
//entityComponentsToSubmit is the array of components found in the groupID per component type.
//if there are N entities to submit, and M components type to add for each entity, this foreach will run NxM times.
@@ -131,8 +131,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
var realDic = groupDB[new RefWrapperType(entityComponentsToSubmit.Key)];

_reactiveEnginesAddRemove, realDic, null, new ExclusiveGroupStruct(groupID)
, in profiler);
_reactiveEnginesAddRemove, realDic, null, groupID, in profiler);

numberOfOperations += entityComponentsToSubmit.Value.count;

+ 1
- 1
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/EntitiesDB.FindGroups.cs View File

@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
//if the same group is found used with both T1 and T2
if (groupID == fasterDictionaryNodes2[j].key)
result.Add(new ExclusiveGroupStruct(groupID));

+ 7
- 5
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/EntityFactory.cs View File

@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
static FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary> FetchEntityGroup
(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID, EnginesRoot.DoubleBufferedEntitiesToAdd groupEntityComponentsByType)
if (groupEntityComponentsByType.current.TryGetValue((uint) groupID, out var group) == false)
if (groupEntityComponentsByType.current.TryGetValue(groupID, out var group) == false)
group = new FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>();

groupEntityComponentsByType.current.Add((uint) groupID, group);
groupEntityComponentsByType.current.Add(groupID, group);

//track the number of entities created so far in the group.
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(componentBuilders != null, $"Invalid Entity Descriptor {descriptorType}");
var numberOfComponents = componentBuilders.Length;

@@ -81,7 +81,9 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
, IComponentBuilder componentBuilder, IEnumerable<object> implementors)
var entityComponentType = componentBuilder.GetEntityComponentType();
var safeDictionary = group.GetOrCreate(new RefWrapperType(entityComponentType), (ref IComponentBuilder cb) => cb.CreateDictionary(1), ref componentBuilder);
var safeDictionary = group.GetOrCreate(new RefWrapperType(entityComponentType)
, (ref IComponentBuilder cb) => cb.CreateDictionary(1)
, ref componentBuilder);

//if the safeDictionary hasn't been created yet, it will be created inside this method.
componentBuilder.BuildEntityAndAddToList(safeDictionary, entityID, implementors);

+ 1
- 1
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/EntityReference/EnginesRoot.LocatorMap.cs View File

@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

internal void UpdateAllGroupReferenceLocators(ExclusiveGroupStruct fromGroupId, uint toGroupId)
internal void UpdateAllGroupReferenceLocators(ExclusiveGroupStruct fromGroupId, ExclusiveGroupStruct toGroupId)
if (_egidToReferenceMap.TryGetValue(fromGroupId, out var groupMap) == false)

+ 38
- 28
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/GroupHashMap.cs View File

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
/// <summary>
/// c# Static constructors are guaranteed to be thread safe
/// </summary>
public static void Init()
List<Assembly> assemblies = AssemblyUtility.GetCompatibleAssemblies();
@@ -19,12 +18,13 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
var typeOfExclusiveGroup = typeof(ExclusiveGroup);
var typeOfExclusiveGroupStruct = typeof(ExclusiveGroupStruct);
var typeOfExclusiveGroup = typeof(ExclusiveGroup);
var typeOfExclusiveGroupStruct = typeof(ExclusiveGroupStruct);
foreach (Type type in AssemblyUtility.GetTypesSafe(assembly))
if (type != null && type.IsClass && type.IsSealed && type.IsAbstract) //this means only static classes
if (type != null && type.IsClass && type.IsSealed
&& type.IsAbstract) //this means only static classes
var fields = type.GetFields();

@@ -34,25 +34,27 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
if (typeOfExclusiveGroup.IsAssignableFrom(field.FieldType))
var group = (ExclusiveGroup)field.GetValue(null);
var name = $"{type.FullName}.{field.Name}";
GroupNamesMap.idToName[(uint)@group] = $"{name} {(uint)group})";
var group = (ExclusiveGroup) field.GetValue(null);
GroupNamesMap.idToName[@group] =
$"{$"{type.FullName}.{field.Name}"} {})";
RegisterGroup(group, name);
//The hashname is independent from the actual group ID. this is fundamental because it is want
//guarantees the hash to be the same across different machines
RegisterGroup(group, $"{type.FullName}.{field.Name}");
if (typeOfExclusiveGroupStruct.IsAssignableFrom(field.FieldType))
var group = (ExclusiveGroupStruct)field.GetValue(null);
var name = $"{type.FullName}.{field.Name}";
GroupNamesMap.idToName[(uint)@group] = $"{name} {(uint)group})";
var group = (ExclusiveGroupStruct) field.GetValue(null);
GroupNamesMap.idToName[@group] =
$"{$"{type.FullName}.{field.Name}"} {})";
RegisterGroup(@group, name);
//The hashname is independent from the actual group ID. this is fundamental because it is want
//guarantees the hash to be the same across different machines
RegisterGroup(@group, $"{type.FullName}.{field.Name}");
@@ -61,45 +63,53 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
"something went wrong while gathering group names on the assembly: ".FastConcat(assembly.FullName));
"something went wrong while gathering group names on the assembly: ".FastConcat(

/// <summary>
/// The hashname is independent from the actual group ID. this is fundamental because it is want
/// guarantees the hash to be the same across different machines
/// </summary>
/// <param name="exclusiveGroupStruct"></param>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <exception cref="ECSException"></exception>
public static void RegisterGroup(ExclusiveGroupStruct exclusiveGroupStruct, string name)
//Group already registered by another field referencing the same group
if (_hashByGroups.ContainsKey(exclusiveGroupStruct))
var nameHash = DesignatedHash.Hash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name));
if (_groupsByHash.ContainsKey(nameHash))
throw new ECSException($"Group hash collision with {name} and {_groupsByHash[nameHash]}");
Console.LogDebug($"Registering group {name} with ID {(uint)exclusiveGroupStruct} to {nameHash}");
Console.LogDebug($"Registering group {name} with ID {} to {nameHash}");
_groupsByHash.Add(nameHash, exclusiveGroupStruct);
_hashByGroups.Add(exclusiveGroupStruct, nameHash);
public static uint GetHashFromGroup(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupStruct)
if (_hashByGroups.ContainsKey(groupStruct) == false)
throw new ECSException($"Attempted to get hash from unregistered group {groupStruct}");
return _hashByGroups[groupStruct];
public static ExclusiveGroupStruct GetGroupFromHash(uint groupHash)
if (_groupsByHash.ContainsKey(groupHash) == false)
throw new ECSException($"Attempted to get group from unregistered hash {groupHash}");
return _groupsByHash[groupHash];

+ 6
- 6
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/GroupNamesMap.cs View File

@@ -4,23 +4,23 @@ using Svelto.ECS;
static class GroupNamesMap
static GroupNamesMap() { idToName = new Dictionary<uint, string>(); }
static GroupNamesMap() { idToName = new Dictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, string>(); }

internal static readonly Dictionary<uint, string> idToName;
internal static readonly Dictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, string> idToName;
public static string ToName(this in ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
var idToName = GroupNamesMap.idToName;
if (idToName.TryGetValue((uint)@group, out var name) == false)
name = $"<undefined:{((uint)group).ToString()}>";
Dictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, string> idToName = GroupNamesMap.idToName;
if (idToName.TryGetValue(@group, out var name) == false)
name = $"<undefined:{(}>";

return name;
public static string ToName(this in ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
return ((uint)group).ToString();
return ((uint)group.ToIDAndBitmask()).ToString();

+ 3
- 7
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/Groups/ExclusiveBuildGroup.cs View File

@@ -19,12 +19,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public static implicit operator ExclusiveGroupStruct(ExclusiveBuildGroup group)
return new ExclusiveGroupStruct(;
public static explicit operator uint(ExclusiveBuildGroup groupStruct)
return (uint) groupStruct.@group;
public override string ToString()
@@ -32,6 +27,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

internal ExclusiveGroupStruct @group { get; }
internal ExclusiveGroupStruct @group { get; }
public bool isInvalid => group == ExclusiveGroupStruct.Invalid;

+ 20
- 30
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/Groups/ExclusiveGroup.cs View File

@@ -23,59 +23,49 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public const uint MaxNumberOfExclusiveGroups = 2 << 20;

public ExclusiveGroup(ExclusiveGroupBitmask bitmask = 0)
public ExclusiveGroup()
_group = ExclusiveGroupStruct.Generate((byte) bitmask);
_group = ExclusiveGroupStruct.Generate();

public ExclusiveGroup(string recognizeAs, ExclusiveGroupBitmask bitmask = 0)
public ExclusiveGroup(string recognizeAs)
_group = ExclusiveGroupStruct.Generate((byte) bitmask);
_group = ExclusiveGroupStruct.Generate();

_knownGroups.Add(recognizeAs, _group);

public ExclusiveGroup(ExclusiveGroupBitmask bitmask)
_group = ExclusiveGroupStruct.Generate((byte) bitmask);
public ExclusiveGroup(ushort range)
_group = new ExclusiveGroupStruct(range);
_group = ExclusiveGroupStruct.GenerateWithRange(range);
_range = range;

public void Disable()

public void Enable()

public static implicit operator ExclusiveGroupStruct(ExclusiveGroup group)
return group._group;

public static explicit operator uint(ExclusiveGroup group)
return (uint) @group._group;

public static ExclusiveGroupStruct operator +(ExclusiveGroup a, uint b)
public static ExclusiveGroupStruct operator+(ExclusiveGroup @group, uint b)
if (a._range == 0)
throw new ECSException($"Adding values to a not ranged ExclusiveGroup: {(uint) a}");
if (b >= a._range)
throw new ECSException($"Using out of range group: {(uint) a} + {b}");
if (@group._range == 0)
throw new ECSException($"Adding values to a not ranged ExclusiveGroup: {}");
if (b >= @group._range)
throw new ECSException($"Using out of range group: {} + {b}");
return a._group + b;
return group._group + b;

public uint id =>;

//todo document the use case for this method
public static ExclusiveGroupStruct Search(string holderGroupName)
@@ -96,6 +86,6 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
readonly ushort _range;
ExclusiveGroupStruct _group;
readonly ExclusiveGroupStruct _group;

+ 84
- 47
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/Groups/ExclusiveGroupStruct.cs View File

@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Svelto.DataStructures;
using System.Threading;

namespace Svelto.ECS
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 4)]
//the type doesn't implement IEqualityComparer, what implements it is a custom comparer
public struct ExclusiveGroupStruct : IEquatable<ExclusiveGroupStruct>, IComparable<ExclusiveGroupStruct>
public readonly struct ExclusiveGroupStruct : IEquatable<ExclusiveGroupStruct>, IComparable<ExclusiveGroupStruct>
public static readonly ExclusiveGroupStruct Invalid = default; //must stay here because of Burst

public ExclusiveGroupStruct(byte[] data, uint pos):this()
_id = (uint)(
_idInternal = (uint)(
| data[++pos] << 8
| data[++pos] << 16
_bytemask = (byte) (data[++pos] << 24);

DBC.ECS.Check.Ensure(_id < _globalId, "Invalid group ID deserialiased");
DBC.ECS.Check.Ensure(id < _globalId, "Invalid group ID deserialiased");

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public override int GetHashCode()
return (int) _id;
return (int) id;

@@ -50,86 +50,123 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public bool Equals(ExclusiveGroupStruct other)
return other._id == _id;
if (( != || other._bytemask == this._bytemask) == false)
throw new ECSException(
"if the groups are correctly initialised, two groups with the same ID and different bitmask cannot exist");
return ==;

public int CompareTo(ExclusiveGroupStruct other)
return other._id.CompareTo(_id);

public readonly bool IsEnabled()
public bool IsEnabled()
return (_bytemask & (byte)ExclusiveGroupBitmask.DISABLED_BIT) == 0;

internal void Disable()
_bytemask |= (byte)ExclusiveGroupBitmask.DISABLED_BIT;

internal void Enable()
_bytemask &= (byte)(~ExclusiveGroupBitmask.DISABLED_BIT);

public override string ToString()
return this.ToName();
public bool isInvalid => this == Invalid;
public uint id => _idInternal & 0xFFFFFF;

public static explicit operator uint(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupStruct)
return groupStruct._id;
public uint ToIDAndBitmask() => _idInternal;

public static ExclusiveGroupStruct operator+(ExclusiveGroupStruct a, uint b)
var group = new ExclusiveGroupStruct {_id = a._id + b};

var aID = + b;
if (aID >= 0xFFFFFF)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
var group = new ExclusiveGroupStruct(aID);
return @group;

internal static ExclusiveGroupStruct Generate(byte bitmask = 0)
internal static ExclusiveGroupStruct Generate()
ExclusiveGroupStruct groupStruct;

groupStruct._id = _globalId;
groupStruct._bytemask = bitmask;
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(_globalId + 1 < ExclusiveGroup.MaxNumberOfExclusiveGroups, "too many exclusive groups created");
var newValue = Interlocked.Increment(ref _staticGlobalID);
ExclusiveGroupStruct groupStruct = new ExclusiveGroupStruct((uint) newValue - (uint) 1);
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(_globalId < ExclusiveGroup.MaxNumberOfExclusiveGroups, "too many exclusive groups created");

return groupStruct;

internal ExclusiveGroupStruct(ExclusiveGroupStruct @group):this() { this = group; }
internal static ExclusiveGroupStruct Generate(byte bitmask)
var newValue = Interlocked.Increment(ref _staticGlobalID);
ExclusiveGroupStruct groupStruct = new ExclusiveGroupStruct((uint) newValue - (uint) 1, bitmask);
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(_globalId < ExclusiveGroup.MaxNumberOfExclusiveGroups, "too many exclusive groups created");

return groupStruct;

/// <summary>
/// Use this constructor to reserve N groups
/// Use this to reserve N groups. We of course assign the current ID and then increment the index
/// by range so that the next reserved index will take the range in consideration. This method is used
/// internally by ExclusiveGroup.
/// </summary>
internal ExclusiveGroupStruct(ushort range):this()
internal static ExclusiveGroupStruct GenerateWithRange(ushort range)
_id = _globalId;
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(_globalId + range < ExclusiveGroup.MaxNumberOfExclusiveGroups, "too many exclusive groups created");
_globalId += range;
var newValue = Interlocked.Add(ref _staticGlobalID, (int)range);
ExclusiveGroupStruct groupStruct = new ExclusiveGroupStruct((uint) newValue - (uint)range);
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(_globalId < ExclusiveGroup.MaxNumberOfExclusiveGroups, "too many exclusive groups created");

return groupStruct;

/// <summary>
/// used internally only by the framework to convert uint in to groups. ID must be generated by the framework
/// so only the framework can assure that this method is not being abused
/// </summary>
internal ExclusiveGroupStruct(uint groupID):this()
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(groupID < 0xFFFFFF);
_id = groupID;
if (groupID >= 0xFFFFFF)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
_idInternal = groupID;
ExclusiveGroupStruct(uint groupID, byte bytemask):this()
if (groupID >= 0xFFFFFF)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
_idInternal = groupID;
_bytemask = bytemask;
static ExclusiveGroupStruct()
_staticGlobalID = 1;

[FieldOffset(0)] uint _id;
[FieldOffset(3)] byte _bytemask;
[FieldOffset(0)] readonly uint _idInternal;
//byte mask can be used to add special flags to specific groups that can be checked for example when swapping groups
//however at the moment we are not letting the user access it, because if we do so we should give access only to
//4 bits are the other 4 bits will stay reserved for Svelto use (at the moment of writing using only the disable
[FieldOffset(3)] readonly byte _bytemask;

static uint _globalId = 1; //it starts from 1 because default EGID is considered not initialized value
static int _staticGlobalID;
static uint _globalId => (uint) _staticGlobalID;

+ 123
- 106
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/Groups/GroupCompound.cs View File

@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ using Svelto.DataStructures;
namespace Svelto.ECS
/// <summary>
/// This mechanism is not for thread-safety but to be sure that all the permutations of group tags always
/// point to the same group ID.
/// A group compound can generate several permutation of tags, so that the order of the tag doesn't matter,
/// but for this to work, each permutation must be identified by the same ID (generated by the unique combination)
/// This mechanism is not for thread-safety but to be sure that all the permutations of group tags always
/// point to the same group ID.
/// A group compound can generate several permutation of tags, so that the order of the tag doesn't matter,
/// but for this to work, each permutation must be identified by the same ID (generated by the unique combination)
/// </summary>
static class GroupCompoundInitializer
@@ -23,34 +23,26 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
where G3 : GroupTag<G3>
where G4 : GroupTag<G4>
static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups;
static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;

public static FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> Groups =>
new FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups);

public static ExclusiveBuildGroup BuildGroup => new ExclusiveBuildGroup(_Groups[0]);

static int isInitializing;

static GroupCompound()
//avoid race conditions if compounds are using on multiple thread
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isInitializing, 1, 0) == 0
&& GroupCompoundInitializer.skipStaticCompoundConstructorsWith4Tags.Value == false)
_Groups = new FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(1);
var group = new ExclusiveGroup(); //todo: it's a bit of a waste to create a class here even if this is a static constructor

var group = new ExclusiveGroup();
_Groups = new FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(1);
var name =
$"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name}-{typeof(G3).Name}-{typeof(G4).Name} ID {(uint) group}";
GroupNamesMap.idToName[(uint) group] = name;
var name =
$"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name}-{typeof(G3).Name}-{typeof(G4).Name} ID {(uint)}";
GroupNamesMap.idToName[group] = name;
GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(group, name);
//The hashname is independent from the actual group ID. this is fundamental because it is want
//guarantees the hash to be the same across different machines
GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(group, typeof(GroupCompound<G1, G2, G3, G4>).FullName);

_GroupsHashSet = new HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups.ToArrayFast(out _));

GroupCompoundInitializer.skipStaticCompoundConstructorsWith4Tags.Value = true;
@@ -80,7 +72,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
GroupCompound<G4, G2, G3, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
GroupCompound<G4, G3, G1, G2>._Groups = _Groups;
GroupCompound<G4, G3, G2, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
//all the permutations are warmed up now
GroupCompoundInitializer.skipStaticCompoundConstructorsWith4Tags.Value = false;

@@ -107,7 +99,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
GroupCompound<G4, G2, G3, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
GroupCompound<G4, G3, G1, G2>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
GroupCompound<G4, G3, G2, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
GroupCompound<G1, G2, G3>.Add(group);
GroupCompound<G1, G2, G4>.Add(group);
GroupCompound<G1, G3, G4>.Add(group);
@@ -129,66 +121,56 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

internal static void Add(ExclusiveGroupStruct @group)
for (int i = 0; i < _Groups.count; ++i)
if (_Groups[i] == group)
throw new Exception("temporary must be transformed in unit test");


public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct @group)
return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(@group);

public abstract class GroupCompound<G1, G2, G3>
where G1 : GroupTag<G1> where G2 : GroupTag<G2> where G3 : GroupTag<G3>
static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups;
static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;

public static FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> Groups =>
new FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups);

public static ExclusiveBuildGroup BuildGroup => new ExclusiveBuildGroup(_Groups[0]);

static int isInitializing;
public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(group);

internal static void Add(ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
for (var i = 0; i < _Groups.count; ++i)
if (_Groups[i] == group)
throw new Exception("temporary must be transformed in unit test");
throw new Exception("this test must be transformed in unit test");

static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups;
static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;

public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct @group)
return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(@group);
//we are changing this with Interlocked, so it cannot be readonly
static int isInitializing;

public abstract class GroupCompound<G1, G2, G3>
where G1 : GroupTag<G1> where G2 : GroupTag<G2> where G3 : GroupTag<G3>
static GroupCompound()
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isInitializing, 1, 0) == 0 &&
GroupCompoundInitializer.skipStaticCompoundConstructorsWith3Tags.Value == false)
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isInitializing, 1, 0) == 0
&& GroupCompoundInitializer.skipStaticCompoundConstructorsWith3Tags.Value == false)
_Groups = new FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(1);
var group = new ExclusiveGroup(); //todo: it's a bit of a waste to create a class here even if this is a static constructor

var group = new ExclusiveGroup();
_Groups = new FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(1);

var name = $"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name}-{typeof(G3).Name} ID {(uint) group}";
GroupNamesMap.idToName[(uint) group] = name;
var name = $"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name}-{typeof(G3).Name} ID {(uint)}";
GroupNamesMap.idToName[group] = name;
GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(group, name);
//The hashname is independent from the actual group ID. this is fundamental because it is want
//guarantees the hash to be the same across different machines
GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(group, typeof(GroupCompound<G1, G2, G3>).FullName);

_GroupsHashSet = new HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups.ToArrayFast(out _));

GroupCompoundInitializer.skipStaticCompoundConstructorsWith3Tags.Value = true;
@@ -208,7 +190,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
GroupCompound<G3, G2, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
GroupCompound<G1, G3, G2>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
GroupCompound<G2, G1, G3>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
GroupCompound<G1, G2>.Add(group); //<G1/G2> and <G2/G1> must share the same array
GroupCompound<G1, G3>.Add(group);
GroupCompound<G2, G3>.Add(group);
@@ -220,122 +202,157 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

public abstract class GroupCompound<G1, G2> where G1 : GroupTag<G1> where G2 : GroupTag<G2>
static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups;
static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;

public static FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> Groups =>
new FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups);

public static ExclusiveBuildGroup BuildGroup => new ExclusiveBuildGroup(_Groups[0]);

static int isInitializing;
public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(group);

internal static void Add(ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
for (var i = 0; i < _Groups.count; ++i)
if (_Groups[i] == group)
throw new Exception("temporary must be transformed in unit test");
throw new Exception("this test must be transformed in unit test");

static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups;
static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;

public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct @group)
return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(@group);
//we are changing this with Interlocked, so it cannot be readonly
static int isInitializing;

public abstract class GroupCompound<G1, G2> where G1 : GroupTag<G1> where G2 : GroupTag<G2>
static GroupCompound()
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isInitializing, 1, 0) == 0 &&
GroupCompoundInitializer.skipStaticCompoundConstructorsWith2Tags.Value == false)
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isInitializing, 1, 0) == 0
&& GroupCompoundInitializer.skipStaticCompoundConstructorsWith2Tags.Value == false)
var group = new ExclusiveGroup();
var group = new ExclusiveGroup(); //todo: it's a bit of a waste to create a class here even if this is a static constructor

_Groups = new FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(1);

var groupName = $"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name} ID {(uint) group}";
GroupNamesMap.idToName[(uint) group] = groupName;
GroupNamesMap.idToName[group] = $"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name} ID {}";
GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(group, groupName);
//The hashname is independent from the actual group ID. this is fundamental because it is want
//guarantees the hash to be the same across different machines
GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(group, typeof(GroupCompound<G1, G2>).FullName);

_GroupsHashSet = new HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups.ToArrayFast(out _));

GroupCompoundInitializer.skipStaticCompoundConstructorsWith2Tags.Value = true;
GroupCompound<G2, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
GroupCompoundInitializer.skipStaticCompoundConstructorsWith2Tags.Value = false;
GroupCompound<G2, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
//every abstract group preemptively adds this group, it may or may not be empty in future

/// <summary>
///A Group Tag holds initially just a group, itself. However the number of groups can grow with the number of
///combinations of GroupTags including this one. This because a GroupTag is an adjective and different entities
///can use the same adjective together with other ones. However since I need to be able to iterate over all the
///groups with the same adjective, a group tag needs to hold all the groups sharing it.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public abstract class GroupTag<T> where T : GroupTag<T>
static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups = new FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(1);
static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;

public static FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> Groups =>
new FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups);

public static ExclusiveBuildGroup BuildGroup => new ExclusiveBuildGroup(_Groups[0]);

public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(group);

internal static void Add(ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
for (var i = 0; i < _Groups.count; ++i)
if (_Groups[i] == group)
throw new Exception("this test must be transformed in unit test");

static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups;
static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;

static int isInitializing;

/// <summary>
/// A Group Tag holds initially just a group, itself. However the number of groups can grow with the number of
/// combinations of GroupTags including this one. This because a GroupTag is an adjective and different entities
/// can use the same adjective together with other ones. However since I need to be able to iterate over all the
/// groups with the same adjective, a group tag needs to hold all the groups sharing it.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public abstract class GroupTag<T> where T : GroupTag<T>
static GroupTag()
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isInitializing, 1, 0) == 0)
var group = new ExclusiveGroup();

var typeInfo = typeof(T);
var name = $"Compound: {typeInfo.Name} ID {(uint)}";
var name = $"Compound: {typeInfo.Name} ID {(uint) @group}";
var typeInfoBaseType = typeInfo.BaseType;
if (typeInfoBaseType.GenericTypeArguments[0] != typeInfo)
if (typeInfoBaseType.GenericTypeArguments[0] != typeInfo) //todo: this should shield from using a pattern different than public class GROUP_NAME : GroupTag<GROUP_NAME> {} however I am not sure it's working
throw new ECSException("Invalid Group Tag declared");
GroupNamesMap.idToName[(uint) group] = name;
GroupNamesMap.idToName[group] = name;
GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(group, name);
//The hashname is independent from the actual group ID. this is fundamental because it is want
//guarantees the hash to be the same across different machines
GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(group, typeof(GroupTag<T>).FullName);

_GroupsHashSet = new HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups.ToArrayFast(out _));

public static FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> Groups =>
new FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups);

public static ExclusiveBuildGroup BuildGroup => new ExclusiveBuildGroup(_Groups[0]);

public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(group);

//Each time a new combination of group tags is found a new group is added.
internal static void Add(ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
for (var i = 0; i < _Groups.count; ++i)
if (_Groups[i] == group)
throw new Exception("temporary must be transformed in unit test");
throw new Exception("this test must be transformed in unit test");

static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups = new FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(1);
static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;

public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct @group)
return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(@group);
//we are changing this with Interlocked, so it cannot be readonly
static int isInitializing;

+ 3
- 1
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Core/Groups/NamedExclusiveGroup.cs View File

@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
static NamedExclusiveGroup()
GroupNamesMap.idToName[(uint) Group] = $"{name} ID {(uint)Group}";
GroupNamesMap.idToName[Group] = $"{name} ID {}";
//The hashname is independent from the actual group ID. this is fundamental because it is want
//guarantees the hash to be the same across different machines
GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(Group, $"{name}");
// protected NamedExclusiveGroup(string recognizeAs) : base(recognizeAs) {}

+ 2
- 1
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/DataStructures/ITypeSafeDictionary.cs View File

@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
void ExecuteEnginesRemoveCallbacks(FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer>> entityComponentEnginesDB,
in PlatformProfiler profiler, ExclusiveGroupStruct @group);
void AddEntitiesFromDictionary(ITypeSafeDictionary entitiesToSubmit, uint groupId, EnginesRoot enginesRoot);
void AddEntitiesFromDictionary
(ITypeSafeDictionary entitiesToSubmit, ExclusiveGroupStruct groupId, EnginesRoot enginesRoot);
void AddEntityToDictionary(EGID fromEntityGid, EGID toEntityID, ITypeSafeDictionary toGroup);
void RemoveEntityFromDictionary(EGID fromEntityGid);

+ 55
- 54
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/DataStructures/TypeSafeDictionary.cs View File

@@ -8,29 +8,24 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
sealed class TypeSafeDictionary<TValue> : ITypeSafeDictionary<TValue> where TValue : struct, IEntityComponent
static readonly Type _type = typeof(TValue);
static readonly bool _hasEgid = typeof(INeedEGID).IsAssignableFrom(_type);
static readonly bool _hasReference = typeof(INeedEntityReference).IsAssignableFrom(_type);
static readonly Type _type = typeof(TValue);
static readonly bool _hasEgid = typeof(INeedEGID).IsAssignableFrom(_type);
static readonly bool _hasReference = typeof(INeedEntityReference).IsAssignableFrom(_type);

internal static readonly bool isUnmanaged =
_type.IsUnmanagedEx() && (typeof(IEntityViewComponent).IsAssignableFrom(_type) == false);

internal SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, ManagedStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>, ManagedStrategy<TValue>,
ManagedStrategy<int>> implMgd;

//used directly by native methods
internal SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, NativeStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>, NativeStrategy<TValue>,
NativeStrategy<int>> implUnmgd;

public TypeSafeDictionary(uint size)
if (isUnmanaged)
implUnmgd = new SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, NativeStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>,
NativeStrategy<TValue>, NativeStrategy<int>>(size, Allocator.Persistent);
implUnmgd =
new SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, NativeStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>,
NativeStrategy<TValue>, NativeStrategy<int>>(size, Allocator.Persistent);
implMgd = new SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, ManagedStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>,
ManagedStrategy<TValue>, ManagedStrategy<int>>(size, Allocator.Managed);
implMgd =
new SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, ManagedStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>,
ManagedStrategy<TValue>, ManagedStrategy<int>>(size, Allocator.Managed);

@@ -42,7 +37,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
implMgd.Add(egidEntityId, entityComponent);
/// todo: Is this really needed, cannot I just use AddEntitiesFromDictionary? Needs to be checked
public void AddEntityToDictionary(EGID fromEntityGid, EGID toEntityID, ITypeSafeDictionary toGroup)
@@ -88,7 +83,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
/// <param name="enginesRoot"></param>
/// <exception cref="TypeSafeDictionaryException"></exception>
public void AddEntitiesFromDictionary
(ITypeSafeDictionary entitiesToSubmit, uint groupId, EnginesRoot enginesRoot)
(ITypeSafeDictionary entitiesToSubmit, ExclusiveGroupStruct groupId, EnginesRoot enginesRoot)
var safeDictionary = (entitiesToSubmit as TypeSafeDictionary<TValue>);
if (isUnmanaged)
@@ -100,9 +95,8 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
var egid = new EGID(tuple.Key, groupId);
if (_hasEgid)
ref tuple.Value, egid);
SetEGIDWithoutBoxing<TValue>.SetIDWithoutBoxing(ref tuple.Value, egid);

if (_hasReference)
ref tuple.Value, enginesRoot.entityLocator.GetEntityReference(egid));
@@ -112,7 +106,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
catch (Exception e)
e, "trying to add an EntityComponent with the same ID more than once Entity: ".FastConcat(typeof(TValue).ToString()).FastConcat(", group ").FastConcat(groupId).FastConcat(", id ").FastConcat(tuple.Key));
e, "trying to add an EntityComponent with the same ID more than once Entity: ".FastConcat(typeof(TValue).ToString()).FastConcat(", group ").FastConcat(groupId.ToName()).FastConcat(", id ").FastConcat(tuple.Key));

@@ -133,7 +127,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
catch (Exception e)
e, "trying to add an EntityComponent with the same ID more than once Entity: ".FastConcat(typeof(TValue).ToString()).FastConcat(", group ").FastConcat(groupId).FastConcat(", id ").FastConcat(tuple.Key));
e, "trying to add an EntityComponent with the same ID more than once Entity: ".FastConcat(typeof(TValue).ToString()).FastConcat(", group ").FastConcat(groupId.ToName()).FastConcat(", id ").FastConcat(tuple.Key));

@@ -207,7 +201,10 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal

public ITypeSafeDictionary Create() { return TypeSafeDictionaryFactory<TValue>.Create(1); }
public ITypeSafeDictionary Create()
return TypeSafeDictionaryFactory<TValue>.Create(1);

public uint GetIndex(uint valueEntityId)
@@ -297,7 +294,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
var index = toGroupCasted.GetIndex(toEntityID.Value.entityID);

ExecuteEnginesAddOrSwapCallbacksOnSingleEntity(engines, ref toGroupCasted.GetDirectValueByRef(index)
, previousGroup, in profiler, toEntityID.Value);
, previousGroup, in profiler, toEntityID.Value);
@@ -323,7 +320,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
var index = toGroupCasted.GetIndex(toEntityID.Value.entityID);

ExecuteEnginesAddOrSwapCallbacksOnSingleEntity(engines, ref toGroupCasted.GetDirectValueByRef(index)
, previousGroup, in profiler, toEntityID.Value);
, previousGroup, in profiler, toEntityID.Value);
@@ -465,28 +462,14 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal

static void ExecuteEnginesRemoveCallbackOnSingleEntity
(FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer>> engines, ref TValue entity
, in PlatformProfiler profiler, EGID egid)
public void Dispose()
if (!engines.TryGetValue(new RefWrapperType(_type), out var entityComponentsEngines))

for (var i = 0; i < entityComponentsEngines.count; i++)
using (profiler.Sample(entityComponentsEngines[i].name))
(entityComponentsEngines[i].engine as IReactOnAddAndRemove<TValue>).Remove(ref entity, egid);
"Code crashed inside Remove callback ".FastConcat(typeof(TValue).ToString()));
if (isUnmanaged)


void ExecuteEnginesAddOrSwapCallbacksOnSingleEntity
@@ -509,8 +492,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
"Code crashed inside Add callback ".FastConcat(typeof(TValue).ToString()));
Console.LogError("Code crashed inside Add callback ".FastConcat(typeof(TValue).ToString()));

@@ -528,22 +510,41 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
catch (Exception)
"Code crashed inside MoveTo callback ".FastConcat(typeof(TValue).ToString()));
Console.LogError("Code crashed inside MoveTo callback ".FastConcat(typeof(TValue).ToString()));


public void Dispose()
static void ExecuteEnginesRemoveCallbackOnSingleEntity
(FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer>> engines, ref TValue entity
, in PlatformProfiler profiler, EGID egid)
if (isUnmanaged)
if (!engines.TryGetValue(new RefWrapperType(_type), out var entityComponentsEngines))

for (var i = 0; i < entityComponentsEngines.count; i++)
using (profiler.Sample(entityComponentsEngines[i].name))
(entityComponentsEngines[i].engine as IReactOnAddAndRemove<TValue>).Remove(ref entity, egid);
Console.LogError("Code crashed inside Remove callback ".FastConcat(typeof(TValue).ToString()));


internal SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, ManagedStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>, ManagedStrategy<TValue>,
ManagedStrategy<int>> implMgd;

//used directly by native methods
internal SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, NativeStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>, NativeStrategy<TValue>,
NativeStrategy<int>> implUnmgd;

+ 5
- 2
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/DataStructures/Unmanaged/NativeDynamicArray.cs View File

@@ -377,8 +377,11 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.DataStructures
[global::Unity.Burst.NoAlias] [global::Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction]
unsafe UnsafeArray* _list;

+ 7
- 7
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Dispatcher/ReactiveValue.cs View File

@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
if (_notifyOnChange == ReactiveType.ReactOnSet ||
EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(_value) == false)
if (_notifyOnChange == ReactiveType.ReactOnSet || _comp.Equals(_value, value) == false)
if (_paused == false)
_subscriber(_senderID, value);
@@ -82,11 +81,12 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
_paused = true;

readonly ReactiveType _notifyOnChange;
readonly EntityReference _senderID;
bool _paused;
Action<EntityReference, T> _subscriber;
T _value;
readonly ReactiveType _notifyOnChange;
readonly EntityReference _senderID;
bool _paused;
Action<EntityReference, T> _subscriber;
T _value;
static readonly EqualityComparer<T> _comp = EqualityComparer<T>.Default;

public enum ReactiveType

+ 1
- 1
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Extensions/Svelto/AllGroupsEnumerable.cs View File

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

_array.collection = new EntityCollection<T1>(typeSafeDictionary.GetValues(out var count), count);
_array.@group = new ExclusiveGroupStruct(group.Key);
_array.@group = group.Key;

return true;

+ 1
- 1
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Extensions/Unity/DOTS/Native/EnginesRoot.NativeOperation.cs View File

@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
var reference = buffer.Dequeue<EntityReference>();
var componentCounts = buffer.Dequeue<uint>();

Check.Require((uint)egid.groupID != 0, "invalid group detected, are you using new ExclusiveGroupStruct() instead of new ExclusiveGroup()?");
Check.Require(egid.groupID.isInvalid == false, "invalid group detected, are you using new ExclusiveGroupStruct() instead of new ExclusiveGroup()?");

var componentBuilders = _nativeAddOperations[componentsIndex].components;

+ 3
- 3
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Extensions/Unity/DOTS/UECS/UECSSveltoEGID.cs View File

@@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Extensions.Unity

public struct UECSSveltoGroupID : ISharedComponentData
public readonly uint group;
public readonly ExclusiveGroupStruct group;

public UECSSveltoGroupID(ExclusiveGroupStruct exclusiveGroup)
@group = (uint) exclusiveGroup;
@group = exclusiveGroup;

public static implicit operator ExclusiveGroupStruct(UECSSveltoGroupID group)
return new ExclusiveGroupStruct(group.@group);
return group.@group;

+ 1
- 1
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Serialization/EnginesRoot.SerializableEntityHeader.cs View File

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS[serializationData.dataPos++] = (byte) ((entityID >> 24) & 0xff);

// Splitting the groupID (uint, 32 bit) into four bytes.
uint groupID = (uint) egid.groupID;
var groupID = egid.groupID.ToIDAndBitmask();[serializationData.dataPos++] = (byte) (groupID & 0xff);[serializationData.dataPos++] = (byte) ((groupID >> 8) & 0xff);[serializationData.dataPos++] = (byte) ((groupID >> 16) & 0xff);

+ 2
- 2
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/Svelto.ECS.csproj View File

@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
<PackageReference Include="System.Memory" Version="4.5.2" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe" Version="4.6.0" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Memory" Version="4.5.4" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe" Version="5.0.0" />
<None Remove="**\*.meta" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\com.sebaslab.svelto.common\Svelto.Common.csproj" /> <!-- Do not delete. Used for nuget packing -->

+ 2
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com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/package.json View File

@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
"category": "Svelto",
"description": "Svelto ECS C# Lightweight Data Oriented Entity Component System Framework",
"dependencies": {
"com.sebaslab.svelto.common": "3.2.1"
"com.sebaslab.svelto.common": "3.2.2"
"keywords": [
"name": "com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs",
"version": "3.2.2",
"version": "3.2.3",
"type": "library",
"unity": "2019.3"

+ 1
- 1
com.sebaslab.svelto.ecs/version.json View File

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
"version": "3.2.2"
"version": "3.2.3"
