Browse Source

mega refactoring, now EntityView and EntityStructs use almost exactly the same code

introduced EntityViewStruct
cut a lot of code not needed anymore
breaking change engines add and remove callback now accept only ref params
breaking change QueryEntityViewsAsArray renamed in to QueryEntityViewsCacheFriendly
sebas77 6 years ago
25 changed files with 273 additions and 815 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +2
  3. +62
  4. +0
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  9. +5
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  11. +16
  12. +21
  13. +42
  14. +0
  15. +16
  16. +29
  17. +1
  18. +1
  19. +18
  20. +3
  21. +5
  22. +0
  23. +7
  24. +3
  25. +3

+ 1
- 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 460c00846a3b547c4567aec8bdfff82a9861869c
Subproject commit 3c1360fcb86cdb70dcb00149a26d2064ec6fbe63

+ 2
- 1
Svelto.ECS.csproj View File

@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="System.Reflection" Version="4.3.0" />

+ 62
- 14
Svelto.ECS/DataStructures/TypeSafeDictionary.cs View File

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Svelto.DataStructures;

@@ -13,20 +13,31 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
/// </summary>
public interface ITypeSafeDictionary
void FillWithIndexedEntityViews(ITypeSafeList entityViews);
bool Remove(EGID entityId);
IEntityData GetIndexedEntityView(EGID entityID);
void RemoveEntityFromDicAndEngines(EGID entityGid,
Dictionary<Type, FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>>
void RemoveEntityViewsFromEngines(
Dictionary<Type, FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>> entityViewEngines);
void AddCapacity(int size);
bool Remove(long idGid);
ITypeSafeDictionary Create();
int Count { get; }
void FillWithIndexedEntityViews(ITypeSafeDictionary entityViews);
void AddEntityViewsToEngines(FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted> enginesForEntityView);

class TypeSafeDictionaryForClass<TValue> : Dictionary<long, TValue>, ITypeSafeDictionary where TValue : IEntityData
class TypeSafeDictionary<TValue> : FasterDictionary<long, TValue>, ITypeSafeDictionary where TValue : IEntityData
internal static readonly ReadOnlyDictionary<long, TValue> Default =
new ReadOnlyDictionary<long, TValue>(new Dictionary<long, TValue>());
public TypeSafeDictionary(int size):base(size)

public void FillWithIndexedEntityViews(ITypeSafeList entityViews)
public TypeSafeDictionary()

public void FillWithIndexedEntityViews(ITypeSafeDictionary entityViews)
int count;
var buffer = FasterList<TValue>.NoVirt.ToArrayFast((FasterList<TValue>) entityViews, out count);
var buffer = (entityViews as TypeSafeDictionary<TValue>).GetFasterValuesBuffer(out count);

@@ -43,16 +54,53 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal

public bool Remove(EGID entityId)
public void AddEntityViewsToEngines(FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted> enginesForEntityView)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public void RemoveEntityFromDicAndEngines(EGID entityGid,
Dictionary<Type, FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>>
TValue entity = this[entityGid.GID];

RemoveEntityViewsFromEngines(entityViewEnginesDB, ref entity);


public void RemoveEntityViewsFromEngines(Dictionary<Type, FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>> entityViewEnginesDB, ref TValue entity)
FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted> entityViewsEngines;
if (entityViewEnginesDB.TryGetValue(typeof(TValue), out entityViewsEngines))
for (int i = 0; i < entityViewEnginesDB.Count; i++)
(entityViewsEngines[i] as IHandleEntityStructEngine<TValue>).Remove(ref entity);
public void RemoveEntityViewsFromEngines(Dictionary<Type, FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>> entityViewEnginesDB)
int count;
TValue[] values = this.GetFasterValuesBuffer(out count);

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
TValue entity = values[i];

return Count > 0;
RemoveEntityViewsFromEngines(entityViewEnginesDB, ref entity);

public void AddCapacity(int size)
throw new NotImplementedException();

public IEntityData GetIndexedEntityView(EGID entityID)
public ITypeSafeDictionary Create()
return this[entityID.GID];
return new TypeSafeDictionary<TValue>();

+ 0
- 225
Svelto.ECS/DataStructures/TypeSafeFasterListForECS.cs View File

@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DBC;
using Svelto.DataStructures;

namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
public interface ITypeSafeList : IEnumerable
bool isQueryiableEntityView { get; }
void AddRange(ITypeSafeList entityViewListValue);

ITypeSafeList Create();
bool MappedRemove(EGID entityID);
ITypeSafeDictionary CreateIndexedDictionary();
EGIDEnumerator EntityIDS();
void AddCapacity(int capacity);

void Fill(FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted> enginesForEntityView);

public struct EGIDEnumerator:IEnumerable, IEnumerator
Dictionary<long, int>.Enumerator _keysEnumerator;

public EGIDEnumerator(Dictionary<long, int> mappedIndices)
_keysEnumerator = mappedIndices.GetEnumerator();

public bool MoveNext()
return _keysEnumerator.MoveNext();

public void Reset()
throw new NotImplementedException();

public object Current { get { return new EGID(_keysEnumerator.Current.Key);} }
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return this;

class TypeSafeFasterListForECS<T> : FasterList<T> where T : IEntityData
protected TypeSafeFasterListForECS()
_mappedIndices = new Dictionary<long, int>();

protected TypeSafeFasterListForECS(int size) : base(size)
_mappedIndices = new Dictionary<long, int>();

public bool MappedRemove(EGID entityID)
var index = _mappedIndices[entityID.GID];

Check.Assert(entityID.GID == this[index].ID.GID,
"Something went wrong with the Svelto.ECS code, please contact the author");


if (UnorderedRemoveAt(index))
_mappedIndices[this[index].ID.GID] = index;

return Count > 0;

public void AddRange(ITypeSafeList entityViewListValue)
var index = Count;

base.AddRange(entityViewListValue as FasterList<T>);

for (var i = index; i < Count; ++i)
_mappedIndices.Add(this[i].ID.GID, i);
catch (Exception e)
throw new TypeSafeFasterListForECSException(e);

public new void Add(T entityView)
var index = Count;


_mappedIndices.Add(entityView.ID.GID, index);
catch (Exception e)
throw new TypeSafeFasterListForECSException(e);

public void AddCapacity(int capacity)
if (ToArrayFast().Length < Count + capacity)
Resize(Count + capacity);

public int GetIndexFromID(EGID entityID)
return _mappedIndices[entityID.GID];
public EGIDEnumerator EntityIDS()
return new EGIDEnumerator(_mappedIndices);

readonly Dictionary<long, int> _mappedIndices;

class TypeSafeFasterListForECSForStructs<T> : TypeSafeFasterListForECS<T>, ITypeSafeList where T:struct, IEntityData
public TypeSafeFasterListForECSForStructs(int size) : base(size)

public TypeSafeFasterListForECSForStructs()

public ITypeSafeList Create()
return new TypeSafeFasterListForECSForStructs<T>();

public bool isQueryiableEntityView
get { return false; }

public ITypeSafeDictionary CreateIndexedDictionary()
throw new NotImplementedException();

public void Fill(FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted> enginesForEntityView)
var thisfastList = NoVirt.ToArrayFast(this);
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
int count;
var fastList = FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>.NoVirt.ToArrayFast(enginesForEntityView, out count);
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
EngineProfiler.MonitorAddDuration<T>(fastList[j], entityView);
(fastList[j] as IHandleEntityStructEngine<T>).Add(ref thisfastList[j]);

public ITypeSafeList Create(int size)
return new TypeSafeFasterListForECSForStructs<T>(size);
class TypeSafeFasterListForECSForClasses<T> : TypeSafeFasterListForECS<T>, ITypeSafeList where T:IEntityData, new()
public TypeSafeFasterListForECSForClasses(int size) : base(size)

public TypeSafeFasterListForECSForClasses()

public ITypeSafeList Create()
return new TypeSafeFasterListForECSForClasses<T>();

public bool isQueryiableEntityView
get { return true; }

public ITypeSafeDictionary CreateIndexedDictionary()
return new TypeSafeDictionaryForClass<T>();

public void Fill(FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted> enginesForEntityView)
var thisfastList = NoVirt.ToArrayFast(this);
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
int count;
var fastList = FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>.NoVirt.ToArrayFast(enginesForEntityView, out count);
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
EngineProfiler.MonitorAddDuration(fastList[j], entityView);
(fastList[j] as IHandleEntityStructEngine<T>).Add(ref thisfastList[j]);

public ITypeSafeList Create(int size)
return new TypeSafeFasterListForECSForClasses<T>(size);

+ 0
- 10
Svelto.ECS/DataStructures/TypeSafeFasterListForECSException.cs View File

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
using System;

namespace Svelto.ECS
public class TypeSafeFasterListForECSException : Exception
public TypeSafeFasterListForECSException(Exception exception):base("Trying to add an Entity View with the same ID more than once", exception)

+ 3
- 12
Svelto.ECS/EGID.cs View File

@@ -11,18 +11,19 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
get { return _GID; }
public int ID
public int entityID
get { return (int) (_GID & 0xFFFFFFFF); }
public int group
public int groupID
get { return (int) (_GID >> 32); }

public EGID(int entityID, int groupID) : this()
DBC.Check.Require(groupID != ExclusiveGroups.StandardEntity, "can't use an exclusive group ID");
_GID = MAKE_GLOBAL_ID(entityID, groupID);
@@ -31,19 +32,9 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
_GID = MAKE_GLOBAL_ID(entityID, ExclusiveGroups.StandardEntity);

internal EGID(long otherID)
_GID = otherID;

static long MAKE_GLOBAL_ID(int entityId, int groupId)
return (long)groupId << 32 | (uint)entityId;

public bool IsEqualTo(EGID otherGID)
return otherGID._GID == _GID;

+ 4
- 4
Svelto.ECS/EnginesRoot.GenericEntityFactory.cs View File

@@ -19,24 +19,24 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

public void BuildEntity<T>(int entityID, object[] implementors) where T : IEntityDescriptor, new()
_weakEngine.Target.BuildEntity<T>(entityID, implementors);
_weakEngine.Target.BuildEntity<T>(new EGID(entityID), implementors);

public void BuildEntity(int entityID, EntityDescriptorInfo entityDescriptor, object[] implementors = null)
_weakEngine.Target.BuildEntity(entityID, entityDescriptor, implementors);
_weakEngine.Target.BuildEntity(new EGID(entityID), entityDescriptor, implementors);

public void BuildEntity<T>(int entityID, int groupID, object[] implementors)
where T : IEntityDescriptor, new()
_weakEngine.Target.BuildEntity<T>(entityID, groupID, implementors);
_weakEngine.Target.BuildEntity<T>(new EGID(entityID, groupID), implementors);

public void BuildEntity(int entityID, int groupID, EntityDescriptorInfo entityDescriptor,
object[] implementors)
_weakEngine.Target.BuildEntity(entityID, groupID, entityDescriptor, implementors);
_weakEngine.Target.BuildEntity(new EGID(entityID, groupID), entityDescriptor, implementors);

public void PreallocateEntitySpace<T>(int size) where T : IEntityDescriptor, new()

+ 2
- 2
Svelto.ECS/EnginesRoot.GenericEntityFunctions.cs View File

@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

public void RemoveEntity(int entityID)
_weakReference.Target.RemoveEntity(entityID, ExclusiveGroups.StandardEntity);
_weakReference.Target.RemoveEntity(new EGID(entityID));
public void RemoveEntity(int entityID, int groupID)
_weakReference.Target.RemoveEntity(entityID, groupID);
_weakReference.Target.RemoveEntity(new EGID(entityID, groupID));

public void RemoveEntity(EGID entityEGID)

+ 5
- 8
Svelto.ECS/EnginesRootEngines.cs View File

@@ -37,15 +37,12 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
_entityViewEngines = new Dictionary<Type, FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>>();
_otherEngines = new FasterList<IEngine>();

_groupEntityViewsDB = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>>();
_groupEntityViewsDB[ExclusiveGroups.StandardEntity] = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>();
_globalEntityViewsDBDic = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>();
_groupEntityViewsDB = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>>();
_groupEntityViewsDB[ExclusiveGroups.StandardEntity] = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>();
_entityInfos = new Dictionary<long, IEntityViewBuilder[]>();
_groupedEntityViewsToAdd = new DoubleBufferedEntityViews<Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>>>();
_groupedEntityViewsToAdd = new DoubleBufferedEntityViews<Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>>>();

_DB = new EntityViewsDB(_globalEntityViewsDBDic, _groupEntityViewsDB);
_DB = new EntityViewsDB(_groupEntityViewsDB);

_scheduler = entityViewScheduler;
_scheduler.Schedule(new WeakAction(SubmitEntityViews));
@@ -119,7 +116,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

readonly Dictionary<Type, FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>> _entityViewEngines;
readonly FasterList<IEngine> _otherEngines;
readonly FasterList<IEngine> _otherEngines;
static readonly Type _entityViewType= typeof(IEntityData);
static readonly Type _objectType = typeof(object);

+ 29
- 118
Svelto.ECS/EnginesRootEntities.cs View File

@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DBC;
using Svelto.DataStructures;
using Svelto.ECS.Internal;

@@ -15,10 +14,8 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public void Dispose()
foreach (var groups in _groupEntityViewsDB)
foreach (var entity in groups.Value)
if (entity.Value.isQueryiableEntityView == true)
foreach (var entityView in entity.Value)
RemoveEntityViewFromEngines(_entityViewEngines, entityView as IEntityData, entity.Key);
foreach (var entityList in groups.Value)

@@ -35,18 +32,6 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS


void BuildEntity<T>(int entityID, object[] implementors = null) where T : IEntityDescriptor, new()
(entityID, ExclusiveGroups.StandardEntity, implementors);

void BuildEntity(int entityID, EntityDescriptorInfo entityDescriptor, object[] implementors)
(entityID, ExclusiveGroups.StandardEntity, entityDescriptor, implementors);

/// <summary>
/// Build the entity using the entityID, inside the group with Id groupID, using the
/// implementors (if necessary). The entityViews generated will be stored to be
@@ -54,25 +39,22 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="entityID"></param>
/// <param name="groupID"></param>
/// <param name="implementors"></param>
void BuildEntity<T>(int entityID, int groupID, object[] implementors = null)
void BuildEntity<T>(EGID entityID, object[] implementors = null)
where T : IEntityDescriptor, new()
EntityFactory.BuildGroupedEntityViews(entityID, groupID,

void BuildEntity(int entityID, int groupID, EntityDescriptorInfo entityDescriptor,
void BuildEntity(EGID entityID, EntityDescriptorInfo entityDescriptor,
object[] implementors = null)
EntityFactory.BuildGroupedEntityViews(entityID, groupID,

@@ -95,12 +77,12 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
var entityViewType = entityViewBuilder.GetEntityViewType();

//reserve space for the global pool
ITypeSafeList dbList;
ITypeSafeDictionary dbList;

//reserve space for the single group
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList> @group;
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> @group;
if (_groupEntityViewsDB.TryGetValue(groupID, out group) == false)
group = _groupEntityViewsDB[groupID] = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>();
group = _groupEntityViewsDB[groupID] = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>();
if (group.TryGetValue(entityViewType, out dbList) == false)
group[entityViewType] = entityViewBuilder.Preallocate(ref dbList, size);
@@ -108,7 +90,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
if (_groupedEntityViewsToAdd.current.TryGetValue(groupID, out group) == false)
group = _groupEntityViewsDB[groupID] = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>();
group = _groupEntityViewsDB[groupID] = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>();
//reserve space to the temporary buffer
if (group.TryGetValue(entityViewType, out dbList) == false)
@@ -120,102 +102,40 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
void RemoveEntity(int entityID, int groupID)
RemoveEntity(new EGID(entityID, groupID));

void RemoveEntity(EGID entityGID)
var entityViewBuilders = _entityInfos[entityGID.GID];
var typeSafeDictionary = _groupEntityViewsDB[entityGID.groupID][typeof(EntityInfoView)] as TypeSafeDictionary<EntityInfoView>;
var entityInfoView = typeSafeDictionary[entityGID.GID];
var entityViewBuilders = entityInfoView.entityViewsToBuild;
var entityViewBuildersCount = entityViewBuilders.Length;
//for each entity view generated by the entity descriptor
for (var i = 0; i < entityViewBuildersCount; i++)
var entityViewType = entityViewBuilders[i].GetEntityViewType();

if (entityViewBuilders[i].isQueryiableEntityView)
var group = _groupEntityViewsDB[];
InternalRemoveEntityViewFromDBDicAndEngines(entityViewType, entityGID);
RemoveEntityViewFromDB(@group, entityViewType, entityGID);
var group = _groupEntityViewsDB[entityGID.groupID];
_groupEntityViewsDB[entityGID.groupID][entityViewType].RemoveEntityFromDicAndEngines(entityGID, _entityViewEngines);
RemoveEntityViewFromGroup(group, entityViewType, entityGID);


static void RemoveEntityViewFromDB(Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList> @group, Type entityViewType, EGID id)
static void RemoveEntityViewFromGroup(Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> @group, Type entityViewType, EGID id)
//remove it from entity views group DB
var typeSafeList = @group[entityViewType];
if (typeSafeList.MappedRemove(id) == false) //clean up
if (typeSafeList.Remove(id.GID) == false) //clean up

void RemoveGroupAndEntitiesFromDB(int groupID)
foreach (var group in _groupEntityViewsDB[groupID])
var entityViewType = group.Key;

var entities = group.Value.EntityIDS();

foreach (EGID entityID in entities)
if (group.Value.isQueryiableEntityView)
InternalRemoveEntityViewFromDBDicAndEngines(entityViewType, entityID);
foreach (var entiTypeSafeList in _groupEntityViewsDB[groupID])


void InternalRemoveEntityViewFromDBDicAndEngines(Type entityViewType, EGID id)
var typeSafeDictionary = _globalEntityViewsDBDic[entityViewType];
var entityView = typeSafeDictionary.GetIndexedEntityView(id);

//the reason why this for exists is because in the past hierarchical entity views
//where supported :(
//Only EntityView can be removed from engines (won't work for IEntityData or IEntityData)
for (var current = entityViewType; current != _entityViewType; current = current.BaseType)
if (current != entityViewType)
Utility.Console.LogWarning("Hierarchical Entity Views are design mistakes, ECS is not OOD!!");
RemoveEntityViewFromEngines(_entityViewEngines, entityView, current);
static void RemoveEntityViewFromEngines(Dictionary<Type, FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>> entityViewEngines,
IEntityData entityView, Type entityViewType)
FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted> enginesForEntityView;

if (entityViewEngines.TryGetValue(entityViewType, out enginesForEntityView))
int count;
var fastList = FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>.NoVirt.ToArrayFast(enginesForEntityView, out count);

for (var j = 0; j < count; j++)
EngineProfiler.MonitorRemoveDuration(fastList[j], entityView);
var handleMixedEntityViewEngine = (fastList[j] as IHandleEntityViewEngine);

void SwapEntityGroup(int entityID, int fromGroupID, int toGroupID)
@@ -224,15 +144,17 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
"can't move an entity to the same group where it already belongs to");

var entityegid = new EGID(entityID, fromGroupID);
var entityViewBuilders = _entityInfos[entityegid.GID];
var entityViewBuilders =
((TypeSafeDictionary<EntityInfoView>) _groupEntityViewsDB[fromGroupID][typeof(EntityInfoView)])
var entityViewBuildersCount = entityViewBuilders.Length;

var groupedEntities = _groupEntityViewsDB[fromGroupID];

Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList> groupedEntityViewsTyped;
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> groupedEntityViewsTyped;
if (_groupEntityViewsDB.TryGetValue(toGroupID, out groupedEntityViewsTyped) == false)
groupedEntityViewsTyped = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>();
groupedEntityViewsTyped = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>();

_groupEntityViewsDB.Add(toGroupID, groupedEntityViewsTyped);
@@ -243,30 +165,19 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
var entityViewType = entityViewBuilder.GetEntityViewType();

var fromSafeList = groupedEntities[entityViewType];
ITypeSafeList toSafeList;
ITypeSafeDictionary toSafeList;

if (groupedEntityViewsTyped.TryGetValue(entityViewType, out toSafeList) == false)
groupedEntityViewsTyped[entityViewType] = toSafeList = fromSafeList.Create();

entityViewBuilder.MoveEntityView(entityegid, fromSafeList, toSafeList);

_entityInfos.Add(new EGID(entityID, toGroupID).GID, entityViewBuilders);

readonly EntityViewsDB _DB;
//grouped set of entity views, this is the standard way to handle entity views
readonly Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>> _groupEntityViewsDB;
//TODO: Use faster dictionary and merge these two?
//indexable entity views when the entity ID is known. Usually useful to handle
//event based logic.
readonly Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> _globalEntityViewsDBDic;
readonly Dictionary<long, IEntityViewBuilder[]> _entityInfos;
readonly Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>> _groupEntityViewsDB;

+ 16
- 45
Svelto.ECS/EnginesRootSubmission.cs View File

@@ -40,85 +40,56 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
//todo: can I make the entity creation less complicated?
void AddEntityViewsToTheDBAndSuitableEngines(Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>> groupsToSubmit)
void AddEntityViewsToTheDBAndSuitableEngines(Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>> groupsToSubmit)
//for each groups there is a dictionary of built lists of EntityView grouped by type
foreach (var groupToSubmit in groupsToSubmit)
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList> groupDB;
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> groupDB;
int groupID = groupToSubmit.Key;

//if the group doesn't exist in the current DB let's create it frst
if (_groupEntityViewsDB.TryGetValue(groupID, out groupDB) == false)
groupDB = _groupEntityViewsDB[groupID] = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>();
groupDB = _groupEntityViewsDB[groupID] = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>();

foreach (var entityViewsPerType in groupToSubmit.Value)
foreach (var entityViewList in groupToSubmit.Value)
//add the entity View in the group
if (entityViewsPerType.Value.isQueryiableEntityView == true)
AddEntityViewToDB(groupDB, entityViewsPerType);
//and it's not a struct, add in the indexable DB too
AddEntityViewToEntityViewsDictionary(_globalEntityViewsDBDic, entityViewsPerType.Value, entityViewsPerType.Key);
ITypeSafeDictionary dbList;
if (groupDB.TryGetValue(entityViewList.Key, out dbList) == false)
dbList = groupDB[entityViewList.Key] = entityViewList.Value.Create();


//then submit everything in the engines, so that the DB is up to date
//with all the entity views and struct created by the entity built
foreach (var groupToSubmit in groupsToSubmit)
foreach (var entityViewsPerType in groupToSubmit.Value)
var type = entityViewsPerType.Key;
for (var current = type;
current != _entityViewType && current != _objectType && current != _valueType;
current = current.BaseType)
AddEntityViewToTheSuitableEngines(_entityViewEngines, entityViewsPerType.Value,
AddEntityViewsToTheSuitableEngines(_entityViewEngines, entityViewsPerType.Value,

static void AddEntityViewToDB( Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList> entityViewsDB,
KeyValuePair<Type, ITypeSafeList> entityViewList)
ITypeSafeList dbList;

if (entityViewsDB.TryGetValue(entityViewList.Key, out dbList) == false)
dbList = entityViewsDB[entityViewList.Key] = entityViewList.Value.Create();


static void AddEntityViewToEntityViewsDictionary(Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> entityViewsDBdic,
ITypeSafeList entityViews, Type entityViewType)
if (entityViews.isQueryiableEntityView == true)
ITypeSafeDictionary entityViewsDic;
if (entityViewsDBdic.TryGetValue(entityViewType, out entityViewsDic) == false)
entityViewsDic = entityViewsDBdic[entityViewType] = entityViews.CreateIndexedDictionary();

static void AddEntityViewToTheSuitableEngines(Dictionary<Type, FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>> entityViewEngines,
ITypeSafeList entityViewsList,
Type entityViewType)
static void AddEntityViewsToTheSuitableEngines( Dictionary<Type, FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted>> entityViewEngines,
ITypeSafeDictionary entityViewsList,
Type entityViewType)
FasterList<IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted> enginesForEntityView;

if (entityViewEngines.TryGetValue(entityViewType, out enginesForEntityView))
readonly DoubleBufferedEntityViews<Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>>> _groupedEntityViewsToAdd;
readonly DoubleBufferedEntityViews<Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>>> _groupedEntityViewsToAdd;
readonly EntitySubmissionScheduler _scheduler;

+ 21
- 18
Svelto.ECS/EntityFactory.cs View File

@@ -5,26 +5,23 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
static class EntityFactory
internal static void BuildGroupedEntityViews(int entityID, int groupID,
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>> groupEntityViewsByType,
internal static void BuildGroupedEntityViews(EGID egid,
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>> groupEntityViewsByType,
EntityDescriptorInfo entityViewsToBuildDescriptor,
Dictionary<long, IEntityViewBuilder[]> entityInfos,
object[] implementors)
var @group = FetchGroup(groupID, groupEntityViewsByType);
var @group = FetchGroup(egid.groupID, groupEntityViewsByType);

BuildEntityViewsAndAddToGroup(new EGID(entityID, groupID), group, entityViewsToBuildDescriptor, implementors);
entityInfos.Add(new EGID(entityID, groupID).GID, entityViewsToBuildDescriptor.entityViewsToBuild);
BuildEntityViewsAndAddToGroup(egid, group, entityViewsToBuildDescriptor, implementors);

static Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList> FetchGroup(int groupID, Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>> groupEntityViewsByType)
static Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> FetchGroup(int groupID, Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>> groupEntityViewsByType)
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList> group;
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> group;

if (groupEntityViewsByType.TryGetValue(groupID, out @group) == false)
@group = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>();
@group = new Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>();
groupEntityViewsByType.Add(groupID, @group);

@@ -32,37 +29,43 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal

static void BuildEntityViewsAndAddToGroup(EGID entityID,
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList> entityViewsByType,
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> entityViewsByType,
EntityDescriptorInfo entityViewsToBuildDescriptor,
object[] implementors)
var entityViewsToBuild = entityViewsToBuildDescriptor.entityViewsToBuild;
var count = entityViewsToBuild.Length;

for (var index = 0; index < count; index++)
for (var index = 0; index < count; ++index)
var entityViewBuilder = entityViewsToBuild[index];
var entityViewType = entityViewBuilder.GetEntityViewType();

BuildEntityView(entityID, entityViewsByType, entityViewType, entityViewBuilder, implementors);

_viewBuilder._initializer = new EntityInfoView() {entityViewsToBuild = entityViewsToBuild};
BuildEntityView(entityID, entityViewsByType, _viewType, _viewBuilder, null);

static void BuildEntityView(EGID entityID, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList> entityViewsByType,
Type entityViewType, IEntityViewBuilder entityViewBuilder, object[] implementors)
static void BuildEntityView(EGID entityID, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> entityViewsByType,
Type entityViewType, IEntityViewBuilder entityViewBuilder, object[] implementors)
ITypeSafeList entityViewsList;
ITypeSafeDictionary safeDictionary;

var entityViewsPoolWillBeCreated =
entityViewsByType.TryGetValue(entityViewType, out entityViewsList) == false;
entityViewsByType.TryGetValue(entityViewType, out safeDictionary) == false;

//passing the undefined entityViewsByType inside the entityViewBuilder will allow
//it to be created with the correct type and casted back to the undefined list.
//that's how the list will be eventually of the target type.
entityViewBuilder.BuildEntityViewAndAddToList(ref entityViewsList, entityID, implementors);
entityViewBuilder.BuildEntityViewAndAddToList(ref safeDictionary, entityID, implementors);

if (entityViewsPoolWillBeCreated)
entityViewsByType.Add(entityViewType, entityViewsList);
entityViewsByType.Add(entityViewType, safeDictionary);
static readonly EntityViewBuilder<EntityInfoView> _viewBuilder = new EntityViewBuilder<EntityInfoView>();
static readonly Type _viewType = typeof(EntityInfoView);

+ 42
- 25
Svelto.ECS/EntityViewBuilder.cs View File

@@ -8,29 +8,48 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public class EntityViewBuilder<EntityViewType> : IEntityViewBuilder where EntityViewType : IEntityData, new()
public void BuildEntityViewAndAddToList(ref ITypeSafeList list, EGID entityID, object[] implementors)
public EntityViewBuilder(ref EntityViewType initializer)
_initializer = initializer;
public EntityViewBuilder()
public void BuildEntityViewAndAddToList(ref ITypeSafeDictionary list, EGID entityID, object[] implementors)
if (list == null)
list = new TypeSafeFasterListForECSForClasses<EntityViewType>();

var castedList = list as TypeSafeFasterListForECSForClasses<EntityViewType>;
list = new TypeSafeDictionary<EntityViewType>();

var lentityView = EntityView<EntityViewType>.BuildEntityView(entityID);
var castedList = list as TypeSafeDictionary<EntityViewType>;

if (implementors != null)
EntityViewType lentityView;
EntityView<EntityViewType>.BuildEntityView(entityID, out lentityView);

var entityView = lentityView;

this.FillEntityView(ref entityView
, entityViewBlazingFastReflection
, implementors
this.FillEntityView(ref lentityView
, entityViewBlazingFastReflection
, implementors
castedList.Add(entityID.GID, ref lentityView);
DBC.Check.Require(_initializer != null, "Implementors not found on a EntityView instance");
_initializer.ID = entityID;
castedList.Add(entityID.GID, ref _initializer);

public ITypeSafeList Preallocate(ref ITypeSafeList list, int size)
public ITypeSafeDictionary Preallocate(ref ITypeSafeDictionary list, int size)
if (list == null)
list = new TypeSafeFasterListForECSForClasses<EntityViewType>(size);
list = new TypeSafeDictionary<EntityViewType>(size);

@@ -42,24 +61,22 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

public void MoveEntityView(EGID entityID, ITypeSafeList fromSafeList, ITypeSafeList toSafeList)
public void MoveEntityView(EGID entityID, ITypeSafeDictionary fromSafeList, ITypeSafeDictionary toSafeList)
var fromCastedList = fromSafeList as TypeSafeFasterListForECSForClasses<EntityViewType>;
var toCastedList = toSafeList as TypeSafeFasterListForECSForClasses<EntityViewType>;
var fromCastedList = fromSafeList as TypeSafeDictionary<EntityViewType>;
var toCastedList = toSafeList as TypeSafeDictionary<EntityViewType>;


public bool isQueryiableEntityView
get { return true; }
toCastedList.Add(entityID.GID, fromCastedList[entityID.GID]);

FasterList<KeyValuePair<Type, CastedAction<EntityViewType>>> entityViewBlazingFastReflection
get { return EntityView<EntityViewType>.FieldCache<EntityViewType>.list; }
get { return EntityView<EntityViewType>.FieldCache.list; }

internal EntityViewType _initializer;
static readonly Type ENTITY_VIEW_TYPE = typeof(EntityViewType);
static string DESCRIPTOR_NAME = ENTITY_VIEW_TYPE.ToString();

+ 0
- 56
Svelto.ECS/EntityViewStructBuilder.cs View File

@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
using System;
using Svelto.ECS.Internal;

namespace Svelto.ECS
public class EntityViewStructBuilder<EntityViewType> : IEntityViewBuilder where EntityViewType : struct, IEntityData
public EntityViewStructBuilder(ref EntityViewType initializer)
_initializer = initializer;
public void BuildEntityViewAndAddToList(ref ITypeSafeList list, EGID entityID, object[] implementors = null)
_initializer.ID = entityID;
if (list == null)
list = new TypeSafeFasterListForECSForStructs<EntityViewType>();

var castedList = list as TypeSafeFasterListForECSForStructs<EntityViewType>;

public ITypeSafeList Preallocate(ref ITypeSafeList list, int size)
if (list == null)
list = new TypeSafeFasterListForECSForStructs<EntityViewType>(size);

return list;

public Type GetEntityViewType()

public void MoveEntityView(EGID entityID, ITypeSafeList fromSafeList, ITypeSafeList toSafeList)
var fromCastedList = fromSafeList as TypeSafeFasterListForECSForStructs<EntityViewType>;
var toCastedList = toSafeList as TypeSafeFasterListForECSForStructs<EntityViewType>;


public bool isQueryiableEntityView
get { return false; }

static readonly Type ENTITY_VIEW_TYPE = typeof(EntityViewType);
EntityViewType _initializer;

Svelto.ECS/FillEntityView.cs → Svelto.ECS/EntityViewUtility.cs View File

@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ using Svelto.ECS;
using Svelto.Utilities;
using Console = Utility.Console;

static class FillEntityViewASD
static class EntityViewUtility
public static void FillEntityView<T>(this IEntityViewBuilder entityViewBuilder,
ref T entityView,
FasterList<KeyValuePair<Type, CastedAction<T>>> entityViewBlazingFastReflection ,
object[] implementors
, string entityDescriptorName)
public static void FillEntityView<T>(this IEntityViewBuilder entityViewBuilder
, ref T entityView
, FasterList<KeyValuePair<Type, CastedAction<T>>> entityViewBlazingFastReflection
, object[] implementors
, string entityDescriptorName)
int count;

@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ static class FillEntityViewASD
var setters =
FasterList<KeyValuePair<Type, CastedAction<T>>>
.NoVirt.ToArrayFast(entityViewBlazingFastReflection, out count);

if (count == 0) return;

if (count == 0)
throw new Exception(NO_COMPONENTS_EXCEPTION.FastConcat("Type ", entityDescriptorName, " entityView ", entityViewBuilder.GetEntityViewType().ToString()));
for (var index = 0; index < implementors.Length; index++)
var implementor = implementors[index];
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ static class FillEntityViewASD
implementorsByType[componentType] = new Tuple<object, int>(implementor, 1);
implementorsByType[componentType] = implementor;
implementorsByType[componentType] = implementor;
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ static class FillEntityViewASD
Tuple<object, int> component;
object component;
object component;

if (implementorsByType.TryGetValue(fieldType, out component) == false)
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ static class FillEntityViewASD
fieldSetter.Value.Call(ref entityView, component.implementorType);
fieldSetter.Value.Call(entityView, component);
fieldSetter.Value.Call(ref entityView, component);

@@ -118,7 +119,9 @@ static class FillEntityViewASD
static readonly Dictionary<Type, Type[]> _cachedTypes = new Dictionary<Type, Type[]>();
"<color=orange>Svelto.ECS</color> An entity view without component interfaces has been found, if you are using an entity view struct or an entity struct, do not pass implementors";

"<color=orange>Svelto.ECS</color> the same component is implemented with more than one implementor. This is considered an error and MUST be fixed. ";

+ 29
- 43
Svelto.ECS/EntityViewsDB.cs View File

@@ -6,70 +6,54 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
class EntityViewsDB : IEntityViewsDB
internal EntityViewsDB( Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> entityViewsDBdic,
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>> groupEntityViewsDB)
internal EntityViewsDB(Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>> groupEntityViewsDB)
_groupedEntityViewsDBDic = entityViewsDBdic;
_groupEntityViewsDB = groupEntityViewsDB;

public FasterReadOnlyList<T> QueryEntityViews<T>() where T:IEntityData
public ReadOnlyCollectionStruct<T> QueryEntityViews<T>() where T:IEntityData
var type = typeof(T);

ITypeSafeList entityViews;

if (_groupEntityViewsDB[ExclusiveGroups.StandardEntity].TryGetValue(type, out entityViews) == false)
return RetrieveEmptyEntityViewList<T>();

return new FasterReadOnlyList<T>((FasterList<T>)entityViews);
return QueryEntityViews<T>(ExclusiveGroups.StandardEntity);

public FasterReadOnlyList<T> QueryGroupedEntityViews<T>(int @group) where T:IEntityData
public ReadOnlyCollectionStruct<T> QueryEntityViews<T>(int @group) where T:IEntityData
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList> entitiesInGroupPerType;
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> entitiesInGroupPerType;

if (_groupEntityViewsDB.TryGetValue(group, out entitiesInGroupPerType) == false)
return RetrieveEmptyEntityViewList<T>();

ITypeSafeList outList;
ITypeSafeDictionary outList;
if (entitiesInGroupPerType.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out outList) == false)
return RetrieveEmptyEntityViewList<T>();
return new FasterReadOnlyList<T>((FasterList<T>) outList);
return (outList as TypeSafeDictionary<T>).FasterValues;

public T[] QueryEntityViewsAsArray<T>(out int count) where T : IEntityData
public T[] QueryEntityViewsCacheFriendly<T>(out int count) where T : IEntityData
var type = typeof(T);
count = 0;
ITypeSafeList entityViews;

if (_groupEntityViewsDB[ExclusiveGroups.StandardEntity].TryGetValue(type, out entityViews) == false)
return RetrieveEmptyEntityViewArray<T>();
return FasterList<T>.NoVirt.ToArrayFast((FasterList<T>)entityViews, out count);
return QueryEntityViewsCacheFriendly<T>(ExclusiveGroups.StandardEntity, out count);
public T[] QueryGroupedEntityViewsAsArray<T>(int @group, out int count) where T : IEntityData
public T[] QueryEntityViewsCacheFriendly<T>(int @group, out int count) where T : IEntityData
var type = typeof(T);
count = 0;
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList> entitiesInGroupPerType;
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> entitiesInGroupPerType;
if (_groupEntityViewsDB.TryGetValue(group, out entitiesInGroupPerType) == false)
return RetrieveEmptyEntityViewArray<T>();
ITypeSafeList outList;
ITypeSafeDictionary outList;
if (entitiesInGroupPerType.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out outList) == false)
return RetrieveEmptyEntityViewArray<T>();
return FasterList<T>.NoVirt.ToArrayFast((FasterList<T>)entitiesInGroupPerType[type], out count);

var typeSafeDictionary = entitiesInGroupPerType[type];
return ((TypeSafeDictionary<T>) typeSafeDictionary).GetFasterValuesBuffer(out count);

public T QueryEntityView<T>(EGID entityGID) where T : IEntityData
public T QueryEntityView<T>(EGID entityGID) where T : class, IEntityData
T entityView;

@@ -88,11 +72,17 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
var type = typeof(T);

T internalEntityView;

ITypeSafeDictionary entityViews;
Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> entitiesInGroupPerType;
if (_groupEntityViewsDB.TryGetValue(entityGID.groupID, out entitiesInGroupPerType) == false)
entityView = default(T);
return false;

_groupedEntityViewsDBDic.TryGetValue(type, out entityViews);
var casted = entityViews as TypeSafeDictionaryForClass<T>;
entitiesInGroupPerType.TryGetValue(type, out entityViews);
var casted = entityViews as TypeSafeDictionary<T>;

if (casted != null &&
casted.TryGetValue(entityGID.GID, out internalEntityView))
@@ -107,21 +97,17 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
return false;

static FasterReadOnlyList<T> RetrieveEmptyEntityViewList<T>()
static ReadOnlyCollectionStruct<T> RetrieveEmptyEntityViewList<T>()
return FasterReadOnlyList<T>.DefaultList;
return ReadOnlyCollectionStruct<T>.DefaultList;

static T[] RetrieveEmptyEntityViewArray<T>()
return FasterList<T>.DefaultList.ToArrayFast();
//grouped set of entity views, this is the standard way to handle entity views
readonly Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeList>> _groupEntityViewsDB;
//indexable entity views when the entity ID is known. Usually useful to handle
//event based logic.
readonly Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary> _groupedEntityViewsDBDic;
readonly Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Type, ITypeSafeDictionary>> _groupEntityViewsDB;

+ 1
- 1
Svelto.ECS/ExclusiveGroups.cs View File

@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
static class ExclusiveGroups
internal const int StandardEntity = 0xFF;
internal const int StandardEntity = int.MaxValue;

+ 1
- 5
Svelto.ECS/IEngine.cs View File

@@ -4,11 +4,6 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
public interface IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted : IEngine
public interface IHandleEntityViewEngine : IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted
void Remove(IEntityData entityView);

namespace Svelto.ECS
@@ -19,5 +14,6 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public interface IHandleEntityStructEngine<T> : IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted
void Add(ref T entityView);
void Remove(ref T entityView);

+ 18
- 11
Svelto.ECS/IEntityView.cs View File

@@ -22,36 +22,43 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS

static class EntityView<T> where T: IEntityData, new()
public struct EntityInfoView : IEntityData
internal static T BuildEntityView(EGID ID)
public EGID ID { get; set; }
public IEntityViewBuilder[] entityViewsToBuild;

public static class EntityView<T> where T: IEntityData, new()
internal static void BuildEntityView(EGID ID, out T entityView)
if (FieldCache<T>.list.Count == 0)
if (FieldCache.list == null)
FieldCache.list = new FasterList<KeyValuePair<Type, CastedAction<T>>>();
var type = typeof(T);

var fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public |
for (int i = fields.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
var field = fields[i];

CastedAction<T> setter = FastInvoke<T>.MakeSetter(field);
FieldCache<T>.list.Add(new KeyValuePair<Type, CastedAction<T>>(field.FieldType, setter));
FieldCache.list.Add(new KeyValuePair<Type, CastedAction<T>>(field.FieldType, setter));

return new T { ID = ID };
entityView = new T { ID = ID };

//check if I can remove W
internal static class FieldCache<W>
public static class FieldCache
internal static readonly FasterList<KeyValuePair<Type, CastedAction<T>>> list
= new FasterList<KeyValuePair<Type, CastedAction<T>>>();
public static FasterList<KeyValuePair<Type, CastedAction<T>>> list;

+ 3
- 5
Svelto.ECS/IEntityViewBuilder.cs View File

@@ -5,12 +5,10 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public interface IEntityViewBuilder
void BuildEntityViewAndAddToList(ref ITypeSafeList list, EGID entityID, object[] implementors);
ITypeSafeList Preallocate(ref ITypeSafeList list, int size);
void BuildEntityViewAndAddToList(ref ITypeSafeDictionary list, EGID entityID, object[] implementors);
ITypeSafeDictionary Preallocate(ref ITypeSafeDictionary list, int size);

Type GetEntityViewType();
void MoveEntityView(EGID entityID, ITypeSafeList fromSafeList, ITypeSafeList toSafeList);

bool isQueryiableEntityView { get; }
void MoveEntityView(EGID entityID, ITypeSafeDictionary fromSafeList, ITypeSafeDictionary toSafeList);

+ 5
- 5
Svelto.ECS/IEntityViewsDB.cs View File

@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public interface IEntityViewsDB
FasterReadOnlyList<T> QueryEntityViews<T>() where T : IEntityData;
FasterReadOnlyList<T> QueryGroupedEntityViews<T>(int group) where T : IEntityData;
ReadOnlyCollectionStruct<T> QueryEntityViews<T>() where T : IEntityData;
ReadOnlyCollectionStruct<T> QueryEntityViews<T>(int group) where T : IEntityData;

T[] QueryEntityViewsAsArray<T>(out int count) where T : IEntityData;
T[] QueryGroupedEntityViewsAsArray<T>(int group, out int count) where T : IEntityData;
T[] QueryEntityViewsCacheFriendly<T>(out int count) where T : IEntityData;
T[] QueryEntityViewsCacheFriendly<T>(int group, out int count) where T : IEntityData;

bool TryQueryEntityView<T>(EGID ID, out T entityView) where T : IEntityData;
T QueryEntityView<T>(EGID entityGID) where T : IEntityData;
T QueryEntityView<T>(EGID entityGID) where T : class, IEntityData;

+ 0
- 107
Svelto.ECS/MixedEntityDescriptor.cs View File

@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
namespace Svelto.ECS
public abstract class MixedEntityDescriptor<T>:IEntityDescriptor where T : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
static MixedEntityDescriptor()
_entityViewsToBuild = new IEntityViewBuilder[] {new T()};
public IEntityViewBuilder[] entityViewsToBuild
get { return _entityViewsToBuild; }
static readonly IEntityViewBuilder[] _entityViewsToBuild;

public abstract class MixedEntityDescriptor<T, U> : IEntityDescriptor where T : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where U : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
static MixedEntityDescriptor()
_entityViewsToBuild = new IEntityViewBuilder[] {new T(), new U()};

public IEntityViewBuilder[] entityViewsToBuild
get { return _entityViewsToBuild; }
static readonly IEntityViewBuilder[] _entityViewsToBuild;

public abstract class MixedEntityDescriptor<T, U, V> : IEntityDescriptor where T : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where U : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where V : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
static MixedEntityDescriptor()
_entityViewsToBuild = new IEntityViewBuilder[] {new T(), new U(), new V()};

public IEntityViewBuilder[] entityViewsToBuild
get { return _entityViewsToBuild; }
static readonly IEntityViewBuilder[] _entityViewsToBuild;

public abstract class MixedEntityDescriptor<T, U, V, W> : IEntityDescriptor where T : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where U : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where V : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where W : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
static MixedEntityDescriptor()
_entityViewsToBuild = new IEntityViewBuilder[] {new T(), new U(), new V(), new W()};

public IEntityViewBuilder[] entityViewsToBuild
get { return _entityViewsToBuild; }
static readonly IEntityViewBuilder[] _entityViewsToBuild;

public abstract class MixedEntityDescriptor<T, U, V, W, X> : IEntityDescriptor where T : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where U : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where V : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where W : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where X : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
static MixedEntityDescriptor()
_entityViewsToBuild = new IEntityViewBuilder[] {new T(), new U(), new V(), new W(), new X()};

public IEntityViewBuilder[] entityViewsToBuild
get { return _entityViewsToBuild; }
static readonly IEntityViewBuilder[] _entityViewsToBuild;

public abstract class MixedEntityDescriptor<T, U, V, W, X, Y> : IEntityDescriptor where T : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where U : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where V : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where W : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where X : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
where Y : class, IEntityViewBuilder, new()
static MixedEntityDescriptor()
_entityViewsToBuild = new IEntityViewBuilder[] {new T(), new U(), new V(), new W(), new X(), new Y()};

public IEntityViewBuilder[] entityViewsToBuild
get { return _entityViewsToBuild; }
static readonly IEntityViewBuilder[] _entityViewsToBuild;

+ 7
- 68
Svelto.ECS/MultiEntityViewsEngine.cs View File

@@ -1,65 +1,17 @@
using Svelto.ECS.Internal;

namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
public abstract class MultiEntityViewsEngine<T>:IHandleEntityStructEngine<T>,
IHandleEntityViewEngine where T:IEntityData
public void Add(ref T entityView)

public virtual void Remove(IEntityData entityView)
Remove((T) entityView);

protected abstract void Add(T entityView);
protected abstract void Remove(T entityView);

namespace Svelto.ECS
public abstract class MultiEntityViewsEngine<T, U> : MultiEntityViewsEngine<T>, IHandleEntityStructEngine<U>
public abstract class MultiEntityViewsEngine<T, U> : SingleEntityViewEngine<T>, IHandleEntityStructEngine<U>
where U : IEntityData where T : IEntityData
protected abstract void Add(U entityView);
protected abstract void Remove(U entityView);

public override void Remove(IEntityData entityView)
if (entityView is U)
Remove((U) entityView);

public void Add(ref U entityView)
public abstract void Add(ref U entityView);
public abstract void Remove(ref U entityView);

public abstract class MultiEntityViewsEngine<T, U, V> : MultiEntityViewsEngine<T, U>, IHandleEntityStructEngine<V>
where V : IEntityData where U : IEntityData where T : IEntityData
protected abstract void Add(V entityView);
protected abstract void Remove(V entityView);

public override void Remove(IEntityData entityView)
if (entityView is V)
Remove((V) entityView);

public void Add(ref V entityView)
public abstract void Add(ref V entityView);
public abstract void Remove(ref V entityView);

/// <summary>
@@ -70,20 +22,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS
public abstract class MultiEntityViewsEngine<T, U, V, W> : MultiEntityViewsEngine<T, U, V>, IHandleEntityStructEngine<W>
where W : IEntityData where V : IEntityData where U : IEntityData where T : IEntityData
protected abstract void Add(W entityView);
protected abstract void Remove(W entityView);

public override void Remove(IEntityData entityView)
if (entityView is W)
Remove((W) entityView);

public void Add(ref W entityView)
public abstract void Add(ref W entityView);
public abstract void Remove(ref W entityView);

+ 3
- 3
Svelto.ECS/Profiler/EngineProfiler.cs View File

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Profiler
static readonly Stopwatch _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

public static void MonitorAddDuration<T>(IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted engine, T entityView)
public static void MonitorAddDuration<T>(IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted engine, ref T entityView)
EngineInfo info;
if (engineInfos.TryGetValue(engine.GetType(), out info))
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ namespace Svelto.ECS.Profiler

public static void MonitorRemoveDuration<T>(IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted engine, IEntityData entityView)
public static void MonitorRemoveDuration<T>(IHandleEntityViewEngineAbstracted engine, ref T entityView)
EngineInfo info;
if (engineInfos.TryGetValue(engine.GetType(), out info))
(engine as IHandleEntityViewEngine).Remove(entityView);
(engine as IHandleEntityStructEngine<T>).Remove(ref entityView);


+ 3
- 15
Svelto.ECS/SingleEntityViewEngine.cs View File

@@ -1,20 +1,8 @@
using Svelto.ECS.Internal;

namespace Svelto.ECS
public abstract class SingleEntityViewEngine<T> : IHandleEntityViewEngine where T : class, IEntityData
public abstract class SingleEntityViewEngine<T> : IHandleEntityStructEngine<T> where T : IEntityData
public void Add(IEntityData entityView)
Add((T) entityView);

public void Remove(IEntityData entityView)
Remove((T) entityView);

protected abstract void Add(T entityView);
protected abstract void Remove(T entityView);
public abstract void Add(ref T entityView);
public abstract void Remove(ref T entityView);
