using System;
using Svelto.DataStructures;
namespace Svelto.ECS
/// This feature must be eventually tied to the new ExclusiveGroup that won't allow the use of custom EntitiesID
/// The filters could be updated when entities buffer changes during the submission, while now this process
/// is completely manual.
/// Making this working properly is not in my priorities right now, as I will need to add the new group type
/// AND optimize the submission process to be able to add more overhead
public partial class EntitiesDB
public readonly struct Filters
public Filters
(FasterDictionary> filters)
_filters = filters;
public ref FilterGroup CreateOrGetFilterForGroup(int filterID, ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID)
where T : struct, IEntityComponent
var refWrapper = TypeRefWrapper.wrapper;
return ref CreateOrGetFilterForGroup(filterID, groupID, refWrapper);
ref FilterGroup CreateOrGetFilterForGroup(int filterID, ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID, RefWrapperType refWrapper)
var fasterDictionary =
_filters.GetOrCreate(refWrapper, () => new FasterDictionary());
GroupFilters filters =
groupID, () => new GroupFilters(new SharedSveltoDictionaryNative(0), groupID));
return ref filters.CreateOrGetFilter(filterID);
public bool HasFiltersForGroup(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID) where T : struct, IEntityComponent
if (_filters.TryGetValue(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper, out var fasterDictionary) == false)
return false;
return fasterDictionary.ContainsKey(groupID);
public bool HasFilterForGroup(int filterID, ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID)
where T : struct, IEntityComponent
if (_filters.TryGetValue(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper, out var fasterDictionary) == false)
return false;
if (fasterDictionary.TryGetValue(groupID, out var result))
return result.HasFilter(filterID);
return false;
public ref GroupFilters CreateOrGetFiltersForGroup(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID)
where T : struct, IEntityComponent
var fasterDictionary =
_filters.GetOrCreate(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper, () => new FasterDictionary());
return ref
groupID, () => new GroupFilters(new SharedSveltoDictionaryNative(0), groupID));
public ref GroupFilters GetFiltersForGroup(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID)
where T : struct, IEntityComponent
if (_filters.ContainsKey(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper) == false)
throw new ECSException(
$"trying to fetch not existing filters, type {typeof(T)}");
if (_filters[TypeRefWrapper.wrapper].ContainsKey(groupID) == false)
throw new ECSException(
$"trying to fetch not existing filters, type {typeof(T)} group {groupID.ToName()}");
return ref _filters[TypeRefWrapper.wrapper].GetValueByRef(groupID);
public ref FilterGroup GetFilterForGroup(int filterId, ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID)
where T : struct, IEntityComponent
if (_filters.ContainsKey(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper) == false)
throw new ECSException(
$"trying to fetch not existing filters, type {typeof(T)}");
if (_filters[TypeRefWrapper.wrapper].ContainsKey(groupID) == false)
throw new ECSException(
$"trying to fetch not existing filters, type {typeof(T)} group {groupID.ToName()}");
return ref _filters[TypeRefWrapper.wrapper][groupID].GetFilter(filterId);
public bool TryGetFilterForGroup(int filterId, ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID, out FilterGroup groupFilter)
where T : struct, IEntityComponent
groupFilter = default;
if (_filters.TryGetValue(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper, out var fasterDictionary) == false)
return false;
if (fasterDictionary.TryGetValue(groupID, out var groupFilters) == false)
return false;
if (groupFilters.TryGetFilter(filterId, out groupFilter) == false)
return false;
return true;
public bool TryGetFiltersForGroup(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID, out GroupFilters groupFilters)
where T : struct, IEntityComponent
groupFilters = default;
if (_filters.TryGetValue(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper, out var fasterDictionary) == false)
return false;
return fasterDictionary.TryGetValue(groupID, out groupFilters);
public void ClearFilter(int filterID, ExclusiveGroupStruct exclusiveGroupStruct)
if (_filters.TryGetValue(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper, out var fasterDictionary) == true)
DBC.ECS.Check.Require(fasterDictionary.ContainsKey(exclusiveGroupStruct), $"trying to clear filter not present in group {exclusiveGroupStruct}");
public void ClearFilters(int filterID)
if (_filters.TryGetValue(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper, out var fasterDictionary) == true)
foreach (var filtersPerGroup in fasterDictionary)
public void DisposeFilters(ExclusiveGroupStruct exclusiveGroupStruct)
if (_filters.TryGetValue(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper, out var fasterDictionary) == true)
public void DisposeFilters()
if (_filters.TryGetValue(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper, out var fasterDictionary) == true)
foreach (var filtersPerGroup in fasterDictionary)
public void DisposeFilterForGroup(int resetFilterID, ExclusiveGroupStruct @group)
if (_filters.TryGetValue(TypeRefWrapper.wrapper, out var fasterDictionary) == true)
public bool TryRemoveEntityFromFilter(int filtersID, EGID egid) where T : unmanaged, IEntityComponent
if (TryGetFilterForGroup(filtersID, egid.groupID, out var filter))
return filter.TryRemove(egid.entityID);
return false;
public void RemoveEntityFromFilter(int filtersID, EGID egid) where T : unmanaged, IEntityComponent
ref var filter = ref GetFilterForGroup(filtersID, egid.groupID);
public void AddEntityToFilter(int filtersID, EGID egid, N mapper) where N:IEGIDMapper
ref var filter = ref CreateOrGetFilterForGroup(filtersID, egid.groupID, new RefWrapperType(mapper.entityType));
filter.Add(egid.entityID, mapper);
readonly FasterDictionary> _filters;
public Filters GetFilters()
return new Filters(_filters);
FasterDictionary> _filters
=> _enginesRoot._groupFilters;