using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using Svelto.DataStructures; using Svelto.Utilities; namespace Svelto.ECS { class EntitiesOperations { /// /// Todo: need to go back here and add a ton of comments /// public EntitiesOperations() { _thisSubmissionInfo.Init(); _lastSubmittedInfo.Init(); _newGroupDictionary = NewGroupDictionary; _newGroupsDictionary = NewGroupsDictionary; _recycleDictionary = RecycleDictionary; _newList = NewList; _clearList = ClearList; _newGroupsDictionaryWithCaller = NewGroupsDictionaryWithCaller; _recycleGroupDictionaryWithCaller = RecycleGroupDictionaryWithCaller; _recycleDicitionaryWithCaller = RecycleDicitionaryWithCaller; _newListWithCaller = NewListWithCaller; _clearListWithCaller = ClearListWithCaller; } public void QueueRemoveGroupOperation(ExclusiveBuildGroup groupID, string caller) { _thisSubmissionInfo._groupsToRemove.Add((groupID, caller)); } public void QueueRemoveOperation(EGID fromEgid, IComponentBuilder[] componentBuilders, string caller) { // Check if the entity is already queued for removal if (_thisSubmissionInfo._entitiesRemoved.Contains(fromEgid)) { // If it is, skip the rest of the function return; } _thisSubmissionInfo._entitiesRemoved.Add(fromEgid); RevertSwapOperationIfPreviouslyQueued(fromEgid); //todo: limit the number of dictionaries that can be cached //recycle or create dictionaries of components per group var removedComponentsPerType = _thisSubmissionInfo._currentRemoveEntitiesOperations.RecycleOrAdd( fromEgid.groupID, _newGroupsDictionary, _recycleDictionary); foreach (var operation in componentBuilders) { removedComponentsPerType //recycle or create dictionaries per component type .RecycleOrAdd(operation.getComponentID, _newList, _clearList) //add entity to remove .Add((fromEgid.entityID, caller)); } void RevertSwapOperationIfPreviouslyQueued(EGID fromEgid) { if (_thisSubmissionInfo._entitiesSwapped.Remove(fromEgid, out (EGID fromEgid, EGID toEgid) val)) //Remove supersedes swap, check comment in IEntityFunctions.cs { var swappedComponentsPerType = _thisSubmissionInfo._currentSwapEntitiesOperations[fromEgid.groupID]; var componentBuildersLength = componentBuilders.Length - 1; for (var index = componentBuildersLength; index >= 0; index--) { var operation = componentBuilders[index]; //todo: maybe the order of swappedComponentsPerType should be fromID, toGroupID, componentID swappedComponentsPerType[operation.getComponentID][val.toEgid.groupID].Remove(fromEgid.entityID); } } } } public void QueueSwapGroupOperation(ExclusiveBuildGroup fromGroupID, ExclusiveBuildGroup toGroupID, string caller) { _thisSubmissionInfo._groupsToSwap.Add((fromGroupID, toGroupID, caller)); } public void QueueSwapOperation(EGID fromEGID, EGID toEGID, IComponentBuilder[] componentBuilders, string caller) { _thisSubmissionInfo._entitiesSwapped.Add(fromEGID, (fromEGID, toEGID)); //todo: limit the number of dictionaries that can be cached //Get (or create) the dictionary that holds the entities that are swapping from fromEGID group var swappedComponentsPerType = _thisSubmissionInfo._currentSwapEntitiesOperations.RecycleOrAdd( fromEGID.groupID, _newGroupsDictionaryWithCaller, _recycleGroupDictionaryWithCaller); var componentBuildersLength = componentBuilders.Length - 1; //for each component of the entity that is swapping for (var index = componentBuildersLength; index >= 0; index--) { var operation = componentBuilders[index]; //Get the dictionary for each component that holds the list of entities to swap swappedComponentsPerType //recycle or create dictionaries per component type .RecycleOrAdd(operation.getComponentID, _newGroupDictionary, _recycleDicitionaryWithCaller) //recycle or create list of entities to swap .RecycleOrAdd(toEGID.groupID, _newListWithCaller, _clearListWithCaller) //add entity to swap .Add(fromEGID.entityID, new SwapInfo(fromEGID.entityID, toEGID.entityID, caller)); } } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] public bool AnyOperationQueued() { return _thisSubmissionInfo.AnyOperationQueued(); } public void ExecuteRemoveAndSwappingOperations( Action>>>, FasterDictionary, EnginesRoot> swapEntities, Action>>, FasterList, EnginesRoot> removeEntities, Action removeGroup, Action swapGroup, EnginesRoot enginesRoot) { (_thisSubmissionInfo, _lastSubmittedInfo) = (_lastSubmittedInfo, _thisSubmissionInfo); /// todo: entity references should be updated before calling all the methods to avoid callbacks handling /// references that should be marked as invalid. foreach (var (group, caller) in _lastSubmittedInfo._groupsToRemove) try { removeGroup(group, enginesRoot); } catch { var str = "Crash while removing a whole group on ".FastConcat(group.ToString()) .FastConcat(" from : ", caller); Console.LogError(str); throw; } foreach (var (fromGroup, toGroup, caller) in _lastSubmittedInfo._groupsToSwap) try { swapGroup(fromGroup, toGroup, enginesRoot); } catch { var str = "Crash while swapping a whole group on " .FastConcat(fromGroup.ToString(), " ", toGroup.ToString()).FastConcat(" from : ", caller); Console.LogError(str); throw; } if (_lastSubmittedInfo._entitiesSwapped.count > 0) swapEntities(_lastSubmittedInfo._currentSwapEntitiesOperations, _lastSubmittedInfo._entitiesSwapped, enginesRoot); if (_lastSubmittedInfo._entitiesRemoved.count > 0) removeEntities( _lastSubmittedInfo._currentRemoveEntitiesOperations, _lastSubmittedInfo._entitiesRemoved , enginesRoot); _lastSubmittedInfo.Clear(); } static FasterDictionary> NewGroupsDictionary() { return new FasterDictionary>(); } static void RecycleDictionary(ref FasterDictionary> recycled) { recycled.Recycle(); } static FasterList<(uint, string)> NewList() { return new FasterList<(uint, string)>(); } static void ClearList(ref FasterList<(uint, string)> target) { target.Clear(); } static void RecycleDicitionaryWithCaller(ref FasterDictionary> target) { target.Recycle(); } static void ClearListWithCaller(ref FasterDictionary target) { target.Clear(); } static FasterDictionary NewListWithCaller() { return new FasterDictionary(); } static FasterDictionary>> NewGroupsDictionaryWithCaller() { return new FasterDictionary>>(); } static void RecycleGroupDictionaryWithCaller( ref FasterDictionary>> recycled) { recycled.Recycle(); } static FasterDictionary> NewGroupDictionary() { return new FasterDictionary>(); } struct Info { //from group //actual component type internal FasterDictionary>>> _currentSwapEntitiesOperations; internal FasterDictionary>> _currentRemoveEntitiesOperations; internal FasterDictionary _entitiesSwapped; internal FasterList _entitiesRemoved; public FasterList<(ExclusiveBuildGroup, ExclusiveBuildGroup, string)> _groupsToSwap; public FasterList<(ExclusiveBuildGroup, string)> _groupsToRemove; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] internal bool AnyOperationQueued() { return _entitiesSwapped.count > 0 || _entitiesRemoved.count > 0 || _groupsToSwap.count > 0 || _groupsToRemove.count > 0; } internal void Clear() { _currentSwapEntitiesOperations.Recycle(); _currentRemoveEntitiesOperations.Recycle(); _entitiesSwapped.Clear(); _entitiesRemoved.Clear(); _groupsToRemove.Clear(); _groupsToSwap.Clear(); } internal void Init() { _entitiesSwapped = new FasterDictionary(); _entitiesRemoved = new FasterList(); _groupsToRemove = new FasterList<(ExclusiveBuildGroup, string)>(); _groupsToSwap = new FasterList<(ExclusiveBuildGroup, ExclusiveBuildGroup, string)>(); _currentSwapEntitiesOperations = new FasterDictionary>>>(); _currentRemoveEntitiesOperations = new FasterDictionary>>(); } } Info _lastSubmittedInfo; Info _thisSubmissionInfo; readonly Func>> _newGroupDictionary; readonly Func>> _newGroupsDictionary; readonly ActionRef>> _recycleDictionary; readonly Func> _newList; readonly ActionRef> _clearList; readonly Func>>> _newGroupsDictionaryWithCaller; readonly ActionRef>>> _recycleGroupDictionaryWithCaller; readonly ActionRef>> _recycleDicitionaryWithCaller; readonly Func> _newListWithCaller; readonly ActionRef> _clearListWithCaller; } public struct SwapInfo { public uint fromID; //to do this information should be redundant, try to remove it public uint toID; public uint toIndex; public string trace; public SwapInfo(uint fromEgidEntityId, uint toEgidEntityId, string s) { fromID = fromEgidEntityId; toID = toEgidEntityId; toIndex = 0; trace = s; } public void Deconstruct(out uint fromID, out uint toID, out uint toIndex, out string caller) { fromID = this.fromID; toID = this.toID; toIndex = this.toIndex; caller = this.trace; } public void Deconstruct(out uint fromID, out uint toID, out string caller) { fromID = this.fromID; toID = this.toID; caller = this.trace; } } }