using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using Svelto.Common;
using Svelto.ECS.Serialization;
namespace Svelto.ECS
partial class EnginesRoot
sealed class SerializationDescriptorMap
/// Here we want to register all the EntityDescriptors that need to be serialized for network play.
/// Remember! This needs to in sync across different clients and server as the values are serialized across
/// the network also want this to not change so we can save to a DB
internal SerializationDescriptorMap()
_descriptors = new Dictionary();
_factories = new Dictionary();
using (new StandardProfiler("Assemblies Scan"))
Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
Type d1 = typeof(DefaultVersioningFactory<>);
foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies)
foreach (Type type in GetTypesSafe(assembly))
if (type != null && type.IsClass && type.IsAbstract == false && type.BaseType != null
&& type.BaseType.IsGenericType && type.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
== typeof(SerializableEntityDescriptor<>))
var descriptor = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as ISerializableEntityDescriptor;
RegisterEntityDescriptor(descriptor, type, d1);
static IEnumerable GetTypesSafe(Assembly assembly)
Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes();
return types;
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e)
return e.Types;
void RegisterEntityDescriptor(ISerializableEntityDescriptor descriptor, Type type, Type d1)
if (descriptor == null)
uint descriptorHash = descriptor.hash;
if (_descriptors.ContainsKey(descriptorHash))
throw new Exception($"Hash Collision of '{descriptor.GetType()}' against " +
$"'{_descriptors[descriptorHash]} ::: {descriptorHash}'");
_descriptors[descriptorHash] = descriptor;
Type[] typeArgs = {type};
var makeGenericType = d1.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(makeGenericType);
_factories.Add(descriptorHash, instance as IDeserializationFactory);
public ISerializableEntityDescriptor GetDescriptorFromHash(uint descriptorHash)
$"Could not find descriptor linked to hash, wrong deserialization size? '{ descriptorHash}'!");
return _descriptors[descriptorHash];
public IDeserializationFactory GetSerializationFactory(uint descriptorHash)
$"Could not find descriptor linked to descriptor hash, wrong deserialization size? '{ descriptorHash}'!");
$"Could not find factory linked to hash '{ _descriptors[descriptorHash]}'!");
return _factories[descriptorHash];
public void RegisterSerializationFactory(IDeserializationFactory deserializationFactory)
where Descriptor : ISerializableEntityDescriptor, new()
_factories[SerializationEntityDescriptorTemplate.hash] = deserializationFactory;
readonly Dictionary _descriptors;
readonly Dictionary _factories;
/// The map of serializable entity hashes to the serializable entity builders (to know the entity structs
/// to serialize)
SerializationDescriptorMap serializationDescriptorMap { get; }