using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Svelto.Common;
namespace Svelto.ECS.DataStructures
//Necessary to be sure that the user won't pass random values
public struct UnsafeArrayIndex
internal uint index;
/// Note: this must work inside burst, so it must follow burst restrictions
/// Note: All the svelto native structures
/// It's a typeless native queue based on a ring-buffer model. This means that the writing head and the
/// reading head always advance independently. IF there is enough space left by dequeued elements,
/// the writing head will wrap around. The writing head cannot ever surpass the reading head.
struct UnsafeBlob : IDisposable
internal unsafe byte* ptr { get; set; }
//expressed in bytes
internal uint capacity { get; private set; }
//expressed in bytes
internal uint size
var currentSize = (uint) _writeIndex - _readIndex;
if ((currentSize & (4 - 1)) != 0)
throw new Exception("size is expected to be a multiple of 4");
return currentSize;
//expressed in bytes
internal uint availableSpace => capacity - size;
internal Allocator allocator;
internal void Enqueue(in T item) where T : struct
var structSize = (uint) MemoryUtilities.SizeOf();
var writeHead = _writeIndex % capacity;
//the idea is, considering the wrap, a read pointer must always be behind a writer pointer
var size = _writeIndex - _readIndex;
var spaceAvailable = capacity - size;
if (spaceAvailable - (int) structSize < 0)
throw new Exception("no writing authorized");
if ((writeHead & (4 - 1)) != 0)
throw new Exception("write head is expected to be a multiple of 4");
if (writeHead + structSize <= capacity)
Unsafe.Write(ptr + writeHead, item);
else //copy with wrap, will start to copy and wrap for the reminder
var byteCountToEnd = capacity - writeHead;
var localCopyToAvoidGcIssues = item;
//read and copy the first portion of Item until the end of the stream
Unsafe.CopyBlock(ptr + writeHead, Unsafe.AsPointer(ref localCopyToAvoidGcIssues)
, (uint) byteCountToEnd);
var restCount = structSize - byteCountToEnd;
//read and copy the remainder
Unsafe.CopyBlock(ptr, (byte*) Unsafe.AsPointer(ref localCopyToAvoidGcIssues) + byteCountToEnd
, (uint) restCount);
//this is may seems a waste if you are going to use an unsafeBlob just for bytes, but it's necessary for mixed types.
//it's still possible to use WriteUnaligned though
uint paddedStructSize = (uint) (structSize + (int) MemoryUtilities.Pad4(structSize));
_writeIndex += paddedStructSize; //we want _writeIndex to be always aligned by 4
//The index returned is the index of the unwrapped ring. It must be wrapped again before to be used
internal ref T Reserve(out UnsafeArrayIndex index) where T : struct
var structSize = (uint) MemoryUtilities.SizeOf();
var wrappedIndex = _writeIndex % capacity;
var size = _writeIndex - _readIndex;
var spaceAvailable = capacity - size;
if (spaceAvailable - (int) structSize < 0)
throw new Exception("no writing authorized");
if ((wrappedIndex & (4 - 1)) != 0)
throw new Exception("write head is expected to be a multiple of 4");
ref var buffer = ref Unsafe.AsRef(ptr + wrappedIndex);
index.index = _writeIndex;
_writeIndex += structSize + MemoryUtilities.Pad4(structSize);
return ref buffer;
internal ref T AccessReserved(UnsafeArrayIndex index) where T : struct
var wrappedIndex = index.index % capacity;
if ((index.index & 3) != 0)
throw new Exception($"invalid index detected");
return ref Unsafe.AsRef(ptr + wrappedIndex);
internal T Dequeue() where T : struct
var structSize = (uint) MemoryUtilities.SizeOf();
var readHead = _readIndex % capacity;
var size = _writeIndex - _readIndex;
if (size < structSize) //are there enough bytes to read?
throw new Exception("dequeuing empty queue or unexpected type dequeued");
if (_readIndex > _writeIndex)
throw new Exception("unexpected read");
if ((readHead & (4 - 1)) != 0)
throw new Exception("read head is expected to be a multiple of 4");
var paddedStructSize = structSize + MemoryUtilities.Pad4(structSize);
_readIndex += paddedStructSize;
if (_readIndex == _writeIndex)
//resetting the Indices has the benefit to let the Reserve work in more occasions and
//the rapping happening less often. If the _readIndex reached the _writeIndex, it means
//that there is no data left to read, so we can start to write again from the begin of the memory
_writeIndex = 0;
_readIndex = 0;
if (readHead + paddedStructSize <= capacity)
return Unsafe.Read(ptr + readHead);
//handle the case the structure wraps around so it must be reconstructed from the part at the
//end of the stream and the part starting from the begin.
T item = default;
var byteCountToEnd = capacity - readHead;
Unsafe.CopyBlock(Unsafe.AsPointer(ref item), ptr + readHead, byteCountToEnd);
var restCount = structSize - byteCountToEnd;
Unsafe.CopyBlock((byte*) Unsafe.AsPointer(ref item) + byteCountToEnd, ptr, restCount);
return item;
// ///
// /// Note when a realloc happens it doesn't just unwrap the data, but also reset the readIndex to 0 so
// /// if readIndex is greater than 0 the index of elements of an unwrapped queue will be shifted back
// ///
// [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
// internal void ReallocOld(uint newCapacity)
// {
// unsafe
// {
// //be sure it's multiple of 4. Assuming that what we write is aligned to 4, then we will always have aligned wrapped heads
// //the reading and writing head always increment in multiple of 4
// newCapacity += MemoryUtilities.Pad4(newCapacity);
// byte* newPointer = null;
// if (newCapacity <= capacity)
// throw new Exception("new capacity must be bigger than current");
// #endif
// newPointer = (byte*) MemoryUtilities.Alloc(newCapacity, allocator);
// //copy wrapped content if there is any
// var currentSize = _writeIndex - _readIndex;
// if (currentSize > 0)
// {
// var readerHead = _readIndex % capacity;
// var writerHead = _writeIndex % capacity;
// //there was no wrapping
// if (readerHead < writerHead)
// {
// //copy to the new pointer, starting from the first byte still to be read, so that readIndex
// //position can be reset
// Unsafe.CopyBlock(newPointer, ptr + readerHead, (uint) currentSize);
// }
// //the goal of the following code is to unwrap the queue into a linear array.
// //the assumption is that if the wrapped writeHead is smaller than the wrapped readHead
// //the writerHead wrapped and restart from the being of the array.
// //so I have to copy the data from readerHead to the end of the array and then
// //from the start of the array to writerHead (which is the same position of readerHead)
// else
// {
// var byteCountToEnd = capacity - readerHead;
// Unsafe.CopyBlock(newPointer, ptr + readerHead, byteCountToEnd);
// Unsafe.CopyBlock(newPointer + byteCountToEnd, ptr, (uint) writerHead);
// }
// }
// if (ptr != null)
// MemoryUtilities.Free((IntPtr) ptr, allocator);
// ptr = newPointer;
// capacity = newCapacity;
// _readIndex = 0;
// _writeIndex = currentSize;
// }
// }
/// This version of Realloc unwrap a queue, but doesn't change the unwrapped index of existing elements.
/// In this way the previously index will remain valid
internal void Realloc(uint newCapacity)
//be sure it's multiple of 4. Assuming that what we write is aligned to 4, then we will always have aligned wrapped heads
//the reading and writing head always increment in multiple of 4
newCapacity += MemoryUtilities.Pad4(newCapacity);
byte* newPointer = null;
if (newCapacity <= capacity)
throw new Exception("new capacity must be bigger than current");
newPointer = (byte*) MemoryUtilities.Alloc(newCapacity, allocator);
//copy wrapped content if there is any
var currentSize = _writeIndex - _readIndex;
if (currentSize > 0)
var oldReaderHead = _readIndex % capacity;
var writerHead = _writeIndex % capacity;
//there was no wrapping
if (oldReaderHead < writerHead)
var newReaderHead = _readIndex % newCapacity;
Unsafe.CopyBlock(newPointer + newReaderHead, ptr + oldReaderHead, (uint) currentSize);
var byteCountToEnd = capacity - oldReaderHead;
var newReaderHead = _readIndex % newCapacity;
if (newReaderHead + byteCountToEnd + writerHead > newCapacity)
throw new Exception("something is wrong with my previous assumptions");
Unsafe.CopyBlock(newPointer + newReaderHead, ptr + oldReaderHead, byteCountToEnd); //from the old reader head to the end of the old array
Unsafe.CopyBlock(newPointer + newReaderHead + byteCountToEnd, ptr + 0, (uint) writerHead); //from the begin of the old array to the old writer head (rember the writerHead wrapped)
if (ptr != null)
MemoryUtilities.Free((IntPtr) ptr, allocator);
ptr = newPointer;
capacity = newCapacity;
//_readIndex = 0;
_writeIndex = _readIndex + currentSize;
public void Dispose()
if (ptr != null)
MemoryUtilities.Free((IntPtr) ptr, allocator);
ptr = null;
_writeIndex = 0;
capacity = 0;
public void Clear()
_writeIndex = 0;
_readIndex = 0;
uint _writeIndex;
uint _readIndex;