using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Svelto.ECS.Internal;
namespace Svelto.ECS.Serialization
public interface IEntitySerialization
/// Fill the serializationData of the entitiesToSerialize of this descriptor
/// Size in bytes of the newly instantiated entity
void SerializeEntity(EGID egid, ISerializationData serializationData, int serializationType);
/// Deserialize a serializationData and copy directly onto the appropriate entities
void DeserializeEntity(ISerializationData serializationData, int serializationType);
/// Deserialize a serializationData and copy directly onto the appropriate entities with explicit EGID
void DeserializeEntity(EGID egid, ISerializationData serializationData, int serializationType);
/// Deserialize a serializationData and copy directly to an previously created EntityInitializer
void DeserializeEntityComponents(ISerializationData serializationData,
ISerializableEntityDescriptor entityDescriptor,
ref EntityInitializer initializer, int serializationType);
/// Contrary to the other Deserialize methods that assume that the entity exists, this method is used to deserialise
/// a new Entity
EntityInitializer DeserializeNewEntity(EGID egid, ISerializationData serializationData,
int serializationType);
/// Skips over entities without deserializing them, but incrementing the data position of the serialization data
/// as if it had
void SkipEntityDeserialization(ISerializationData serializationData, int serializationType,
int numberOfEntities);
/// Special Entity Swap method that works without knowing the EntityDescriptor to swap
void DeserializeEntityToSwap(EGID fromEGID, EGID toEGID, [CallerMemberName] string caller = null);
/// Special Entity delete method that works without knowing the EntityDescriptor to delete
void DeserializeEntityToDelete(EGID egid, [CallerMemberName] string caller = null);
uint GetHashFromGroup(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupStruct);
ExclusiveGroupStruct GetGroupFromHash(uint groupHash);
void RegisterSerializationFactory(IDeserializationFactory deserializationFactory)
where T : ISerializableEntityDescriptor, new();
T DeserializeEntityComponent(ISerializationData serializationData,
ISerializableEntityDescriptor entityDescriptor, int serializationType)
where T : unmanaged, IEntityComponent;