- //#define PARANOID_CHECK
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
- using Svelto.DataStructures;
- using Svelto.ECS.Internal;
- namespace Svelto.ECS
- {
- public static class EGIDMultiMapperNBExtension
- {
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static EGIDMultiMapper<T> QueryMappedEntities<T>(this EntitiesDB entitiesDb, LocalFasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> groups)
- where T : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- var dictionary = new FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, ITypeSafeDictionary<T>>((uint) groups.count);
- foreach (var group in groups)
- {
- entitiesDb.QueryOrCreateEntityDictionary<T>(group, out var typeSafeDictionary);
- //if (typeSafeDictionary.count > 0) avoiding this allows these egidmappers to be precreated and stored
- dictionary.Add(group, typeSafeDictionary as ITypeSafeDictionary<T>);
- }
- return new EGIDMultiMapper<T>(dictionary);
- }
- }
- public partial class EnginesRoot: IDisposable, IUnitTestingInterface
- {
- ///--------------------------------------------
- ///
- public IEntityStreamConsumerFactory GenerateConsumerFactory()
- {
- return new GenericEntityStreamConsumerFactory(this);
- }
- public IEntityFactory GenerateEntityFactory()
- {
- return new GenericEntityFactory(this);
- }
- public IEntityFunctions GenerateEntityFunctions()
- {
- return new GenericEntityFunctions(this);
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- EntityInitializer BuildEntity(EGID entityID, IComponentBuilder[] componentsToBuild, Type descriptorType,
- IEnumerable<object> implementors, string caller)
- {
- CheckAddEntityID(entityID, descriptorType, caller);
- DBC.ECS.Check.Require(
- entityID.groupID.isInvalid == false,
- "invalid group detected, are you using new ExclusiveGroupStruct() instead of new ExclusiveGroup()?");
- var reference = _entityLocator.ClaimReference();
- _entityLocator.SetReference(reference, entityID);
- var dic = EntityFactory.BuildGroupedEntities(
- entityID, _groupedEntityToAdd, componentsToBuild, implementors
- , descriptorType
- #endif
- );
- return new EntityInitializer(entityID, dic, reference);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Preallocate memory to avoid the impact to resize arrays when many entities are submitted at once
- /// </summary>
- internal void Preallocate(ExclusiveGroupStruct groupID, uint size, IComponentBuilder[] entityComponentsToBuild)
- {
- void PreallocateEntitiesToAdd()
- {
- _groupedEntityToAdd.Preallocate(groupID, size, entityComponentsToBuild);
- }
- void PreallocateDBGroup()
- {
- var numberOfEntityComponents = entityComponentsToBuild.Length;
- FasterDictionary<ComponentID, ITypeSafeDictionary> group = GetOrAddDBGroup(groupID);
- for (var index = 0; index < numberOfEntityComponents; index++)
- {
- var entityComponentBuilder = entityComponentsToBuild[index];
- var entityComponentType = entityComponentBuilder.getComponentID;
- var components = group.GetOrAdd(entityComponentType, () => entityComponentBuilder.CreateDictionary(size));
- if (components.count != 0)
- throw new ECSException("Entity already created in this group, cannot preallocate");
- entityComponentBuilder.Preallocate(components, size);
- if (_groupsPerEntity.TryGetValue(entityComponentType, out var groupedGroup) == false)
- groupedGroup = _groupsPerEntity[entityComponentType] =
- new FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, ITypeSafeDictionary>();
- groupedGroup[groupID] = components;
- }
- }
- PreallocateDBGroup();
- PreallocateEntitiesToAdd();
- _entityLocator.PreallocateReferenceMaps(groupID, size);
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- FasterDictionary<ComponentID, ITypeSafeDictionary> GetDBGroup(ExclusiveGroupStruct fromIdGroupId)
- {
- if (_groupEntityComponentsDB.TryGetValue(
- fromIdGroupId,
- out FasterDictionary<ComponentID, ITypeSafeDictionary> fromGroup) == false)
- throw new ECSException("Group doesn't exist: ".FastConcat(fromIdGroupId.ToName()));
- return fromGroup;
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- FasterDictionary<ComponentID, ITypeSafeDictionary> GetOrAddDBGroup(ExclusiveGroupStruct toGroupId)
- {
- return _groupEntityComponentsDB.GetOrAdd(
- toGroupId,
- () => new FasterDictionary<ComponentID, ITypeSafeDictionary>());
- }
- IComponentBuilder[] FindRealComponents<T>(EGID fromEntityGID) where T : IEntityDescriptor, new()
- {
- var fromGroup = GetDBGroup(fromEntityGID.groupID);
- if (fromGroup.TryGetValue(
- ComponentBuilderUtilities.ENTITY_INFO_COMPONENT_ID,
- out var entityInfoDic) //<entity ID, EntityInfoComponent>
- && ((ITypeSafeDictionary<EntityInfoComponent>)entityInfoDic).TryGetValue(
- fromEntityGID.entityID,
- out var entityInfo)) //there could be multiple entity descriptors registered in the same group, so it's necessary to check if the entity registered in the group has entityInfoComponent
- {
- var hash = new HashSet<IComponentBuilder>(entityInfo.componentsToBuild,
- default(ComponentBuilderComparer));
- foreach (var component in EntityDescriptorTemplate<T>.descriptor.componentsToBuild)
- {
- if (hash.Contains(component) == false)
- throw new Exception(
- $"entityInfo.componentsToBuild must contain all the base components {fromEntityGID}," +
- $" missing component {component}");
- hash.Remove(component);
- }
- #endif
- return entityInfo.componentsToBuild;
- }
- return EntityDescriptorTemplate<T>.realDescriptor.componentsToBuild;
- }
- IComponentBuilder[] FindRealComponents(EGID fromEntityGID, IComponentBuilder[] baseComponents)
- {
- var fromGroup = GetDBGroup(fromEntityGID.groupID);
- if (fromGroup.TryGetValue(
- ComponentBuilderUtilities.ENTITY_INFO_COMPONENT_ID,
- out var entityInfoDic) //<entity ID, EntityInfoComponent>
- && ((ITypeSafeDictionary<EntityInfoComponent>)entityInfoDic).TryGetValue(
- fromEntityGID.entityID,
- out var entityInfo)) //there could be multiple entity descriptors registered in the same group, so it's necessary to check if the entity registered in the group has entityInfoComponent
- {
- var hash = new HashSet<IComponentBuilder>(entityInfo.componentsToBuild,
- default(ComponentBuilderComparer));
- foreach (var component in baseComponents)
- {
- if (hash.Contains(component) == false)
- throw new Exception(
- $"entityInfo.componentsToBuild must contain all the base components {fromEntityGID}," +
- $" missing component {component}");
- hash.Remove(component);
- }
- #endif
- return entityInfo.componentsToBuild;
- }
- return baseComponents;
- }
- //one datastructure rule them all:
- //split by group
- //split by type per group. It's possible to get all the entities of a give type T per group thanks
- //to the FasterDictionary capabilities OR it's possible to get a specific entityComponent indexed by
- //ID. This ID doesn't need to be the EGID, it can be just the entityID
- //for each group id, save a dictionary indexed by entity type of entities indexed by id
- // group EntityComponentType entityID, EntityComponent
- internal readonly FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, FasterDictionary<ComponentID, ITypeSafeDictionary>>
- _groupEntityComponentsDB;
- //for each entity view type, return the groups (dictionary of entities indexed by entity id) where they are
- //found indexed by group id. TypeSafeDictionary are never created, they instead point to the ones hold
- //by _groupEntityComponentsDB
- // <EntityComponentType <groupID <entityID, EntityComponent>>>
- internal readonly FasterDictionary<ComponentID, FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, ITypeSafeDictionary>>
- _groupsPerEntity;
- readonly EntitiesDB _entitiesDB;
- EntitiesDB IUnitTestingInterface.entitiesForTesting => _entitiesDB;
- }
- public interface IUnitTestingInterface
- {
- EntitiesDB entitiesForTesting { get; }
- }
- }