- using System;
- using Svelto.DataStructures;
- namespace Svelto.ECS
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Do not use this class in place of a normal polling.
- /// I eventually realised than in ECS no form of communication other than polling entity components can exist.
- /// Using groups, you can have always an optimal set of entity components to poll, so EntityStreams must be used
- /// only if:
- /// - you want to polling engine to be able to track all the entity changes happening in between polls and not
- /// just the current state
- /// - you want a thread-safe way to read entity states, which includes all the state changes and not the last
- /// one only
- /// - you want to communicate between EnginesRoots
- /// </summary>
- class EntitiesStream : IDisposable
- {
- internal Consumer<T> GenerateConsumer<T>(string name, uint capacity) where T : unmanaged, IEntityStruct
- {
- if (_streams.ContainsKey(TypeRefWrapper<T>.wrapper) == false) _streams[TypeRefWrapper<T>.wrapper] = new EntityStream<T>();
- return (_streams[TypeRefWrapper<T>.wrapper] as EntityStream<T>).GenerateConsumer(name, capacity);
- }
- public Consumer<T> GenerateConsumer<T>(ExclusiveGroup group, string name, uint capacity)
- where T : unmanaged, IEntityStruct
- {
- if (_streams.ContainsKey(TypeRefWrapper<T>.wrapper) == false) _streams[TypeRefWrapper<T>.wrapper] = new EntityStream<T>();
- return (_streams[TypeRefWrapper<T>.wrapper] as EntityStream<T>).GenerateConsumer(group, name, capacity);
- }
- internal void PublishEntity<T>(ref T entity, EGID egid) where T : unmanaged, IEntityStruct
- {
- if (_streams.TryGetValue(TypeRefWrapper<T>.wrapper, out var typeSafeStream))
- (typeSafeStream as EntityStream<T>).PublishEntity(ref entity, egid);
- else
- Console.LogDebug("No Consumers are waiting for this entity to change ", typeof(T));
- }
- readonly ThreadSafeDictionary<RefWrapper<Type>, ITypeSafeStream> _streams =
- new ThreadSafeDictionary<RefWrapper<Type>, ITypeSafeStream>();
- public void Dispose()
- {
- _streams.Clear();
- }
- }
- interface ITypeSafeStream
- {}
- class EntityStream<T> : ITypeSafeStream where T : unmanaged, IEntityStruct
- {
- public void PublishEntity(ref T entity, EGID egid)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < _consumers.Count; i++)
- {
- if (_consumers[i]._hasGroup)
- {
- if (egid.groupID == _consumers[i]._group)
- {
- _consumers[i].Enqueue(entity, egid);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- _consumers[i].Enqueue(entity, egid);
- }
- }
- }
- public Consumer<T> GenerateConsumer(string name, uint capacity)
- {
- var consumer = new Consumer<T>(name, capacity, this);
- _consumers.Add(consumer);
- return consumer;
- }
- public Consumer<T> GenerateConsumer(ExclusiveGroup group, string name, uint capacity)
- {
- var consumer = new Consumer<T>(group, name, capacity, this);
- _consumers.Add(consumer);
- return consumer;
- }
- public void RemoveConsumer(Consumer<T> consumer)
- {
- _consumers.UnorderedRemove(consumer);
- }
- readonly FasterListThreadSafe<Consumer<T>> _consumers = new FasterListThreadSafe<Consumer<T>>();
- }
- public struct Consumer<T> : IDisposable where T : unmanaged, IEntityStruct
- {
- internal Consumer(string name, uint capacity, EntityStream<T> stream):this()
- {
- _name = name;
- #endif
- _ringBuffer = new RingBuffer<ValueTuple<T, EGID>>((int) capacity,
- _name
- #else
- string.Empty
- #endif
- );
- _stream = stream;
- }
- internal Consumer(ExclusiveGroup group, string name, uint capacity, EntityStream<T> stream) : this(name,
- capacity, stream)
- {
- _group = group;
- _hasGroup = true;
- }
- internal void Enqueue(in T entity, in EGID egid)
- {
- _ringBuffer.Enqueue((entity, egid));
- }
- public bool TryDequeue(out T entity)
- {
- var tryDequeue = _ringBuffer.TryDequeue(out var values);
- entity = values.Item1;
- return tryDequeue;
- }
- public bool TryDequeue(out T entity, out EGID id)
- {
- var tryDequeue = _ringBuffer.TryDequeue(out var values);
- entity = values.Item1;
- id = values.Item2;
- return tryDequeue;
- }
- public void Flush() { _ringBuffer.Reset(); }
- public void Dispose() { _stream.RemoveConsumer(this); }
- public uint Count() { return (uint) _ringBuffer.Count; }
- readonly RingBuffer<ValueTuple<T, EGID>> _ringBuffer;
- readonly EntityStream<T> _stream;
- internal readonly ExclusiveGroup _group;
- internal readonly bool _hasGroup;
- readonly string _name;
- #endif
- }
- }