- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using Svelto.Common;
- using Svelto.DataStructures;
- using Svelto.ECS.Internal;
- using Svelto.ECS.Schedulers;
- namespace Svelto.ECS
- {
- public sealed partial class EnginesRoot
- {
- public struct EntitiesSubmitter
- {
- public EntitiesSubmitter(EnginesRoot enginesRoot) : this()
- {
- _weakReference = new Svelto.DataStructures.WeakReference<EnginesRoot>(enginesRoot);
- }
- public bool IsUnused => _weakReference.IsValid == false;
- public IEnumerator Invoke(uint maxNumberOfOperationsPerFrame)
- {
- var entitiesSubmissionScheduler = _weakReference.Target._scheduler;
- if (_weakReference.IsValid && entitiesSubmissionScheduler.paused == false)
- {
- var submitEntityComponents =
- _weakReference.Target.SubmitEntityComponents(maxNumberOfOperationsPerFrame);
- DBC.ECS.Check.Require(entitiesSubmissionScheduler.isRunning == false
- , "A submission started while the previous one was still flushing");
- entitiesSubmissionScheduler.isRunning = true;
- while (submitEntityComponents.MoveNext() == true)
- yield return null;
- entitiesSubmissionScheduler.isRunning = false;
- ++entitiesSubmissionScheduler.iteration;
- }
- }
- readonly Svelto.DataStructures.WeakReference<EnginesRoot> _weakReference;
- }
- readonly EntitiesSubmissionScheduler _scheduler;
- public EntitiesSubmissionScheduler scheduler => _scheduler;
- /// <summary>
- /// Engines root contextualize your engines and entities. You don't need to limit yourself to one EngineRoot
- /// as multiple engines root could promote separation of scopes. The EntitySubmissionScheduler checks
- /// periodically if new entity must be submitted to the database and the engines. It's an external
- /// dependencies to be independent by the running platform as the user can define it.
- /// The EntitySubmissionScheduler cannot hold an EnginesRoot reference, that's why
- /// it must receive a weak reference of the EnginesRoot callback.
- /// </summary>
- public EnginesRoot(EntitiesSubmissionScheduler entitiesComponentScheduler)
- {
- _entitiesOperations = new FasterDictionary<ulong, EntitySubmitOperation>();
- serializationDescriptorMap = new SerializationDescriptorMap();
- _reactiveEnginesAddRemove = new FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterList<IReactEngine>>();
- _reactiveEnginesAddRemoveOnDispose = new FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterList<IReactEngine>>();
- _reactiveEnginesSwap = new FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterList<IReactEngine>>();
- _reactiveEnginesSubmission = new FasterList<IReactOnSubmission>();
- _enginesSet = new FasterList<IEngine>();
- _enginesTypeSet = new HashSet<Type>();
- _disposableEngines = new FasterList<IDisposable>();
- _transientEntitiesOperations = new FasterList<EntitySubmitOperation>();
- _groupEntityComponentsDB =
- new FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, ITypeSafeDictionary>>();
- _groupsPerEntity =
- new FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, ITypeSafeDictionary>>();
- _groupedEntityToAdd = new DoubleBufferedEntitiesToAdd();
- _entityStreams = EntitiesStreams.Create();
- _groupFilters =
- new FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterDictionary<ExclusiveGroupStruct, GroupFilters>>();
- _entitiesDB = new EntitiesDB(this);
- _scheduler = entitiesComponentScheduler;
- _scheduler.onTick = new EntitiesSubmitter(this);
- AllocateNativeOperations();
- #endif
- }
- public EnginesRoot
- (EntitiesSubmissionScheduler entitiesComponentScheduler, bool isDeserializationOnly) :
- this(entitiesComponentScheduler)
- {
- _isDeserializationOnly = isDeserializationOnly;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Dispose an EngineRoot once not used anymore, so that all the
- /// engines are notified with the entities removed.
- /// It's a clean up process.
- /// </summary>
- public void Dispose()
- {
- _isDisposing = true;
- using (var profiler = new PlatformProfiler("Final Dispose"))
- {
- //Note: The engines are disposed before the the remove callback to give the chance to behave
- //differently if a remove happens as a consequence of a dispose
- //The pattern is to implement the IDisposable interface and set a flag in the engine. The
- //remove callback will then behave differently according the flag.
- foreach (var engine in _disposableEngines)
- {
- try
- {
- if (engine is IDisposingEngine dengine)
- dengine.isDisposing = true;
- engine.Dispose();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Svelto.Console.LogException(e);
- }
- }
- foreach (var groups in _groupEntityComponentsDB)
- {
- foreach (var entityList in groups.Value)
- try
- {
- entityList.Value.ExecuteEnginesRemoveCallbacks(_reactiveEnginesAddRemoveOnDispose, profiler
- , new ExclusiveGroupStruct(groups.Key));
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Svelto.Console.LogException(e);
- }
- }
- foreach (var groups in _groupEntityComponentsDB)
- {
- foreach (var entityList in groups.Value)
- entityList.Value.Dispose();
- }
- foreach (var type in _groupFilters)
- foreach (var group in type.Value)
- group.Value.Dispose();
- _groupFilters.Clear();
- _nativeAddOperationQueue.Dispose();
- _nativeRemoveOperationQueue.Dispose();
- _nativeSwapOperationQueue.Dispose();
- #endif
- _groupEntityComponentsDB.Clear();
- _groupsPerEntity.Clear();
- _disposableEngines.Clear();
- _enginesSet.Clear();
- _enginesTypeSet.Clear();
- _reactiveEnginesSwap.Clear();
- _reactiveEnginesAddRemove.Clear();
- _reactiveEnginesAddRemoveOnDispose.Clear();
- _reactiveEnginesSubmission.Clear();
- _entitiesOperations.Clear();
- _transientEntitiesOperations.Clear();
- _groupedEntityToAdd.Dispose();
- _entityStreams.Dispose();
- scheduler.Dispose();
- }
- GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
- }
- ~EnginesRoot()
- {
- Console.LogWarning("Engines Root has been garbage collected, don't forget to call Dispose()!");
- Dispose();
- }
- public void AddEngine(IEngine engine)
- {
- var type = engine.GetType();
- var refWrapper = new RefWrapperType(type);
- DBC.ECS.Check.Require(engine != null, "Engine to add is invalid or null");
- DBC.ECS.Check.Require(
- _enginesTypeSet.Contains(refWrapper) == false
- || type.ContainsCustomAttribute(typeof(AllowMultipleAttribute)) == true
- , "The same engine has been added more than once, if intentional, use [AllowMultiple] class attribute "
- .FastConcat(engine.ToString()));
- try
- {
- if (engine is IReactOnAddAndRemove viewEngine)
- CheckReactEngineComponents(viewEngine, _reactiveEnginesAddRemove);
- if (engine is IReactOnDispose viewEngineDispose)
- CheckReactEngineComponents(viewEngineDispose, _reactiveEnginesAddRemoveOnDispose);
- if (engine is IReactOnSwap viewEngineSwap)
- CheckReactEngineComponents(viewEngineSwap, _reactiveEnginesSwap);
- if (engine is IReactOnSubmission submissionEngine)
- _reactiveEnginesSubmission.Add(submissionEngine);
- _enginesTypeSet.Add(refWrapper);
- _enginesSet.Add(engine);
- if (engine is IDisposable)
- _disposableEngines.Add(engine as IDisposable);
- if (engine is IQueryingEntitiesEngine queryableEntityComponentEngine)
- {
- queryableEntityComponentEngine.entitiesDB = _entitiesDB;
- queryableEntityComponentEngine.Ready();
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- throw new ECSException("Code crashed while adding engine ".FastConcat(engine.GetType().ToString(), " ")
- , e);
- }
- }
- void CheckReactEngineComponents<T>(T engine, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterList<IReactEngine>> engines)
- where T : class, IReactEngine
- {
- var interfaces = engine.GetType().GetInterfaces();
- foreach (var interf in interfaces)
- {
- if (interf.IsGenericTypeEx() && typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(interf))
- {
- var genericArguments = interf.GetGenericArgumentsEx();
- AddEngineToList(engine, genericArguments, engines);
- }
- }
- }
- static void AddEngineToList<T>
- (T engine, Type[] entityComponentTypes, FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterList<IReactEngine>> engines)
- where T : class, IReactEngine
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < entityComponentTypes.Length; i++)
- {
- var type = entityComponentTypes[i];
- if (engines.TryGetValue(new RefWrapperType(type), out var list) == false)
- {
- list = new FasterList<IReactEngine>();
- engines.Add(new RefWrapperType(type), list);
- }
- list.Add(engine);
- }
- }
- readonly FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterList<IReactEngine>> _reactiveEnginesAddRemove;
- readonly FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterList<IReactEngine>> _reactiveEnginesAddRemoveOnDispose;
- readonly FasterDictionary<RefWrapperType, FasterList<IReactEngine>> _reactiveEnginesSwap;
- readonly FasterList<IReactOnSubmission> _reactiveEnginesSubmission;
- readonly FasterList<IDisposable> _disposableEngines;
- readonly FasterList<IEngine> _enginesSet;
- readonly HashSet<Type> _enginesTypeSet;
- internal bool _isDisposing;
- }
- }