- #if UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER
- using System;
- using Svelto.ECS.Hybrid;
- using UnityEngine;
- namespace Svelto.ECS.Extensions.Unity
- {
- // "New Svelto GUI Patterns are now available"
- public static class SveltoGUIHelper
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// This is the suggested way to create GUIs from prefabs now.
- /// </summary>
- public static T CreateFromPrefab<T>
- (ref uint startIndex, Transform contextHolder, IEntityFactory factory, ExclusiveGroup group
- , bool searchImplementorsInChildren = false, string groupNamePostfix = null)
- where T : MonoBehaviour, IEntityDescriptorHolder
- {
- Create<T>(new EGID(startIndex++, group), contextHolder, factory, out var holder);
- var children = contextHolder.GetComponentsInChildren<IEntityDescriptorHolder>(true);
- foreach (var child in children)
- {
- if (child.GetType() != typeof(T))
- {
- var monoBehaviour = child as MonoBehaviour;
- IImplementor[] childImplementors;
- if (searchImplementorsInChildren == false)
- childImplementors = monoBehaviour.GetComponents<IImplementor>();
- else
- childImplementors = monoBehaviour.GetComponentsInChildren<IImplementor>(true);
- startIndex = InternalBuildAll(startIndex, child, factory, group, childImplementors
- , groupNamePostfix);
- }
- }
- return holder;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Creates all the entities in a hierarchy. This was commonly used to create entities from gameobjects
- /// already present in the scene
- /// </summary>
- public static uint CreateAll<T>
- (uint startIndex, ExclusiveGroup group, Transform contextHolder, IEntityFactory factory
- , string groupNamePostfix = null) where T : MonoBehaviour, IEntityDescriptorHolder
- {
- var holders = contextHolder.GetComponentsInChildren<T>(true);
- foreach (var holder in holders)
- {
- var implementors = holder.GetComponents<IImplementor>();
- try
- {
- startIndex = InternalBuildAll(startIndex, holder, factory, group, implementors, groupNamePostfix);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- throw new Exception($"When building entity from game object {Path(holder.transform)}", ex);
- }
- }
- return startIndex;
- }
- public static EntityInitializer Create<T>(EGID ID, Transform contextHolder, IEntityFactory factory, out T holder
- , bool searchImplementorsInChildren = false) where T : MonoBehaviour, IEntityDescriptorHolder
- {
- holder = contextHolder.GetComponentInChildren<T>(true);
- if (holder == null)
- {
- throw new Exception($"Could not find holder {typeof(T).Name} in {contextHolder.name}");
- }
- var implementors = searchImplementorsInChildren == false
- ? holder.GetComponents<IImplementor>()
- : holder.GetComponentsInChildren<IImplementor>(true);
- return factory.BuildEntity(ID, holder.GetDescriptor(), implementors);
- }
- public static EntityInitializer Create<T>
- (EGID ID, Transform contextHolder, IEntityFactory factory, bool searchImplementorsInChildren = false)
- where T : MonoBehaviour, IEntityDescriptorHolder
- {
- return Create<T>(ID, contextHolder, factory, out _, searchImplementorsInChildren);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Works like CreateAll but only builds entities with holders that have the same group specified
- /// This is a very specific case and I still need to decide if I want it in the framework
- /// </summary>
- public static uint CreateAllInMatchingGroup<T>
- (uint startId, ExclusiveGroup exclusiveGroup, Transform contextHolder, IEntityFactory factory)
- where T : MonoBehaviour, IEntityDescriptorHolder
- {
- var holders = contextHolder.GetComponentsInChildren<T>(true);
- foreach (var holder in holders)
- {
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(holder.groupName) == false)
- {
- var realGroup = ExclusiveGroup.Search(holder.groupName);
- if (realGroup != exclusiveGroup)
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- continue;
- }
- var implementors = holder.GetComponents<IImplementor>();
- startId = InternalBuildAll(startId, holder, factory, exclusiveGroup, implementors, null);
- }
- return startId;
- }
- static string Path(Transform go)
- {
- string s = go.name;
- while (go.parent != null)
- {
- go = go.parent;
- s = go.name + "/" + s;
- }
- return s;
- }
- static uint InternalBuildAll
- (uint startIndex, IEntityDescriptorHolder descriptorHolder, IEntityFactory factory, ExclusiveGroup group
- , IImplementor[] implementors, string groupNamePostfix)
- {
- ExclusiveGroupStruct realGroup = group;
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptorHolder.groupName) == false)
- {
- realGroup = ExclusiveGroup.Search(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupNamePostfix)
- ? $"{descriptorHolder.groupName}{groupNamePostfix}"
- : descriptorHolder.groupName);
- }
- EGID egid;
- var holderId = descriptorHolder.id;
- if (holderId == 0)
- egid = new EGID(startIndex++, realGroup);
- else
- egid = new EGID(holderId, realGroup);
- var init = factory.BuildEntity(egid, descriptorHolder.GetDescriptor(), implementors);
- init.Init(new EntityHierarchyComponent(group));
- return startIndex;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif