- using System;
- using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
- using DBC.ECS;
- using Svelto.Common;
- using Svelto.DataStructures;
- namespace Svelto.ECS.Internal
- {
- public static class TypeSafeDictionaryMethods
- {
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void AddEntitiesToDictionary<Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3, TValue>(
- in SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3> fromDictionary
- , ITypeSafeDictionary<TValue> toDic
- , in EnginesRoot.EntityReferenceMap entityLocator
- #endif
- , ExclusiveGroupStruct toGroupID)
- where Strategy1 : struct, IBufferStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>
- where Strategy2 : struct, IBufferStrategy<TValue>
- where Strategy3 : struct, IBufferStrategy<int>
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- foreach (var tuple in fromDictionary)
- {
- var egid = new EGID(tuple.key, toGroupID);
- if (SlowSubmissionInfo<TValue>.hasEgid)
- SetEGIDWithoutBoxing<TValue>.SetIDWithoutBoxing(ref tuple.value, egid);
- if (SlowSubmissionInfo<TValue>.hasReference)
- SetEGIDWithoutBoxing<TValue>.SetRefWithoutBoxing(
- ref tuple.value,
- entityLocator.GetEntityReference(egid));
- #endif
- try
- {
- #endif
- toDic.Add(tuple.key, tuple.value);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.LogException(
- e,
- "trying to add an EntityComponent with the same ID more than once Entity: ".FastConcat(typeof(TValue).ToString())
- .FastConcat(", group ").FastConcat(toGroupID.ToName()).FastConcat(", id ").FastConcat(tuple.key));
- throw;
- }
- #endif
- DBC.ECS.Check.Ensure(_hasEgid == false || ((INeedEGID)fromDictionary[egid.entityID]).ID == egid, "impossible situation happened during swap");
- #endif
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void ExecuteEnginesAddCallbacks<Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3, TValue>(
- ref SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3> fromDictionary
- , ITypeSafeDictionary<TValue> todic, ExclusiveGroupStruct togroup
- , FasterDictionary<ComponentID, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnAdd>>> entitycomponentenginesdb
- , in PlatformProfiler sampler)
- where Strategy1 : struct, IBufferStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>
- where Strategy2 : struct, IBufferStrategy<TValue>
- where Strategy3 : struct, IBufferStrategy<int>
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- if (entitycomponentenginesdb.TryGetValue(
- ComponentTypeID<TValue>.id
- , out var entityComponentsEngines))
- {
- if (entityComponentsEngines.count == 0)
- return;
- var dictionaryKeyEnumerator = fromDictionary.unsafeKeys;
- var count = fromDictionary.count;
- for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- try
- {
- var key = dictionaryKeyEnumerator[i].key;
- ref var entity = ref todic.GetValueByRef(key);
- var egid = new EGID(key, togroup);
- //get all the engines linked to TValue
- for (var j = 0; j < entityComponentsEngines.count; j++)
- using (sampler.Sample(entityComponentsEngines[j].name))
- {
- #pragma warning disable CS0612
- ((IReactOnAdd<TValue>)entityComponentsEngines[j].engine).Add(ref entity, egid);
- #pragma warning restore CS0612
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.LogException(e, "Code crashed inside Add callback with Type ".FastConcat(TypeCache<TValue>.name));
- throw;
- }
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void ExecuteEnginesDisposeCallbacks_Group<Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3, TValue>(
- ref SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3> fromDictionary
- , FasterDictionary<ComponentID, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnDispose>>> reactiveEnginesDispose
- , FasterDictionary<ComponentID, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnDisposeEx>>> reactiveEnginesDisposeEx
- , IEntityIDs entityids, ExclusiveGroupStruct group, in PlatformProfiler sampler)
- where Strategy1 : struct, IBufferStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>
- where Strategy2 : struct, IBufferStrategy<TValue>
- where Strategy3 : struct, IBufferStrategy<int>
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- if (reactiveEnginesDispose.TryGetValue(ComponentTypeID<TValue>.id, out var entityComponentsEngines) == true)
- {
- var resultCount = entityComponentsEngines.count;
- for (var i = 0; i < resultCount; i++)
- try
- {
- using (sampler.Sample(entityComponentsEngines[i].name))
- {
- foreach (var value in fromDictionary)
- {
- ref var entity = ref value.value;
- var egid = new EGID(value.key, group);
- #pragma warning disable CS0618
- var reactOnRemove = (IReactOnDispose<TValue>)entityComponentsEngines[i].engine;
- #pragma warning restore CS0618
- reactOnRemove.Remove(ref entity, egid);
- }
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- Console.LogError("Code crashed inside Remove callback ".FastConcat(entityComponentsEngines[i].name));
- throw;
- }
- }
- if (reactiveEnginesDisposeEx.TryGetValue(ComponentTypeID<TValue>.id, out var reactiveEnginesDisposeExPerType))
- {
- var count = fromDictionary.count;
- var enginesCount = reactiveEnginesDisposeExPerType.count;
- if (count > 0)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < enginesCount; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- using (sampler.Sample(reactiveEnginesDisposeExPerType[i].name))
- {
- ((IReactOnDisposeEx<TValue>)reactiveEnginesDisposeExPerType[i].engine).Remove(
- (0, (uint)count)
- , new EntityCollection<TValue>(fromDictionary.UnsafeGetValues(out _), entityids, (uint)count), group);
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- Console.LogError("Code crashed inside Remove callback ".FastConcat(reactiveEnginesDisposeExPerType[i].name));
- throw;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void ExecuteEnginesRemoveCallbacks<Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3, TValue>(FasterList<(uint, string)> infostoprocess
- , ref SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3> fromDictionary
- , FasterDictionary<ComponentID, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnRemove>>> reactiveenginesremove
- , ExclusiveGroupStruct fromgroup, in PlatformProfiler profiler)
- where Strategy1 : struct, IBufferStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>
- where Strategy2 : struct, IBufferStrategy<TValue>
- where Strategy3 : struct, IBufferStrategy<int>
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- if (reactiveenginesremove.TryGetValue(
- ComponentTypeID<TValue>.id
- , out var entityComponentsEngines))
- {
- if (entityComponentsEngines.count == 0)
- return;
- var iterations = infostoprocess.count;
- for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
- {
- var (entityID, trace) = infostoprocess[i];
- try
- {
- ref var entity = ref fromDictionary.GetValueByRef(entityID);
- var egid = new EGID(entityID, fromgroup);
- for (var j = 0; j < entityComponentsEngines.count; j++)
- using (profiler.Sample(entityComponentsEngines[j].name))
- {
- #pragma warning disable CS0612
- ((IReactOnRemove<TValue>)entityComponentsEngines[j].engine).Remove(ref entity, egid);
- #pragma warning restore CS0612
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- var str = "Crash while executing Remove Entity callback on ".FastConcat(TypeCache<TValue>.name)
- .FastConcat(" from : ", trace);
- Console.LogError(str);
- throw;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void ExecuteEnginesRemoveCallbacks_Group<Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3, TValue>(
- ref SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3> fromDictionary
- , FasterDictionary<ComponentID, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnRemove>>> reactiveenginesremove
- , FasterDictionary<ComponentID, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnRemoveEx>>> reactiveenginesremoveex
- , IEntityIDs entityids, ExclusiveGroupStruct group, in PlatformProfiler sampler)
- where Strategy1 : struct, IBufferStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>
- where Strategy2 : struct, IBufferStrategy<TValue>
- where Strategy3 : struct, IBufferStrategy<int>
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- if (reactiveenginesremove.TryGetValue(
- ComponentTypeID<TValue>.id
- , out var reactiveEnginesRemovePerType))
- {
- var enginesCount = reactiveEnginesRemovePerType.count;
- for (var i = 0; i < enginesCount; i++)
- try
- {
- foreach (var value in fromDictionary)
- {
- ref var entity = ref value.value;
- var egid = new EGID(value.key, group);
- using (sampler.Sample(reactiveEnginesRemovePerType[i].name))
- {
- #pragma warning disable CS0612
- ((IReactOnRemove<TValue>)reactiveEnginesRemovePerType[i].engine).Remove(
- #pragma warning restore CS0612
- ref entity, egid);
- }
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- Console.LogError("Code crashed inside Remove callback ".FastConcat(reactiveEnginesRemovePerType[i].name));
- throw;
- }
- }
- if (reactiveenginesremoveex.TryGetValue(
- ComponentTypeID<TValue>.id
- , out var reactiveEnginesRemoveExPerType))
- {
- var count = fromDictionary.count;
- var enginesCount = reactiveEnginesRemoveExPerType.count;
- for (var i = 0; i < enginesCount; i++)
- try
- {
- using (sampler.Sample(reactiveEnginesRemoveExPerType[i].name))
- {
- ((IReactOnRemoveEx<TValue>)reactiveEnginesRemoveExPerType[i].engine).Remove(
- (0, (uint)count)
- , new EntityCollection<TValue>(
- fromDictionary.UnsafeGetValues(out _), entityids
- , (uint)count), group);
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- Console.LogError("Code crashed inside Remove callback ".FastConcat(reactiveEnginesRemoveExPerType[i].name));
- throw;
- }
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void ExecuteEnginesSwapCallbacks<Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3, TValue>(FasterDictionary<uint, SwapInfo> infostoprocess
- , ref SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3> fromDictionary
- , FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnSwap>> reactiveenginesswap, ExclusiveGroupStruct togroup
- , ExclusiveGroupStruct fromgroup, in PlatformProfiler sampler)
- where Strategy1 : struct, IBufferStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>
- where Strategy2 : struct, IBufferStrategy<TValue>
- where Strategy3 : struct, IBufferStrategy<int>
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- if (reactiveenginesswap.count == 0)
- return;
- var iterations = infostoprocess.count;
- var infostoprocessUnsafeValues = infostoprocess.unsafeValues;
- for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
- {
- var (fromEntityID, toEntityID, trace) = infostoprocessUnsafeValues[i];
- try
- {
- ref var entityComponent = ref fromDictionary.GetValueByRef(toEntityID);
- var newEgid = new EGID(toEntityID, togroup);
- for (var j = 0; j < reactiveenginesswap.count; j++)
- using (sampler.Sample(reactiveenginesswap[j].name))
- {
- #pragma warning disable CS0612
- #pragma warning disable CS0618
- ((IReactOnSwap<TValue>)reactiveenginesswap[j].engine).MovedTo(
- #pragma warning restore CS0618
- #pragma warning restore CS0612
- ref entityComponent, fromgroup, newEgid);
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- var str = "Crash while executing Swap Entity callback on ".FastConcat(TypeCache<TValue>.name)
- .FastConcat(" from : ", trace);
- Console.LogError(str);
- throw;
- }
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void ExecuteEnginesSwapCallbacks_Group<Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3, TValue>(
- ref SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3> fromDictionary
- , ITypeSafeDictionary<TValue> toDic, ExclusiveGroupStruct togroup, ExclusiveGroupStruct fromgroup
- , FasterDictionary<ComponentID, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnSwap>>> reactiveenginesswap
- , FasterDictionary<ComponentID, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnSwapEx>>> reactiveenginesswapex
- , IEntityIDs entityids, in PlatformProfiler sampler)
- where Strategy1 : struct, IBufferStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>
- where Strategy2 : struct, IBufferStrategy<TValue>
- where Strategy3 : struct, IBufferStrategy<int>
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- //get all the engines linked to TValue
- if (!reactiveenginesswap.TryGetValue(
- ComponentTypeID<TValue>.id
- , out var reactiveEnginesSwapPerType))
- return;
- var componentsEnginesCount = reactiveEnginesSwapPerType.count;
- for (var i = 0; i < componentsEnginesCount; i++)
- try
- {
- foreach (var value in fromDictionary)
- {
- ref var entityComponent = ref toDic.GetValueByRef(value.key);
- var newEgid = new EGID(value.key, togroup);
- using (sampler.Sample(reactiveEnginesSwapPerType[i].name))
- {
- #pragma warning disable CS0612
- #pragma warning disable CS0618
- ((IReactOnSwap<TValue>)reactiveEnginesSwapPerType[i].engine).MovedTo(
- #pragma warning restore CS0618
- #pragma warning restore CS0612
- ref entityComponent, fromgroup, newEgid);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- Console.LogError("Code crashed inside MoveTo callback ".FastConcat(reactiveEnginesSwapPerType[i].name));
- throw;
- }
- if (reactiveenginesswapex.TryGetValue(
- ComponentTypeID<TValue>.id
- , out var reactiveEnginesRemoveExPerType))
- {
- var enginesCount = reactiveEnginesRemoveExPerType.count;
- var count = fromDictionary.count;
- for (var i = 0; i < enginesCount; i++)
- try
- {
- using (sampler.Sample(reactiveEnginesRemoveExPerType[i].name))
- {
- ((IReactOnSwapEx<TValue>)reactiveEnginesRemoveExPerType[i].engine).MovedTo(
- (0, (uint)count)
- , new EntityCollection<TValue>(
- fromDictionary.UnsafeGetValues(out _), entityids
- , (uint)count), fromgroup, togroup);
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- Console.LogError("Code crashed inside Remove callback ".FastConcat(reactiveEnginesRemoveExPerType[i].name));
- throw;
- }
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void RemoveEntitiesFromDictionary<Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3, TValue>(FasterList<(uint, string)> infostoprocess
- , ref SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3> fromDictionary
- , FasterDictionary<uint, uint> entityIDsAffectedByRemoveAtSwapBack)
- where Strategy1 : struct, IBufferStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>
- where Strategy2 : struct, IBufferStrategy<TValue>
- where Strategy3 : struct, IBufferStrategy<int>
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- var iterations = infostoprocess.count;
- for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
- {
- var (id, trace) = infostoprocess[i];
- try
- {
- #endif
- if (fromDictionary.Remove(id, out var index, out var value))
- {
- //Note I am doing this to be able to use a range of values even with the
- //remove Ex callbacks. Basically I am copying back the deleted value
- //at the end of the array, so I can use as range count, count + number of deleted entities
- //I need to swap the keys too to have matching EntityIDs
- if (index != fromDictionary.count)
- {
- fromDictionary.unsafeValues[(uint)fromDictionary.count] = value;
- fromDictionary.unsafeKeys[(uint)fromDictionary.count] = new SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>(id, 0);
- }
- //when a component is removed from a component array, a remove swap back happens. This means
- //that not only we have to remove the index of the component of the entity deleted from the array
- //but we need also to update the index of the component that has been swapped in the cell
- //of the deleted component
- //entityIDsAffectedByRemoval tracks all the entitiesID of the components that need to be updated
- //in the filters because their indices in the array changed.
- entityIDsAffectedByRemoveAtSwapBack[fromDictionary.unsafeKeys[index].key] = index;
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- var str = "Crash while executing Remove Entity operation on ".FastConcat(TypeCache<TValue>.name)
- .FastConcat(" from : ", trace);
- Console.LogError(str);
- throw;
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void SwapEntitiesBetweenDictionaries<Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3, TValue>(in FasterDictionary<uint, SwapInfo> entitiesIDsToSwap
- , ref SveltoDictionary<uint, TValue, Strategy1, Strategy2, Strategy3> fromDictionary
- , ITypeSafeDictionary<TValue> toDictionary, ExclusiveGroupStruct fromgroup, ExclusiveGroupStruct togroup
- , FasterDictionary<uint, uint> entityIDsAffectedByRemoveAtSwapBack)
- where Strategy1 : struct, IBufferStrategy<SveltoDictionaryNode<uint>>
- where Strategy2 : struct, IBufferStrategy<TValue>
- where Strategy3 : struct, IBufferStrategy<int>
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- var iterations = entitiesIDsToSwap.count;
- var entitiesToSwapInfo = entitiesIDsToSwap.unsafeValues;
- var fromDictionaryUnsafeKeys = fromDictionary.unsafeKeys;
- for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
- {
- ref SwapInfo swapInfo = ref entitiesToSwapInfo[i];
- try
- {
- #endif
- var fromEntityGid = new EGID(swapInfo.fromID, fromgroup);
- var toEntityEgid = new EGID(swapInfo.toID, togroup);
- Check.Require(togroup.isInvalid == false, "Invalid To Group");
- if (fromDictionary.Remove(fromEntityGid.entityID, out var index, out var value))
- entityIDsAffectedByRemoveAtSwapBack[fromDictionaryUnsafeKeys[index].key] = index; //after the removal, the entity ad index is the entity that was at the end of the buffer (swapped back).
- else
- Check.Assert(false, "Swapping an entity that doesn't exist");
- if (SlowSubmissionInfo<TValue>.hasEgid)
- SetEGIDWithoutBoxing<TValue>.SetIDWithoutBoxing(ref value, toEntityEgid);
- #endif
- swapInfo.toIndex = toDictionary.Add(toEntityEgid.entityID, value);
- DBC.ECS.Check.Ensure(_hasEgid == false || ((INeedEGID)toGroupCasted[toEntityEGID.entityID]).ID == toEntityEGID, "impossible situation happened during swap");
- #endif
- }
- catch
- {
- var str = "Crash while executing Swap Entity operation on ".FastConcat(TypeCache<TValue>.name)
- .FastConcat(" from : ", swapInfo.trace);
- Console.LogError(str);
- throw;
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void ExecuteEnginesAddEntityCallbacksFast<TValue>(
- FasterDictionary<ComponentID, FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnAddEx>>> fasterDictionary
- , ExclusiveGroupStruct groupId, (uint, uint) rangeTuple, IEntityIDs entityids
- , ITypeSafeDictionary<TValue> typeSafeDictionary, PlatformProfiler profiler)
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- //get all the engines linked to TValue
- if (!fasterDictionary.TryGetValue(ComponentTypeID<TValue>.id, out var entityComponentsEngines))
- return;
- for (var i = 0; i < entityComponentsEngines.count; i++)
- try
- {
- using (profiler.Sample(entityComponentsEngines[i].name))
- {
- ((IReactOnAddEx<TValue>)entityComponentsEngines[i].engine).Add(
- rangeTuple
- , new EntityCollection<TValue>(typeSafeDictionary.GetValues(out var count), entityids, count)
- , groupId);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.LogException(e, "Code crashed inside Add callback ".FastConcat(entityComponentsEngines[i].name));
- throw;
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void ExecuteEnginesSwapCallbacksFast<TValue>(
- FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnSwapEx>> callbackEngines,
- ExclusiveGroupStruct fromGroup, ExclusiveGroupStruct toGroup, IEntityIDs entityids, ITypeSafeDictionary<TValue> typeSafeDictionary
- , (uint, uint) rangeOfSubmittedEntitiesIndicies, PlatformProfiler sampler)
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < callbackEngines.count; i++)
- try
- {
- using (sampler.Sample(callbackEngines[i].name))
- {
- var values = typeSafeDictionary.GetValues(out var count);
- ((IReactOnSwapEx<TValue>)callbackEngines[i].engine).MovedTo(
- rangeOfSubmittedEntitiesIndicies, new EntityCollection<TValue>(values, entityids, count), fromGroup, toGroup);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.LogException(e, "Code crashed inside Add callback ".FastConcat(callbackEngines[i].name));
- throw;
- }
- }
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
- public static void ExecuteEnginesRemoveCallbacksFast<TValue>(FasterList<ReactEngineContainer<IReactOnRemoveEx>> fasterList,
- ExclusiveGroupStruct exclusiveGroupStruct
- , (uint, uint) valueTuple, IEntityIDs entityids, ITypeSafeDictionary<TValue> typeSafeDictionary
- , PlatformProfiler sampler)
- where TValue : struct, _IInternalEntityComponent
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < fasterList.count; i++)
- try
- {
- using (sampler.Sample(fasterList[i].name))
- {
- ((IReactOnRemoveEx<TValue>)fasterList[i].engine).Remove(
- valueTuple
- , new EntityCollection<TValue>(typeSafeDictionary.GetValues(out var count), entityids, count)
- , exclusiveGroupStruct);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Console.LogException(e, "Code crashed inside Add callback ".FastConcat(fasterList[i].name));
- throw;
- }
- }
- }
- }