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Sebastiano Mandalà edited this page 1 year ago

Welcome to the Svelto.ECS wiki!

This wiki is community-driven since, unfortunately, I realised that updating the wiki alone consumes too much time that I better invest in developing Svelto.ECS and its mini examples.

I believe that studying and running code is the best way to learn a new framework, so I put a lot of effort into maintaining the mini examples that are highly documented. With them, you should be able to learn Svelto.ECS. However, each mini example may show different pieces of information so you would need to study them all, even if implemented on a platform different from the one you intend to use.

The order of things you can do to learn Svelto.ECS is the following:

While if you want to understand the rationale behind using ECS you could read my articles (from the most recent to the oldest):

There is a publicly published mind-map, editable by everyone. The idea is to write down in the mindmap all the main concepts of Svelto.ECS. It's another piece of documentation I won't have the time to maintain or even complete, so if you feel like it's a good idea and you know Svelto.ECS, please feel free to add information: https://mm.tt/1754393071?t=S5DhggUS9N

Note that I won't have any time to work on documentation as I will always be busy writing more articles on sebaslab.com, developing more Svelto.ECS features and writing new mini-examples and unit tests. Documentation is going to be absolutely a community-based effort, so your best chance is to share your insights on our discord channel.

Unity Installation Note:

if you are installing Svelto.ECS manually and not through OUPM, you need to add this in your manifest:

  "scopedRegistries": [
      "name": "OpenUPM",
      "url": "https://package.openupm.com",
      "scopes": [

looking like:

  "dependencies": {
  "scopedRegistries": [
      "name": "OpenUPM",
      "url": "https://package.openupm.com",
      "scopes": [

The old wiki is still linked just for reference: https://github.com/sebas77/Svelto.ECS/wiki/Old-Wiki,-Svelto-1.x-and-2.x