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Automatically invoke the correct block constructor

And store delegates of dynamic methods invoking constructors
Tested with the automated tests
NorbiPeti NGnius (Graham) <> 4 years ago
11 changed files with 114 additions and 195 deletions
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GamecraftModdingAPI/Block.cs View File

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

using Svelto.ECS;
using Svelto.ECS.EntityStructs;
@@ -67,10 +68,6 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
/// Place a new block at the given position. If scaled, position means the center of the block. The default block size is 0.2 in terms of position.
/// Place blocks next to each other to connect them.
/// The placed block will be a complete block with a placement grid and collision which will be saved along with the game.
/// <para></para>
/// <para>This method waits for the block to be constructed in the game which may take a significant amount of time.
/// Only use this to place a single block.
/// For placing multiple blocks, use PlaceNew() then AsyncUtils.WaitForSubmission() when done with placing blocks.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="block">The block's type</param>
/// <param name="color">The block's color</param>
@@ -81,23 +78,15 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
/// <param name="scale">The block's non-uniform scale - 0 means <paramref name="uscale"/> is used</param>
/// <param name="player">The player who placed the block</param>
/// <returns>The placed block or null if failed</returns>
public static async Task<Block> PlaceNewAsync(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
public static T PlaceNew<T>(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null) where T : Block
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
var ret = new Block(PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation));
await AsyncUtils.WaitForSubmission();
return ret;
catch (Exception e)
var egid = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return New<T>(egid.entityID, egid.groupID);

return null;
@@ -109,7 +98,7 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
/// <returns>The block object</returns>
public static Block GetLastPlacedBlock()
return new Block(BlockIdentifiers.LatestBlockID);
return New<Block>(BlockIdentifiers.LatestBlockID);

/// <summary>
@@ -130,6 +119,75 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
remove => BlockEventsEngine.Removed -= value;

private static Dictionary<Type, Func<EGID, Block>> initializers = new Dictionary<Type, Func<EGID, Block>>();

private static Dictionary<Type, ExclusiveGroupStruct[]> typeToGroup =
new Dictionary<Type, ExclusiveGroupStruct[]>
{typeof(ConsoleBlock), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_CONSOLE_BLOCK_GROUP}},
{typeof(Motor), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_MOTOR_BLOCK_GROUP}},
{typeof(Piston), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_PISTON_BLOCK_GROUP}},
{typeof(Servo), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_SERVO_BLOCK_GROUP}},
{typeof(TextBlock), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_TEXT_BLOCK_GROUP}},
{typeof(Timer), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_TIMER_BLOCK_GROUP}}

private static T New<T>(uint id, ExclusiveGroupStruct? group = null) where T : Block
var type = typeof(T);
EGID egid;
if (!group.HasValue)
if (typeToGroup.TryGetValue(type, out var gr) && gr.Length == 1)
egid = new EGID(id, gr[0]);
egid = BlockEngine.FindBlockEGID(id) ?? throw new BlockTypeException("Could not find block group!");
egid = new EGID(id, group.Value);
if (typeToGroup.TryGetValue(type, out var gr)
&& gr.All(egs => egs != group.Value)) //If this subclass has a specific group, then use that - so Block should still work
throw new BlockTypeException($"Incompatible block type! Type {type.Name} belongs to group {gr.Select(g => g.ToString()).Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b)} instead of {group.Value}");

if (initializers.TryGetValue(type, out var func))
var bl = (T) func(egid);
return bl;

var ctor = type.GetConstructor(new[] {typeof(EGID)});
if (ctor == null)
throw new MissingMethodException("There is no constructor with an EGID parameter for this object");
DynamicMethod dynamic = new DynamicMethod(string.Empty,
new[] {typeof(EGID)},
ILGenerator il = dynamic.GetILGenerator();

il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); //Load EGID and pass to constructor
il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, ctor); //Call constructor

func = (Func<EGID, T>) dynamic.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<EGID, T>));
initializers.Add(type, func);
var block = (T) func(egid);
return block;

public Block(EGID id)
Id = id;
@@ -344,12 +402,9 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
// C# can't cast to a child of Block unless the object was originally that child type
// And C# doesn't let me make implicit cast operators for child types
// So thanks to Microsoft, we've got this horrible implementation using reflection
ConstructorInfo ctor = typeof(T).GetConstructor(types: new System.Type[] { typeof(EGID) });
if (ctor == null)
throw new BlockSpecializationException("Specialized block constructor does not accept an EGID");
return (T)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { Id });
//Lets improve that using delegates
return New<T>(Id.entityID, Id.groupID);


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GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/BlockTests.cs View File

@@ -32,9 +32,8 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public static void TestTextBlock()
Block newBlock = Block.PlaceNew(BlockIDs.TextBlock, + 1);
TextBlock textBlock = null; // Note: the assignment operation is a lambda, which slightly confuses the compiler
Assert.Errorless(() => { textBlock = newBlock.Specialise<TextBlock>(); }, "Block.Specialize<TextBlock>() raised an exception: ", "Block.Specialize<TextBlock>() completed without issue.");
Assert.Errorless(() => { textBlock = Block.PlaceNew<TextBlock>(BlockIDs.TextBlock, + 1); }, "Block.PlaceNew<TextBlock>() raised an exception: ", "Block.PlaceNew<TextBlock>() completed without issue.");
if (!Assert.NotNull(textBlock, "Block.Specialize<TextBlock>() returned null, possibly because it failed silently.", "Specialized TextBlock is not null.")) return;
if (!Assert.NotNull(textBlock.Text, "TextBlock.Text is null, possibly because it failed silently.", "TextBlock.Text is not null.")) return;
if (!Assert.NotNull(textBlock.TextBlockId, "TextBlock.TextBlockId is null, possibly because it failed silently.", "TextBlock.TextBlockId is not null.")) return;

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GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/ConsoleBlock.cs View File

@@ -12,33 +12,19 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class ConsoleBlock : Block
public static ConsoleBlock PlaceNew(float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
public ConsoleBlock(EGID id): base(id)
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(BlockIDs.ConsoleBlock, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new ConsoleBlock(id);

return null;

public ConsoleBlock(EGID id): base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<ConsoleBlockEntityStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<ConsoleBlockEntityStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

public ConsoleBlock(uint id): base(new EGID(id, CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_CONSOLE_BLOCK_GROUP))
public ConsoleBlock(uint id): base(new EGID(id, CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_CONSOLE_BLOCK_GROUP))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<ConsoleBlockEntityStruct>(this.Id))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<ConsoleBlockEntityStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

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GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/Motor.cs View File

@@ -11,29 +11,6 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class Motor : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new motor.
/// Any valid motor type is accepted.
/// This re-implements Block.PlaceNew(...)
/// </summary>
public static new Motor PlaceNew(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (!(block == BlockIDs.MotorS || block == BlockIDs.MotorM))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {typeof(Motor).Name} block");
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new Motor(id);

return null;

public Motor(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(this.Id))

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GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/Piston.cs View File

@@ -11,30 +11,7 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class Piston : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new piston.
/// Any valid piston type is accepted.
/// This re-implements Block.PlaceNew(...)
/// </summary>
public static new Piston PlaceNew(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (!(block == BlockIDs.ServoPiston || block == BlockIDs.StepperPiston || block == BlockIDs.PneumaticPiston))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {typeof(Piston).Name} block");
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new Piston(id);

return null;

public Piston(EGID id) : base(id)
public Piston(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(this.Id))

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GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/Servo.cs View File

@@ -11,29 +11,6 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class Servo : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new servo.
/// Any valid servo type is accepted.
/// This re-implements Block.PlaceNew(...)
/// </summary>
public static new Servo PlaceNew(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (!(block == BlockIDs.ServoAxle || block == BlockIDs.ServoHinge || block == BlockIDs.ServoPiston))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {nameof(Servo)} block");
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new Servo(id);

return null;

public Servo(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(this.Id))

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GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/SignalingBlock.cs View File

@@ -14,25 +14,6 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public class SignalingBlock : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new signaling block.
/// Any valid functional block type with IO ports will work.
/// This re-implements Block.PlaceNew(...)
/// </summary>
public static new SignalingBlock PlaceNew(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new SignalingBlock(id);

return null;

public SignalingBlock(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<BlockPortsStruct>(this.Id))

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GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/SpawnPoint.cs View File

@@ -13,30 +13,7 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class SpawnPoint : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new spawn point.
/// Any valid spawn block type is accepted.
/// This re-implements Block.PlaceNew(...)
/// </summary>
public static new SpawnPoint PlaceNew(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (!(block == BlockIDs.LargeSpawn || block == BlockIDs.SmallSpawn || block == BlockIDs.MediumSpawn || block == BlockIDs.PlayerSpawn))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {nameof(SpawnPoint)} block");
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new SpawnPoint(id);

return null;

public SpawnPoint(EGID id) : base(id)
public SpawnPoint(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct>(this.Id))

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GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/TextBlock.cs View File

@@ -12,21 +12,6 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class TextBlock : Block

public static TextBlock PlaceNew(float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(BlockIDs.TextBlock, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new TextBlock(id);

return null;

public TextBlock(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<TextBlockDataStruct>(this.Id))

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GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/Timer.cs View File

@@ -13,23 +13,6 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class Timer : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new timer block.
/// </summary>
public static Timer PlaceNew(float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(BlockIDs.Timer, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new Timer(id);

return null;

public Timer(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<TimerBlockDataStruct>(this.Id))

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GamecraftModdingAPI/Tests/GamecraftModdingAPIPluginTest.cs View File

@@ -232,6 +232,28 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Tests

.Description("Place a bunch of console block with a given text")
.Action((float x, float y, float z) =>
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
var block = Block.PlaceNew<ConsoleBlock>(BlockIDs.ConsoleBlock,
new float3(x + i, y, z + j));
block.Command = "test_command";
Logging.CommandLog($"Blocks placed in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

GameClient.SetDebugInfo("InstalledMods", InstalledMods);
Block.Placed += (sender, args) =>
Logging.MetaDebugLog("Placed block " + args.Type + " with ID " + args.ID);
