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Merge branch 'delegating' into preview

NorbiPeti 4 years ago
Signed by: NorbiPeti <> GPG Key ID: DBA4C4549A927E56
22 changed files with 466 additions and 598 deletions
  1. +146
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  16. +21
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  21. +22
  22. +0

+ 146
- 65
GamecraftModdingAPI/Block.cs View File

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

using Svelto.ECS;
using Svelto.ECS.EntityStructs;
@@ -54,23 +55,13 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
return new Block(PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation));

return null;
return PlaceNew<Block>(block, position, rotation, color, darkness, uscale, scale, player);

/// <summary>
/// Place a new block at the given position. If scaled, position means the center of the block. The default block size is 0.2 in terms of position.
/// Place blocks next to each other to connect them.
/// The placed block will be a complete block with a placement grid and collision which will be saved along with the game.
/// <para></para>
/// <para>This method waits for the block to be constructed in the game which may take a significant amount of time.
/// Only use this to place a single block.
/// For placing multiple blocks, use PlaceNew() then AsyncUtils.WaitForSubmission() when done with placing blocks.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="block">The block's type</param>
/// <param name="color">The block's color</param>
@@ -81,23 +72,18 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
/// <param name="scale">The block's non-uniform scale - 0 means <paramref name="uscale"/> is used</param>
/// <param name="player">The player who placed the block</param>
/// <returns>The placed block or null if failed</returns>
public static async Task<Block> PlaceNewAsync(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
public static T PlaceNew<T>(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null) where T : Block
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
var ret = new Block(PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation));
await AsyncUtils.WaitForSubmission();
return ret;
catch (Exception e)
var egid = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation, out var initializer);
var bl = New<T>(egid.entityID, egid.groupID);
bl.InitData.Group = BlockEngine.InitGroup(initializer);
Placed += bl.OnPlacedInit;
return bl;

return null;
@@ -109,7 +95,7 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
/// <returns>The block object</returns>
public static Block GetLastPlacedBlock()
return new Block(BlockIdentifiers.LatestBlockID);
return New<Block>(BlockIdentifiers.LatestBlockID);

/// <summary>
@@ -130,9 +116,91 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
remove => BlockEventsEngine.Removed -= value;

private static Dictionary<Type, Func<EGID, Block>> initializers = new Dictionary<Type, Func<EGID, Block>>();

private static Dictionary<Type, ExclusiveGroupStruct[]> typeToGroup =
new Dictionary<Type, ExclusiveGroupStruct[]>
{typeof(ConsoleBlock), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_CONSOLE_BLOCK_GROUP}},
{typeof(Motor), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_MOTOR_BLOCK_GROUP}},
{typeof(Piston), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_PISTON_BLOCK_GROUP}},
{typeof(Servo), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_SERVO_BLOCK_GROUP}},
{typeof(TextBlock), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_TEXT_BLOCK_GROUP}},
{typeof(Timer), new[] {CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_TIMER_BLOCK_GROUP}}

/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new instance of T with the given ID and group using dynamically created delegates.
/// It's equivalent to new T(EGID) with a minimal overhead thanks to caching the created delegates.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">The block ID</param>
/// <param name="group">The block group</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The block's type or Block itself</typeparam>
/// <returns>An instance of the provided type</returns>
/// <exception cref="BlockTypeException">The block group doesn't match or cannot be found</exception>
/// <exception cref="MissingMethodException">The block class doesn't have the needed constructor</exception>
private static T New<T>(uint id, ExclusiveGroupStruct? group = null) where T : Block
var type = typeof(T);
EGID egid;
if (!group.HasValue)
if (typeToGroup.TryGetValue(type, out var gr) && gr.Length == 1)
egid = new EGID(id, gr[0]);
egid = BlockEngine.FindBlockEGID(id) ?? throw new BlockTypeException("Could not find block group!");
egid = new EGID(id, group.Value);
if (typeToGroup.TryGetValue(type, out var gr)
&& gr.All(egs => egs != group.Value)) //If this subclass has a specific group, then use that - so Block should still work
throw new BlockTypeException($"Incompatible block type! Type {type.Name} belongs to group {gr.Select(g => g.ToString()).Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b)} instead of {group.Value}");

if (initializers.TryGetValue(type, out var func))
var bl = (T) func(egid);
return bl;

var ctor = type.GetConstructor(new[] {typeof(EGID)});
if (ctor == null)
throw new MissingMethodException("There is no constructor with an EGID parameter for this object");
DynamicMethod dynamic = new DynamicMethod(string.Empty,
new[] {typeof(EGID)},
ILGenerator il = dynamic.GetILGenerator();

il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); //Load EGID and pass to constructor
il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, ctor); //Call constructor
//il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0); - doesn't seem like we need these

func = (Func<EGID, T>) dynamic.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<EGID, T>));
initializers.Add(type, func);
var block = (T) func(egid);
return block;

public Block(EGID id)
Id = id;
if (typeToGroup.TryGetValue(GetType(), out var groups) && groups.All(gr => gr != id.groupID))
throw new BlockTypeException("The block has the wrong group! The type is " + GetType() +
" while the group is " + id.groupID);

/// <summary>
@@ -147,16 +215,18 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI

public EGID Id { get; }

internal BlockEngine.BlockInitData InitData;

/// <summary>
/// The block's current position or zero if the block no longer exists.
/// A block is 0.2 wide by default in terms of position.
/// </summary>
public float3 Position
get => Exists ? MovementEngine.GetPosition(Id) :;
get => MovementEngine.GetPosition(Id, InitData);
if (Exists) MovementEngine.MoveBlock(Id, value);
MovementEngine.MoveBlock(Id, InitData, value);

@@ -165,10 +235,10 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
/// </summary>
public float3 Rotation
get => Exists ? RotationEngine.GetRotation(Id) :;
get => RotationEngine.GetRotation(Id, InitData);
if (Exists) RotationEngine.RotateBlock(Id, value);
RotationEngine.RotateBlock(Id, InitData, value);

@@ -178,12 +248,11 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
/// </summary>
public float3 Scale
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ScalingEntityStruct>(Id).scale;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ScalingEntityStruct st) => st.scale);
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ScalingEntityStruct st, float3 val) => st.scale = val, value);
if (!Exists) return; //UpdateCollision needs the block to exist
ref var scaling = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ScalingEntityStruct>(Id);
scaling.scale = value;
@@ -194,11 +263,11 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
/// </summary>
public int UniformScale
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<UniformBlockScaleEntityStruct>(Id).scaleFactor;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (UniformBlockScaleEntityStruct st) => st.scaleFactor);
ref var scaleStruct = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<UniformBlockScaleEntityStruct>(Id);
scaleStruct.scaleFactor = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref UniformBlockScaleEntityStruct st, int val) => st.scaleFactor = val,
Scale = new float3(value, value, value);
@@ -210,8 +279,7 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
var id = (BlockIDs) BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<DBEntityStruct>(Id, out var exists).DBID;
return exists ? id : BlockIDs.Invalid;
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (DBEntityStruct st) => (BlockIDs) st.DBID, BlockIDs.Invalid);

@@ -222,17 +290,19 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
byte index = BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ColourParameterEntityStruct>(Id, out var exists).indexInPalette;
if (!exists) index = byte.MaxValue;
byte index = BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ColourParameterEntityStruct st) => st.indexInPalette,
return new BlockColor(index);
ref var color = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ColourParameterEntityStruct>(Id);
color.indexInPalette = (byte)(value.Color + value.Darkness * 10);
color.overridePaletteColour = false;
color.needsUpdate = true;
BlockEngine.SetBlockColorFromPalette(ref color);
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ColourParameterEntityStruct color, BlockColor val) =>
color.indexInPalette = (byte) (val.Color + val.Darkness * 10);
color.overridePaletteColour = false;
color.needsUpdate = true;
BlockEngine.SetBlockColorFromPalette(ref color);
}, value);

@@ -241,32 +311,37 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
/// </summary>
public float4 CustomColor
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ColourParameterEntityStruct>(Id).overriddenColour;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ColourParameterEntityStruct st) => st.overriddenColour);
ref var color = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ColourParameterEntityStruct>(Id);
color.overriddenColour = value;
color.overridePaletteColour = true;
color.needsUpdate = true;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ColourParameterEntityStruct color, float4 val) =>
color.overriddenColour = val;
color.overridePaletteColour = true;
color.needsUpdate = true;
}, value);

/// <summary>
/// The short text displayed on the block if applicable, or null.
/// The text displayed on the block if applicable, or null.
/// Setting it is temporary to the session, it won't be saved.
/// </summary>
public string Label
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TextLabelEntityViewStruct>(Id).textLabelComponent?.text;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (TextLabelEntityViewStruct st) => st.textLabelComponent?.text);
ref var text = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TextLabelEntityViewStruct>(Id);
if (text.textLabelComponent != null) text.textLabelComponent.text = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref TextLabelEntityViewStruct text, string val) =>
if (text.textLabelComponent != null) text.textLabelComponent.text = val;
}, value);

/// <summary>
/// Whether the block exists. The other properties will return a default value if the block doesn't exist.
/// If the block was just placed, then this will also return false but the properties will work correctly.
/// </summary>
public bool Exists => BlockEngine.BlockExists(Id);

@@ -282,14 +357,21 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
public bool Remove() => RemovalEngine.RemoveBlock(Id);

/// <summary>
/// Returns the rigid body of the cluster of blocks this one belongs to during simulation.
/// Returns the rigid body of the chunk of blocks this one belongs to during simulation.
/// Can be used to apply forces or move the block around while the simulation is running.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The SimBody of the cluster or null if the block doesn't exist.</returns>
/// <returns>The SimBody of the chunk or null if the block doesn't exist.</returns>
public SimBody GetSimBody()
uint id = BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<GridConnectionsEntityStruct>(Id, out var exists).machineRigidBodyId;
return exists ? new SimBody(id) : null;
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this,
(GridConnectionsEntityStruct st) => new SimBody(st.machineRigidBodyId));

private void OnPlacedInit(object sender, BlockPlacedRemovedEventArgs e)
{ //Member method instead of lambda to avoid constantly creating delegates
if (e.ID != Id) return;
Placed -= OnPlacedInit; //And we can reference it
InitData = default; //Remove initializer as it's no longer valid - if the block gets removed it shouldn't be used again

public override string ToString()
@@ -344,12 +426,11 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
// C# can't cast to a child of Block unless the object was originally that child type
// And C# doesn't let me make implicit cast operators for child types
// So thanks to Microsoft, we've got this horrible implementation using reflection
ConstructorInfo ctor = typeof(T).GetConstructor(types: new System.Type[] { typeof(EGID) });
if (ctor == null)
throw new BlockSpecializationException("Specialized block constructor does not accept an EGID");
return (T)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { Id });
//Lets improve that using delegates
var block = New<T>(Id.entityID, Id.groupID);
block.InitData = this.InitData;
return block;


+ 34
- 58
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/BlockEngine.cs View File

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Gamecraft.Wires;
@@ -10,14 +11,13 @@ using Svelto.DataStructures;
using Svelto.ECS;

using GamecraftModdingAPI.Engines;
using GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility;

namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// <summary>
/// Engine for executing general block actions
/// </summary>
public class BlockEngine : IApiEngine
public partial class BlockEngine : IApiEngine
public string Name { get; } = "GamecraftModdingAPIBlockGameEngine";

@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks

public bool isRemovable => false;

internal bool Synced = true;

public void Dispose()
@@ -61,66 +59,55 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
color.paletteColour = paletteEntry.Colour;

/// <summary>
/// Get a struct of a block. Can be used to set properties.
/// Returns a default value if not found.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blockID">The block's ID</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The struct to query</typeparam>
/// <returns>An editable reference to the struct</returns>
public ref T GetBlockInfo<T>(EGID blockID) where T : struct, IEntityComponent
if (!Synced)
Synced = true;
if (entitiesDB.Exists<T>(blockID))
return ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<T>(blockID);
T[] structHolder = new T[1]; //Create something that can be referenced
return ref structHolder[0]; //Gets a default value automatically

/// <summary>
/// Get a struct of a block. Can be used to set properties.
/// Returns a default value if not found.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blockID">The block's ID</param>
/// <param name="exists">Whether the specified struct exists for the block</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The struct to query</typeparam>
/// <returns>An editable reference to the struct</returns>
public ref T GetBlockInfo<T>(EGID blockID, out bool exists) where T : struct, IEntityComponent
public U GetBlockInfo<T, U>(Block block, Func<T, U> getter,
U def = default) where T : struct, IEntityComponent
if (!Synced)
if (entitiesDB.Exists<T>(block.Id))
return getter(entitiesDB.QueryEntity<T>(block.Id));
if (block.InitData.Group == null) return def;
var initializer = new EntityComponentInitializer(block.Id, block.InitData.Group);
if (initializer.Has<T>())
return getter(initializer.Get<T>());
return def;

public delegate void Setter<T, U>(ref T component, U value) where T : struct, IEntityComponent;

public void SetBlockInfo<T, U>(Block block, Setter<T, U> setter, U value) where T : struct, IEntityComponent
if (entitiesDB.Exists<T>(block.Id))
setter(ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<T>(block.Id), value);
else if (block.InitData.Group != null)
Synced = true;
var initializer = new EntityComponentInitializer(block.Id, block.InitData.Group);
T component = initializer.Has<T>() ? initializer.Get<T>() : default;
ref T structRef = ref component;
setter(ref structRef, value);
exists = entitiesDB.Exists<T>(blockID);
if (exists)
return ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<T>(blockID);
T[] structHolder = new T[1];
return ref structHolder[0];

public bool BlockExists(EGID id)
public bool BlockExists(EGID blockID)
if (!Synced)
Synced = true;
return entitiesDB.Exists<DBEntityStruct>(id);
return entitiesDB.Exists<DBEntityStruct>(blockID);

public bool GetBlockInfoExists<T>(EGID blockID) where T : struct, IEntityComponent
public bool GetBlockInfoExists<T>(Block block) where T : struct, IEntityComponent
if (!Synced)
Synced = true;
return entitiesDB.Exists<T>(blockID);
if (entitiesDB.Exists<T>(block.Id))
return true;
if (block.InitData.Group == null)
return false;
var init = new EntityComponentInitializer(block.Id, block.InitData.Group);
return init.Has<T>();

public SimBody[] GetSimBodiesFromID(byte id)
@@ -183,17 +170,6 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
return null;

/// <summary>
/// Synchronize newly created entity components with entities DB.
/// This forces a partial game tick, so it may be slow.
/// This also has the potential to make Gamecraft unstable.
/// Use this sparingly.
/// </summary>
private static void Sync()

public EntitiesDB GetEntitiesDB()

+ 52
- 0
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/BlockEngineInit.cs View File

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

using Svelto.DataStructures;
using Svelto.ECS;
using Svelto.ECS.Internal;

namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public partial class BlockEngine
/// <summary>
/// Holds information needed to construct a component initializer
/// </summary>
internal struct BlockInitData
public FasterDictionary<RefWrapper<Type>, ITypeSafeDictionary> Group;

internal delegate FasterDictionary<RefWrapper<Type>, ITypeSafeDictionary> GetInitGroup(
EntityComponentInitializer initializer);

/// <summary>
/// Accesses the group field of the initializer
/// </summary>
internal GetInitGroup InitGroup = CreateAccessor<GetInitGroup>("_group");

internal static TDelegate CreateAccessor<TDelegate>(string memberName) where TDelegate : Delegate
var invokeMethod = typeof(TDelegate).GetMethod("Invoke");
if (invokeMethod == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{typeof(TDelegate)} signature could not be determined.");

var delegateParameters = invokeMethod.GetParameters();
if (delegateParameters.Length != 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Delegate must have a single parameter.");

var paramType = delegateParameters[0].ParameterType;

var objParam = Expression.Parameter(paramType, "obj");
var memberExpr = Expression.PropertyOrField(objParam, memberName);
Expression returnExpr = memberExpr;
if (invokeMethod.ReturnType != memberExpr.Type)
returnExpr = Expression.ConvertChecked(memberExpr, invokeMethod.ReturnType);

var lambda =
Expression.Lambda<TDelegate>(returnExpr, $"Access{paramType.Name}_{memberName}", new[] {objParam});
return lambda.Compile();

+ 17
- 4
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/BlockEventsEngine.cs View File

@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
using System;
using GamecraftModdingAPI.Engines;
using GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility;

using RobocraftX.Common;
using Svelto.ECS;

using GamecraftModdingAPI.Engines;
using GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility;

namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class BlockEventsEngine : IReactionaryEngine<DBEntityStruct>
@@ -16,6 +18,7 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks

public EntitiesDB entitiesDB { get; set; }

public void Dispose()
@@ -23,14 +26,21 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public string Name { get; } = "GamecraftModdingAPIBlockEventsEngine";
public bool isRemovable { get; } = false;

private bool shouldAddRemove;
public void Add(ref DBEntityStruct entityComponent, EGID egid)
ExceptionUtil.InvokeEvent(Placed, this, new BlockPlacedRemovedEventArgs {ID = egid, Type = (BlockIDs) entityComponent.DBID});
if (!(shouldAddRemove = !shouldAddRemove))
ExceptionUtil.InvokeEvent(Placed, this,
new BlockPlacedRemovedEventArgs {ID = egid, Type = (BlockIDs) entityComponent.DBID});

public void Remove(ref DBEntityStruct entityComponent, EGID egid)
ExceptionUtil.InvokeEvent(Removed, this, new BlockPlacedRemovedEventArgs {ID = egid, Type = (BlockIDs) entityComponent.DBID});
if (!(shouldAddRemove = !shouldAddRemove))
ExceptionUtil.InvokeEvent(Removed, this,
new BlockPlacedRemovedEventArgs {ID = egid, Type = (BlockIDs) entityComponent.DBID});

@@ -38,5 +48,8 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public EGID ID;
public BlockIDs Type;
private Block block;

public Block Block => block ?? (block = new Block(ID));

+ 1
- 1
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/BlockIDs.cs View File

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public enum BlockIDs : ushort
/// <summary>
/// A custom value for the API. Doesn't exist for Gamecraft.
/// Called "nothing" in Gamecraft. (DBID.NOTHING)
/// </summary>
Invalid = ushort.MaxValue,
AluminiumCube = 0,

+ 4
- 5
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/BlockTests.cs View File

@@ -22,20 +22,19 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks

public static void TestSync()
public static void TestInitProperty()
Block newBlock = Block.PlaceNew(BlockIDs.AluminiumCube, + 2);
if (!Assert.CloseTo(newBlock.Position, ( + 2), $"Newly placed block at {newBlock.Position} is expected at { + 2}.", "Newly placed block position matches.")) return;
Assert.Equal(newBlock.Exists, true, "Newly placed block does not exist, possibly because Sync() skipped/missed/failed.", "Newly placed block exists, Sync() successful.");
//Assert.Equal(newBlock.Exists, true, "Newly placed block does not exist, possibly because Sync() skipped/missed/failed.", "Newly placed block exists, Sync() successful.");

public static void TestTextBlock()
Block newBlock = Block.PlaceNew(BlockIDs.TextBlock, + 1);
TextBlock textBlock = null; // Note: the assignment operation is a lambda, which slightly confuses the compiler
Assert.Errorless(() => { textBlock = newBlock.Specialise<TextBlock>(); }, "Block.Specialize<TextBlock>() raised an exception: ", "Block.Specialize<TextBlock>() completed without issue.");
if (!Assert.NotNull(textBlock, "Block.Specialize<TextBlock>() returned null, possibly because it failed silently.", "Specialized TextBlock is not null.")) return;
Assert.Errorless(() => { textBlock = Block.PlaceNew<TextBlock>(BlockIDs.TextBlock, + 1); }, "Block.PlaceNew<TextBlock>() raised an exception: ", "Block.PlaceNew<TextBlock>() completed without issue.");
if (!Assert.NotNull(textBlock, "Block.PlaceNew<TextBlock>() returned null, possibly because it failed silently.", "Specialized TextBlock is not null.")) return;
if (!Assert.NotNull(textBlock.Text, "TextBlock.Text is null, possibly because it failed silently.", "TextBlock.Text is not null.")) return;
if (!Assert.NotNull(textBlock.TextBlockId, "TextBlock.TextBlockId is null, possibly because it failed silently.", "TextBlock.TextBlockId is not null.")) return;

+ 23
- 38
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/ConsoleBlock.cs View File

@@ -12,79 +12,64 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class ConsoleBlock : Block
public static ConsoleBlock PlaceNew(float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
public ConsoleBlock(EGID id): base(id)
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(BlockIDs.ConsoleBlock, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new ConsoleBlock(id);

return null;

public ConsoleBlock(EGID id): base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<ConsoleBlockEntityStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

public ConsoleBlock(uint id): base(new EGID(id, CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_CONSOLE_BLOCK_GROUP))
public ConsoleBlock(uint id): base(new EGID(id, CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_CONSOLE_BLOCK_GROUP))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<ConsoleBlockEntityStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

// custom console block properties

/// <summary>
/// Setting a nonexistent command will crash the game when switching to simulation
/// </summary>
public string Command
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ConsoleBlockEntityStruct>(Id).commandName;
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ConsoleBlockEntityStruct st) => st.commandName);

BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ConsoleBlockEntityStruct st, string val) => st.commandName.Set(val),

public string Arg1
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ConsoleBlockEntityStruct>(Id).arg1;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ConsoleBlockEntityStruct st) => st.arg1);

BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ConsoleBlockEntityStruct st, string val) => st.arg1.Set(val),

public string Arg2
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ConsoleBlockEntityStruct>(Id).arg2;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ConsoleBlockEntityStruct st) => st.arg2);

BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ConsoleBlockEntityStruct st, string val) => st.arg2.Set(val),

public string Arg3
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ConsoleBlockEntityStruct>(Id).arg3;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ConsoleBlockEntityStruct st) => st.arg3);

BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ConsoleBlockEntityStruct st, string val) => st.arg3.Set(val),

+ 6
- 40
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/Motor.cs View File

@@ -11,43 +11,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class Motor : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new motor.
/// Any valid motor type is accepted.
/// This re-implements Block.PlaceNew(...)
/// </summary>
public static new Motor PlaceNew(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (!(block == BlockIDs.MotorS || block == BlockIDs.MotorM))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {typeof(Motor).Name} block");
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new Motor(id);

return null;

public Motor(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

public Motor(uint id): base(new EGID(id, CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_MOTOR_BLOCK_GROUP))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

// custom motor properties
@@ -59,13 +28,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(Id).maxVelocity;
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (MotorReadOnlyStruct st) => st.maxVelocity);

ref MotorReadOnlyStruct motor = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(Id);
motor.maxVelocity = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref MotorReadOnlyStruct st, float val) => st.maxVelocity = val, value);

@@ -76,13 +44,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(Id).maxForce;
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (MotorReadOnlyStruct st) => st.maxForce);

ref MotorReadOnlyStruct motor = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(Id);
motor.maxForce = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref MotorReadOnlyStruct st, float val) => st.maxForce = val, value);

@@ -93,13 +60,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(Id).reverse;
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (MotorReadOnlyStruct st) => st.reverse);

ref MotorReadOnlyStruct motor = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(Id);
motor.reverse = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref MotorReadOnlyStruct st, bool val) => st.reverse = val, value);

+ 17
- 2
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/MovementEngine.cs View File

@@ -35,8 +35,17 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks

// implementations for Movement static class

public float3 MoveBlock(EGID blockID, float3 vector)
internal float3 MoveBlock(EGID blockID, BlockEngine.BlockInitData data, float3 vector)
if (!entitiesDB.Exists<PositionEntityStruct>(blockID))
if (data.Group == null) return;
var init = new EntityComponentInitializer(blockID, data.Group);
init.Init(new PositionEntityStruct {position = vector});
init.Init(new GridRotationStruct {position = vector});
init.Init(new LocalTransformEntityStruct {position = vector});
return vector;
ref PositionEntityStruct posStruct = ref this.entitiesDB.QueryEntity<PositionEntityStruct>(blockID);
ref GridRotationStruct gridStruct = ref this.entitiesDB.QueryEntity<GridRotationStruct>(blockID);
ref LocalTransformEntityStruct transStruct = ref this.entitiesDB.QueryEntity<LocalTransformEntityStruct>(blockID);
@@ -56,8 +65,14 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
return posStruct.position;

public float3 GetPosition(EGID blockID)
internal float3 GetPosition(EGID blockID, BlockEngine.BlockInitData data)
if (!entitiesDB.Exists<PositionEntityStruct>(blockID))
if (data.Group == null) return;
var init = new EntityComponentInitializer(blockID, data.Group);
return init.Has<PositionEntityStruct>() ? init.Get<PositionEntityStruct>().position :;
ref PositionEntityStruct posStruct = ref this.entitiesDB.QueryEntity<PositionEntityStruct>(blockID);
return posStruct.position;

+ 7
- 12
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/ObjectIdentifier.cs View File

@@ -8,27 +8,22 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public ObjectIdentifier(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<ObjectIdEntityStruct>(Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {GetType().Name} block");

public ObjectIdentifier(uint id) : base(new EGID(id, CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_OBJID_BLOCK_GROUP))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<ObjectIdEntityStruct>(Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {GetType().Name} block");

public char Identifier
get => (char) (BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ObjectIdEntityStruct>(Id).objectId + 'A');
get => (char) BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ObjectIdEntityStruct st) => st.objectId + 'A');
BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ObjectIdEntityStruct>(Id).objectId = (byte) (value - 'A');
Label = value + ""; //The label isn't updated automatically
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ObjectIdEntityStruct st, char val) =>
st.objectId = (byte) (val - 'A');
Label = val + ""; //The label isn't updated automatically
}, value);

@@ -37,7 +32,7 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public byte SimID
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ObjectIdEntityStruct>(Id).simObjectId;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ObjectIdEntityStruct st) => st.simObjectId);

/// <summary>

+ 8
- 40
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/Piston.cs View File

@@ -11,43 +11,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class Piston : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new piston.
/// Any valid piston type is accepted.
/// This re-implements Block.PlaceNew(...)
/// </summary>
public static new Piston PlaceNew(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (!(block == BlockIDs.ServoPiston || block == BlockIDs.StepperPiston || block == BlockIDs.PneumaticPiston))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {typeof(Piston).Name} block");
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new Piston(id);

return null;

public Piston(EGID id) : base(id)
public Piston(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

public Piston(uint id) : base(new EGID(id, CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_PISTON_BLOCK_GROUP))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

// custom piston properties
@@ -56,13 +25,13 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// The piston's max extension distance.
/// </summary>
public float MaximumExtension
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(Id).maxDeviation;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (PistonReadOnlyStruct st) => st.maxDeviation);

ref PistonReadOnlyStruct piston = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(Id);
piston.maxDeviation = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref PistonReadOnlyStruct st, float val) => st.maxDeviation = val,

@@ -70,13 +39,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// The piston's max extension force.
/// </summary>
public float MaximumForce
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(Id).maxForce;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (PistonReadOnlyStruct st) => st.maxForce);

ref PistonReadOnlyStruct piston = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(Id);
piston.maxForce = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref PistonReadOnlyStruct st, float val) => st.maxForce = val, value);

+ 5
- 5
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/PlacementEngine.cs View File

@@ -40,15 +40,16 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
private static BlockEntityFactory _blockEntityFactory; //Injected from PlaceBlockEngine

public EGID PlaceBlock(BlockIDs block, BlockColors color, byte darkness, float3 position, int uscale,
float3 scale, Player player, float3 rotation)
float3 scale, Player player, float3 rotation, out EntityComponentInitializer initializer)
{ //It appears that only the non-uniform scale has any visible effect, but if that's not given here it will be set to the uniform one
if (darkness > 9)
throw new Exception("That is too dark. Make sure to use 0-9 as darkness. (0 is default.)");
return BuildBlock((ushort) block, (byte) (color + darkness * 10), position, uscale, scale, rotation,
initializer = BuildBlock((ushort) block, (byte) (color + darkness * 10), position, uscale, scale, rotation,
(player ?? new Player(PlayerType.Local)).Id);
return initializer.EGID;

private EGID BuildBlock(ushort block, byte color, float3 position, int uscale, float3 scale, float3 rot, uint playerId)
private EntityComponentInitializer BuildBlock(ushort block, byte color, float3 position, int uscale, float3 scale, float3 rot, uint playerId)
if (_blockEntityFactory == null)
throw new Exception("The factory is null.");
@@ -106,8 +107,7 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
ref PickedBlockExtraDataStruct pickedBlock = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<PickedBlockExtraDataStruct>(playerEGID);
pickedBlock.placedBlockEntityID = structInitializer.EGID;
pickedBlock.placedBlockWasAPickedBlock = false;
Block.BlockEngine.Synced = false; // Block entities will need to be submitted before properties can be used
return structInitializer.EGID;
return structInitializer;

public string Name { get; } = "GamecraftModdingAPIPlacementGameEngine";

+ 28
- 10
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/RotationEngine.cs View File

@@ -35,23 +35,32 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks

// implementations for Rotation static class

public float3 RotateBlock(EGID blockID, Vector3 vector)
internal float3 RotateBlock(EGID blockID, BlockEngine.BlockInitData data, Vector3 vector)
if (!entitiesDB.Exists<RotationEntityStruct>(blockID))
if (data.Group == null) return;
var init = new EntityComponentInitializer(blockID, data.Group);
init.Init(new RotationEntityStruct {rotation = new Quaternion {eulerAngles = vector}});
init.Init(new GridRotationStruct {rotation = new Quaternion {eulerAngles = vector}});
init.Init(new LocalTransformEntityStruct {rotation = new Quaternion {eulerAngles = vector}});
return vector;
ref RotationEntityStruct rotStruct = ref this.entitiesDB.QueryEntity<RotationEntityStruct>(blockID);
ref GridRotationStruct gridStruct = ref this.entitiesDB.QueryEntity<GridRotationStruct>(blockID);
ref LocalTransformEntityStruct transStruct = ref this.entitiesDB.QueryEntity<LocalTransformEntityStruct>(blockID);
ref UECSPhysicsEntityStruct phyStruct = ref this.entitiesDB.QueryEntity<UECSPhysicsEntityStruct>(blockID);
// main (persistent) position
Quaternion newRotation = (Quaternion)rotStruct.rotation;
newRotation.eulerAngles += vector;
rotStruct.rotation = (quaternion)newRotation;
Quaternion newRotation = rotStruct.rotation;
newRotation.eulerAngles = vector;
rotStruct.rotation = newRotation;
// placement grid rotation
Quaternion newGridRotation = (Quaternion)gridStruct.rotation;
newGridRotation.eulerAngles += vector;
gridStruct.rotation = (quaternion)newGridRotation;
Quaternion newGridRotation = gridStruct.rotation;
newGridRotation.eulerAngles = vector;
gridStruct.rotation = newGridRotation;
// rendered position
Quaternion newTransRotation = (Quaternion)rotStruct.rotation;
newTransRotation.eulerAngles += vector;
Quaternion newTransRotation = rotStruct.rotation;
newTransRotation.eulerAngles = vector;
transStruct.rotation = newTransRotation;
// collision position
FullGameFields._physicsWorld.EntityManager.SetComponentData(phyStruct.uecsEntity, new Unity.Transforms.Rotation
@@ -63,8 +72,17 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks


public float3 GetRotation(EGID blockID)
internal float3 GetRotation(EGID blockID, BlockEngine.BlockInitData data)
if (!entitiesDB.Exists<RotationEntityStruct>(blockID))
if (data.Group == null) return;
var init = new EntityComponentInitializer(blockID, data.Group);
return init.Has<RotationEntityStruct>()
? (float3) ((Quaternion) init.Get<RotationEntityStruct>().rotation).eulerAngles

ref RotationEntityStruct rotStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<RotationEntityStruct>(blockID);
return ((Quaternion) rotStruct.rotation).eulerAngles;

+ 18
- 53
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/Servo.cs View File

@@ -11,43 +11,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class Servo : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new servo.
/// Any valid servo type is accepted.
/// This re-implements Block.PlaceNew(...)
/// </summary>
public static new Servo PlaceNew(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (!(block == BlockIDs.ServoAxle || block == BlockIDs.ServoHinge || block == BlockIDs.ServoPiston))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {nameof(Servo)} block");
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new Servo(id);

return null;

public Servo(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

public Servo(uint id) : base(new EGID(id, CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_SERVO_BLOCK_GROUP))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

// custom servo properties
@@ -56,13 +25,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// The servo's minimum angle.
/// </summary>
public float MinimumAngle
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(Id).minDeviation;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ServoReadOnlyStruct st) => st.minDeviation);

ref ServoReadOnlyStruct servo = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(Id);
servo.minDeviation = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ServoReadOnlyStruct st, float val) => st.minDeviation = val, value);

@@ -71,13 +39,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public float MaximumAngle
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(Id).maxDeviation;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ServoReadOnlyStruct st) => st.maxDeviation);

ref ServoReadOnlyStruct servo = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(Id);
servo.maxDeviation = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ServoReadOnlyStruct st, float val) => st.maxDeviation = val, value);

/// <summary>
@@ -85,13 +52,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public float MaximumForce
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(Id).maxForce;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ServoReadOnlyStruct st) => st.maxForce);

ref ServoReadOnlyStruct servo = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(Id);
servo.maxForce = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ServoReadOnlyStruct st, float val) => st.maxForce = val, value);

/// <summary>
@@ -99,13 +65,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public bool Reverse
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(Id).reverse;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (ServoReadOnlyStruct st) => st.reverse);

ref ServoReadOnlyStruct servo = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(Id);
servo.reverse = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref ServoReadOnlyStruct st, bool val) => st.reverse = val, value);

+ 6
- 40
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/SignalingBlock.cs View File

@@ -14,28 +14,9 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public class SignalingBlock : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new signaling block.
/// Any valid functional block type with IO ports will work.
/// This re-implements Block.PlaceNew(...)
/// </summary>
public static new SignalingBlock PlaceNew(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new SignalingBlock(id);

return null;

public SignalingBlock(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<BlockPortsStruct>(this.Id))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<BlockPortsStruct>(this))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");
@@ -43,17 +24,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks

public SignalingBlock(uint id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<BlockPortsStruct>(this.Id))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<BlockPortsStruct>(this))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

protected ref BlockPortsStruct GetBlockPortsStruct()
return ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<BlockPortsStruct>(Id);

/// <summary>
/// Generates the input port identifiers.
/// </summary>
@@ -72,16 +48,6 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
return SignalEngine.GetSignalOutputs(Id);

/// <summary>
/// Gets the port struct.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The port struct.</returns>
/// <param name="portId">Port identifier.</param>
protected ref PortEntityStruct GetPortStruct(EGID portId)
return ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<PortEntityStruct>(portId);

/// <summary>
/// Gets the connected wire.
/// </summary>
@@ -108,16 +74,16 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// The input port count.
/// </summary>
public uint InputCount
get => GetBlockPortsStruct().inputCount;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (BlockPortsStruct st) => st.inputCount);

/// <summary>
/// The output port count.
/// </summary>
public uint OutputCount
get => GetBlockPortsStruct().outputCount;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (BlockPortsStruct st) => st.outputCount);

+ 21
- 68
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/SpawnPoint.cs View File

@@ -13,43 +13,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class SpawnPoint : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new spawn point.
/// Any valid spawn block type is accepted.
/// This re-implements Block.PlaceNew(...)
/// </summary>
public static new SpawnPoint PlaceNew(BlockIDs block, float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (!(block == BlockIDs.LargeSpawn || block == BlockIDs.SmallSpawn || block == BlockIDs.MediumSpawn || block == BlockIDs.PlayerSpawn))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {nameof(SpawnPoint)} block");
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(block, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new SpawnPoint(id);

return null;

public SpawnPoint(EGID id) : base(id)
public SpawnPoint(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

public SpawnPoint(uint id) : base(new EGID(id, CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_SPAWNPOINT_BLOCK_GROUP))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

// custom spawn point properties
@@ -59,16 +28,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public uint Lives
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct>(Id).lives;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct st) => st.lives);

ref SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct spses = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct>(Id);
spses.lives = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct st, uint val) => st.lives = val, value);
/// <summary>
@@ -76,16 +41,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public bool Damageable
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct>(Id).canTakeDamage;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct st) => st.canTakeDamage);

ref SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct spses = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct>(Id);
spses.canTakeDamage = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct st, bool val) => st.canTakeDamage = val, value);

/// <summary>
@@ -93,16 +54,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public bool GameOverEnabled
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct>(Id).gameOverScreen;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct st) => st.gameOverScreen);

ref SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct spses = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct>(Id);
spses.gameOverScreen = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref SpawnPointStatsEntityStruct st, bool val) => st.gameOverScreen = val, value);

/// <summary>
@@ -110,16 +67,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public byte Team
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<SpawnPointIdsEntityStruct>(Id).teamId;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (SpawnPointIdsEntityStruct st) => st.teamId);

ref SpawnPointIdsEntityStruct spses = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<SpawnPointIdsEntityStruct>(Id);
spses.teamId = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref SpawnPointIdsEntityStruct st, byte val) => st.teamId = val, value);

+ 24
- 48
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/TextBlock.cs View File

@@ -12,35 +12,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class TextBlock : Block

public static TextBlock PlaceNew(float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(BlockIDs.TextBlock, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new TextBlock(id);

return null;

public TextBlock(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<TextBlockDataStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

public TextBlock(uint id) : base(new EGID(id, CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_TEXT_BLOCK_GROUP))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<TextBlockDataStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

// custom text block properties
@@ -50,35 +27,34 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public string Text
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TextBlockDataStruct>(Id).textCurrent;
ref TextBlockDataStruct tbds = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TextBlockDataStruct>(Id);
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (TextBlockDataStruct st) => st.textCurrent);
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref TextBlockDataStruct tbds, string val) =>
}, value);
(ref TextBlockNetworkDataStruct st, string val) => st.newTextBlockStringContent.Set(val), value);

/// <summary>
/// The text block's current text block ID (used in ChangeTextBlockCommand).
/// The text block's current text block ID (used in ChangeTextBlockCommand).
/// </summary>
public string TextBlockId
public string TextBlockId
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TextBlockDataStruct>(Id).textBlockID;

get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (TextBlockDataStruct st) => st.textBlockID);

BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref TextBlockDataStruct tbds, string val) =>
tbds.textBlockID.Set(val), value);
(ref TextBlockNetworkDataStruct st, string val) => st.newTextBlockID.Set(val), value);

+ 24
- 61
GamecraftModdingAPI/Blocks/Timer.cs View File

@@ -13,37 +13,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
public class Timer : Block
/// <summary>
/// Places a new timer block.
/// </summary>
public static Timer PlaceNew(float3 position,
float3 rotation = default, BlockColors color = BlockColors.Default, byte darkness = 0,
int uscale = 1, float3 scale = default, Player player = null)
if (PlacementEngine.IsInGame && GameState.IsBuildMode())
EGID id = PlacementEngine.PlaceBlock(BlockIDs.Timer, color, darkness,
position, uscale, scale, player, rotation);
return new Timer(id);

return null;

public Timer(EGID id) : base(id)
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<TimerBlockDataStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

public Timer(uint id) : base(new EGID(id, CommonExclusiveGroups.BUILD_TIMER_BLOCK_GROUP))
if (!BlockEngine.GetBlockInfoExists<TimerBlockDataStruct>(this.Id))
throw new BlockTypeException($"Block is not a {this.GetType().Name} block");

// custom timer properties
@@ -53,16 +28,13 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public float Start
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TimerBlockDataStruct>(Id).startTime;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (TimerBlockDataStruct st) => st.startTime);

ref TimerBlockDataStruct tbds = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TimerBlockDataStruct>(Id);
tbds.startTime = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref TimerBlockDataStruct tbds, float val) => tbds.startTime = val,

/// <summary>
@@ -70,16 +42,13 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public float End
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TimerBlockDataStruct>(Id).endTime;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (TimerBlockDataStruct st) => st.endTime);

ref TimerBlockDataStruct tbds = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TimerBlockDataStruct>(Id);
tbds.endTime = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref TimerBlockDataStruct tbds, float val) => tbds.endTime = val,

/// <summary>
@@ -87,16 +56,13 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public bool DisplayMilliseconds
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TimerBlockDataStruct>(Id).outputFormatHasMS;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (TimerBlockDataStruct st) => st.outputFormatHasMS);

ref TimerBlockDataStruct tbds = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TimerBlockDataStruct>(Id);
tbds.outputFormatHasMS = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref TimerBlockDataStruct tbds, bool val) => tbds.outputFormatHasMS = val,

/// <summary>
@@ -104,16 +70,13 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
/// </summary>
public int CurrentTime
return BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TimerBlockLabelCacheEntityStruct>(Id).timeLastRenderFrameMS;
get => BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo(this, (TimerBlockLabelCacheEntityStruct st) => st.timeLastRenderFrameMS);

ref TimerBlockLabelCacheEntityStruct tblces = ref BlockEngine.GetBlockInfo<TimerBlockLabelCacheEntityStruct>(Id);
tblces.timeLastRenderFrameMS = value;
BlockEngine.SetBlockInfo(this, (ref TimerBlockLabelCacheEntityStruct tbds, int val) => tbds.timeLastRenderFrameMS = val,

+ 1
- 1
GamecraftModdingAPI/SimBody.cs View File

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ using RobocraftX.Physics;
namespace GamecraftModdingAPI
/// <summary>
/// A rigid body (like a cluster of connected blocks) during simulation.
/// A rigid body (like a chunk of connected blocks) during simulation.
/// </summary>
public class SimBody : IEquatable<SimBody>, IEquatable<EGID>

+ 2
- 22
GamecraftModdingAPI/Tests/Assert.cs View File

@@ -83,32 +83,12 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Tests
if (err == null) err = $"{nameof(T)} '{obj1}' is not equal to '{obj2}'.";
if (success == null) success = $"{nameof(T)} '{obj1}' is equal to '{obj2}'.";
if (obj1 == null && obj2 == null)
if ((obj1 == null && obj2 == null)
|| (obj1 != null && obj2 != null && obj1.Equals(obj2) && obj2.Equals(obj1)))
// pass
Log(PASS + success);
TestRoot.TestsPassed = true;
return true;
else if (!(obj1 == null && obj2 == null) && obj1.Equals(obj2) && obj2.Equals(obj1))
// pass
Log(PASS + success);
TestRoot.TestsPassed = true;
return true;
else if (obj1 != null && (obj1 != null && !obj1.Equals(obj2)))
// pass
Log(PASS + success);
TestRoot.TestsPassed = true;
return true;
else if (obj2 != null && !obj2.Equals(obj1))
// pass
Log(PASS + success);
TestRoot.TestsPassed = true;
return true;

+ 22
- 0
GamecraftModdingAPI/Tests/GamecraftModdingAPIPluginTest.cs View File

@@ -232,6 +232,28 @@ namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Tests

.Description("Place a bunch of console block with a given text - entering simulation with them crashes the game as the cmd doesn't exist")
.Action((float x, float y, float z) =>
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
var block = Block.PlaceNew<ConsoleBlock>(BlockIDs.ConsoleBlock,
new float3(x + i, y, z + j));
block.Command = "test_command";
Logging.CommandLog($"Blocks placed in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

GameClient.SetDebugInfo("InstalledMods", InstalledMods);
Block.Placed += (sender, args) =>
Logging.MetaDebugLog("Placed block " + args.Type + " with ID " + args.ID);

+ 0
- 25
GamecraftModdingAPI/Utility/DeterministicStepCompositionRootPatch.cs View File

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
using System;

using RobocraftX.StateSync;
using Svelto.ECS;

using HarmonyLib;

namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(DeterministicStepCompositionRoot), "ResetWorld")]
public static class DeterministicStepCompositionRootPatch
private static SimpleEntitiesSubmissionScheduler engineRootScheduler;
public static void Postfix(SimpleEntitiesSubmissionScheduler scheduler)
engineRootScheduler = scheduler;

internal static void SubmitEntitiesNow()
if (engineRootScheduler != null)
