- Fixed the crash on second time start
- Tweaked more stuff about the block
Breaking changes coming from FMOD 2.0:
- Audio[int index] changed to Audio[PARAMETER_ID index]
- Audio.Parameters removed
Removing blocks from groups when they are removed from the game
Attempted to update graphics when changing blocks
Disallowing changing the block group after creation, now that we can copy blocks
Removed BlockIdentifiers.OWNED_BLOCKS as the original got replaced with an array
Added the correct group for each supported functional block
Removed EntityFactory property from IEntitySerializer as it is provided on deserialization
Made GetBlockInfo() always return a reference without needing it as a parameter
Fixed Color property
Added CustomColor property for temporarily setting any color
Added API for adding more information on the debug display (not object-oriented yet)
Removed the setter for block type to ensure stability
Made the block API return defaults if the block no longer exists
Added property to check if the block exists
Made a struct for the block's color property
Added missing block IDs