- using System;
- using System.Reflection;
- using RobocraftX.Blocks;
- using Gamecraft.Wires;
- using GamecraftModdingAPI.Utility;
- using Svelto.ECS;
- namespace GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
- {
- public class TweakableEngine : IApiEngine
- {
- public string Name { get; } = "GamecraftModdingAPITweakableGameEngine";
- public IEntitiesDB entitiesDB { set; private get; }
- public bool IsInGame = false;
- public void Dispose()
- {
- IsInGame = false;
- }
- public void Ready()
- {
- IsInGame = true;
- }
- // Implementations for Tweakable static class
- public T GetStatAny<T>(EGID blockID, TweakableStat stat)
- {
- switch (stat)
- {
- case TweakableStat.TopSpeed:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return (T)(object)entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).maxVelocity;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Torque:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return (T)(object)entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).maxForce;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxExtension:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return (T)(object)entitiesDB.QueryEntity<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MinAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return (T)(object)entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).minDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return (T)(object)entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Reverse:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return (T)(object)entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).reverse;
- }
- else if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return (T)(object)entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).reverse;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.StartValue:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return (T)(object)entitiesDB.QueryEntity<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID).startValue;
- }
- break;
- }
- return default(T);
- }
- public T GetStatAny<T>(uint blockID, TweakableStat stat)
- {
- return GetStatAny<T>(new EGID(blockID, BlockIdentifiers.OWNED_BLOCKS), stat);
- }
- public dynamic GetStatDynamic(EGID blockID, TweakableStat stat)
- {
- switch (stat)
- {
- case TweakableStat.TopSpeed:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).maxVelocity;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Torque:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).maxForce;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxExtension:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return entitiesDB.QueryEntity<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MinAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).minDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Reverse:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).reverse;
- }
- else if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID).reverse;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.StartValue:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID))
- {
- return entitiesDB.QueryEntity<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID).startValue;
- }
- break;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public dynamic GetStatDynamic(uint blockID, TweakableStat stat)
- {
- return GetStatDynamic(new EGID(blockID, BlockIdentifiers.OWNED_BLOCKS), stat);
- }
- public T SetStatAny<T>(EGID blockID, TweakableStat stat, T value)
- {
- switch (stat)
- {
- case TweakableStat.TopSpeed:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxVelocity = (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.maxVelocity;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Torque:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxForce = (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.maxForce;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxExtension:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref PistonReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxDeviation = (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MinAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.minDeviation = (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.minDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxDeviation = (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Reverse:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.reverse = (bool)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.reverse;
- }
- else if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.reverse = (bool)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.reverse;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.StartValue:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref SignalGeneratorEntityStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.startValue = (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.startValue;
- }
- break;
- }
- return default(T);
- }
- public T SetStatAny<T>(uint blockID, TweakableStat stat, T value)
- {
- return SetStatAny<T>(new EGID(blockID, BlockIdentifiers.OWNED_BLOCKS), stat, value);
- }
- public dynamic SetStatDynamic(EGID blockID, TweakableStat stat, dynamic value)
- {
- switch (stat)
- {
- case TweakableStat.TopSpeed:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxVelocity = value;
- return refStruct.maxVelocity;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Torque:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxForce = value;
- return refStruct.maxForce;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxExtension:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref PistonReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxDeviation = value;
- return refStruct.maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MinAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.minDeviation = value;
- return refStruct.minDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxDeviation = value;
- return refStruct.maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Reverse:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.reverse = value;
- return refStruct.reverse;
- }
- else if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.reverse = value;
- return refStruct.reverse;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.StartValue:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref SignalGeneratorEntityStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.startValue = value;
- return refStruct.startValue;
- }
- break;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public dynamic SetStatDynamic(uint blockID, TweakableStat stat, dynamic value)
- {
- return SetStatDynamic(new EGID(blockID, BlockIdentifiers.OWNED_BLOCKS), stat, value);
- }
- public T AddStatAny<T>(EGID blockID, TweakableStat stat, T value)
- {
- switch (stat)
- {
- case TweakableStat.TopSpeed:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxVelocity += (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.maxVelocity;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Torque:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxForce += (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.maxForce;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxExtension:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref PistonReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxDeviation += (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MinAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.minDeviation += (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.minDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxDeviation += (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Reverse:
- // '+' is associated with logical OR in some fields, so it technically isn't invalid to "add" booleans
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.reverse = refStruct.reverse || (bool)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.reverse;
- }
- else if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.reverse = refStruct.reverse || (bool)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.reverse;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.StartValue:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref SignalGeneratorEntityStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.startValue += (float)(object)value;
- return (T)(object)refStruct.startValue;
- }
- break;
- }
- return default(T);
- }
- public T AddStatAny<T>(uint blockID, TweakableStat stat, T value)
- {
- return AddStatAny<T>(new EGID(blockID, BlockIdentifiers.OWNED_BLOCKS), stat, value);
- }
- public dynamic AddStatDynamic(EGID blockID, TweakableStat stat, dynamic value)
- {
- switch (stat)
- {
- case TweakableStat.TopSpeed:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxVelocity += value;
- return refStruct.maxVelocity;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Torque:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxForce += value;
- return refStruct.maxForce;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxExtension:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref PistonReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<PistonReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxDeviation += value;
- return refStruct.maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MinAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.minDeviation += value;
- return refStruct.minDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.MaxAngle:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.maxDeviation += value;
- return refStruct.maxDeviation;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.Reverse:
- // '+' is associated with logical OR in some fields, so it technically isn't invalid to "add" booleans
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref MotorReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<MotorReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.reverse = refStruct.reverse || value;
- return refStruct.reverse;
- }
- else if (entitiesDB.Exists<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref ServoReadOnlyStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<ServoReadOnlyStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.reverse = refStruct.reverse || value;
- return refStruct.reverse;
- }
- break;
- case TweakableStat.StartValue:
- if (entitiesDB.Exists<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID))
- {
- ref SignalGeneratorEntityStruct refStruct = ref entitiesDB.QueryEntity<SignalGeneratorEntityStruct>(blockID);
- refStruct.startValue += value;
- return refStruct.startValue;
- }
- break;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public dynamic AddStatDynamic(uint blockID, TweakableStat stat, dynamic value)
- {
- return AddStatDynamic(new EGID(blockID, BlockIdentifiers.OWNED_BLOCKS), stat, value);
- }
- }
- }