- using System;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Text;
- using Svelto.DataStructures;
- using Svelto.Utilities;
- namespace Svelto.ECS.Serialization
- {
- public static class DesignatedHash
- {
- public static readonly Func<byte[], uint> Hash = Murmur3.MurmurHash3_x86_32;
- }
- public abstract class SerializableEntityDescriptor<TType> : ISerializableEntityDescriptor
- where TType : IEntityDescriptor, new()
- {
- static SerializableEntityDescriptor()
- {
- IComponentBuilder[] defaultEntities = EntityDescriptorTemplate<TType>.realDescriptor.componentsToBuild;
- var hashNameAttribute = Type.GetCustomAttribute<HashNameAttribute>();
- if (hashNameAttribute == null)
- {
- throw new Exception("HashName attribute not found on the serializable type ".FastConcat(Type.FullName));
- }
- Hash = DesignatedHash.Hash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(hashNameAttribute._name));
- var (index, dynamicIndex) = SetupSpecialEntityComponent(defaultEntities, out ComponentsToBuild);
- if (index == -1)
- {
- index = ComponentsToBuild.Length - 1;
- }
- // Stores the hash of this EntityDescriptor
- ComponentsToBuild[index] = new ComponentBuilder<SerializableEntityComponent>(new SerializableEntityComponent
- {
- descriptorHash = Hash
- });
- // If the current serializable is an ExtendibleDescriptor, I have to update it.
- if (dynamicIndex != -1)
- {
- ComponentsToBuild[dynamicIndex] = new ComponentBuilder<EntityInfoComponent>(new EntityInfoComponent
- {
- componentsToBuild = ComponentsToBuild
- });
- }
- /////
- var entitiesToSerialize = new FasterList<ISerializableComponentBuilder>();
- EntityComponentsToSerializeMap = new FasterDictionary<ComponentID, ISerializableComponentBuilder>();
- foreach (IComponentBuilder e in defaultEntities)
- {
- if (e is ISerializableComponentBuilder serializableEntityBuilder)
- {
- EntityComponentsToSerializeMap[serializableEntityBuilder.getComponentID] = serializableEntityBuilder;
- entitiesToSerialize.Add(serializableEntityBuilder);
- }
- }
- EntitiesToSerialize = entitiesToSerialize.ToArray();
- }
- static (int indexSerial, int indexDynamic) SetupSpecialEntityComponent
- (IComponentBuilder[] defaultEntities, out IComponentBuilder[] componentsToBuild)
- {
- int length = defaultEntities.Length;
- int newLenght = length + 1;
- int indexSerial = -1;
- int indexDynamic = -1;
- for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i)
- {
- if (defaultEntities[i].GetEntityComponentType() == SerializableStructType)
- {
- indexSerial = i;
- --newLenght;
- }
- if (defaultEntities[i].GetEntityComponentType() == ComponentBuilderUtilities.ENTITY_INFO_COMPONENT)
- {
- indexDynamic = i;
- }
- }
- componentsToBuild = new IComponentBuilder[newLenght];
- Array.Copy(defaultEntities, 0, componentsToBuild, 0, length);
- return (indexSerial, indexDynamic);
- }
- public IComponentBuilder[] componentsToBuild => ComponentsToBuild;
- public uint hash => Hash;
- public Type realType => Type;
- public ISerializableComponentBuilder[] componentsToSerialize => EntitiesToSerialize;
- static readonly IComponentBuilder[] ComponentsToBuild;
- static readonly FasterDictionary<ComponentID, ISerializableComponentBuilder> EntityComponentsToSerializeMap;
- static readonly ISerializableComponentBuilder[] EntitiesToSerialize;
- static readonly uint Hash;
- static readonly Type SerializableStructType = typeof(SerializableEntityComponent);
- static readonly Type Type = typeof(TType);
- }
- }