- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Threading;
- using Svelto.DataStructures;
- namespace Svelto.ECS
- {
- public abstract class GroupCompound<G1, G2, G3, G4> where G1 : GroupTag<G1>
- where G2 : GroupTag<G2>
- where G3 : GroupTag<G3>
- where G4 : GroupTag<G4>
- {
- static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups;
- static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;
- public static FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> Groups =>
- new FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups);
- public static ExclusiveBuildGroup BuildGroup => new ExclusiveBuildGroup(_Groups[0]);
- static int isInitializing;
- static GroupCompound()
- {
- if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isInitializing, 1, 0) == 0)
- {
- _Groups = new FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(1);
- var Group = new ExclusiveGroup();
- _Groups.Add(Group);
- _GroupsHashSet = new HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups.ToArrayFast(out _));
- GroupCompound<G1, G2, G3>.Add(Group);
- GroupCompound<G1, G2, G4>.Add(Group);
- GroupCompound<G1, G3, G4>.Add(Group);
- GroupCompound<G2, G3, G4>.Add(Group);
- GroupCompound<G1, G2>.Add(Group); //<G1/G2> and <G2/G1> must share the same array
- GroupCompound<G1, G3>.Add(Group);
- GroupCompound<G1, G4>.Add(Group);
- GroupCompound<G2, G3>.Add(Group);
- GroupCompound<G2, G4>.Add(Group);
- GroupCompound<G3, G4>.Add(Group);
- //This is done here to be sure that the group is added once per group tag
- //(if done inside the previous group compound it would be added multiple times)
- GroupTag<G1>.Add(Group);
- GroupTag<G2>.Add(Group);
- GroupTag<G3>.Add(Group);
- GroupTag<G4>.Add(Group);
- #if DEBUG
- GroupNamesMap.idToName[(uint) Group] =
- $"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name}-{typeof(G3).Name}-{typeof(G4).Name} ID {(uint) Group}";
- #endif
- GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(BuildGroup,
- $"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name}-{typeof(G3).Name}-{typeof(G4).Name}");
- //all the combinations must share the same group and group hashset
- GroupCompound<G1, G2, G4, G3>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G1, G3, G2, G4>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G1, G3, G4, G2>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G1, G4, G2, G3>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G2, G1, G3, G4>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G2, G3, G4, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G3, G1, G2, G4>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G4, G1, G2, G3>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G1, G4, G3, G2>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G2, G1, G4, G3>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G2, G4, G3, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G3, G1, G4, G2>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G4, G1, G3, G2>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G2, G3, G1, G4>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G3, G4, G1, G2>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G2, G4, G1, G3>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G3, G2, G1, G4>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G3, G2, G4, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G3, G4, G2, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G4, G2, G1, G3>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G4, G2, G3, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G4, G3, G1, G2>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G4, G3, G2, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G1, G2, G4, G3>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G1, G3, G2, G4>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G1, G3, G4, G2>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G1, G4, G2, G3>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G2, G1, G3, G4>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G2, G3, G4, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G3, G1, G2, G4>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G4, G1, G2, G3>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G1, G4, G3, G2>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G2, G1, G4, G3>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G2, G4, G3, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G3, G1, G4, G2>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G4, G1, G3, G2>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G2, G3, G1, G4>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G3, G4, G1, G2>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G2, G4, G1, G3>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G3, G2, G1, G4>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G3, G2, G4, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G3, G4, G2, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G4, G2, G1, G3>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G4, G2, G3, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G4, G3, G1, G2>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G4, G3, G2, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- }
- }
- internal static void Add(ExclusiveGroupStruct @group)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < _Groups.count; ++i)
- if (_Groups[i] == group)
- throw new Exception("temporary must be transformed in unit test");
- _Groups.Add(group);
- _GroupsHashSet.Add(group);
- }
- public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct @group) { return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(@group); }
- }
- public abstract class GroupCompound<G1, G2, G3>
- where G1 : GroupTag<G1> where G2 : GroupTag<G2> where G3 : GroupTag<G3>
- {
- static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups;
- static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;
- public static FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> Groups =>
- new FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups);
- public static ExclusiveBuildGroup BuildGroup => new ExclusiveBuildGroup(_Groups[0]);
- static int isInitializing;
- internal static void Add(ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < _Groups.count; ++i)
- if (_Groups[i] == group)
- throw new Exception("temporary must be transformed in unit test");
- _Groups.Add(group);
- _GroupsHashSet.Add(group);
- }
- public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct @group) { return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(@group); }
- static GroupCompound()
- {
- if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isInitializing, 1, 0) == 0)
- {
- _Groups = new FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(1);
- var Group = new ExclusiveGroup();
- _Groups.Add(Group);
- _GroupsHashSet = new HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups.ToArrayFast(out _));
- GroupCompound<G1, G2>.Add(Group); //<G1/G2> and <G2/G1> must share the same array
- GroupCompound<G1, G3>.Add(Group);
- GroupCompound<G2, G3>.Add(Group);
- //This is done here to be sure that the group is added once per group tag
- //(if done inside the previous group compound it would be added multiple times)
- GroupTag<G1>.Add(Group);
- GroupTag<G2>.Add(Group);
- GroupTag<G3>.Add(Group);
- #if DEBUG
- GroupNamesMap.idToName[(uint) Group] =
- $"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name}-{typeof(G3).Name} ID {(uint) Group}";
- #endif
- GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(BuildGroup,
- $"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name}-{typeof(G3).Name}");
- //all the combinations must share the same group and group hashset
- GroupCompound<G3, G1, G2>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G2, G3, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G3, G2, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G1, G3, G2>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G2, G1, G3>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G3, G1, G2>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G2, G3, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G3, G2, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G1, G3, G2>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- GroupCompound<G2, G1, G3>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- }
- }
- }
- public abstract class GroupCompound<G1, G2> where G1 : GroupTag<G1> where G2 : GroupTag<G2>
- {
- static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups;
- static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;
- public static FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> Groups =>
- new FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups);
- public static ExclusiveBuildGroup BuildGroup => new ExclusiveBuildGroup(_Groups[0]);
- static int isInitializing;
- internal static void Add(ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < _Groups.count; ++i)
- if (_Groups[i] == group)
- throw new Exception("temporary must be transformed in unit test");
- _Groups.Add(group);
- _GroupsHashSet.Add(group);
- }
- public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct @group) { return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(@group); }
- static GroupCompound()
- {
- if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isInitializing, 1, 0) == 0)
- {
- var Group = new ExclusiveGroup();
- _Groups = new FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(1);
- _Groups.Add(Group);
- _GroupsHashSet = new HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups.ToArrayFast(out _));
- //every abstract group preemptively adds this group, it may or may not be empty in future
- GroupTag<G1>.Add(Group);
- GroupTag<G2>.Add(Group);
- #if DEBUG
- GroupNamesMap.idToName[(uint) Group] = $"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name} ID {(uint) Group}";
- #endif
- GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(BuildGroup,
- $"Compound: {typeof(G1).Name}-{typeof(G2).Name}");
- GroupCompound<G2, G1>._Groups = _Groups;
- GroupCompound<G2, G1>._GroupsHashSet = _GroupsHashSet;
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- ///A Group Tag holds initially just a group, itself. However the number of groups can grow with the number of
- ///combinations of GroupTags including this one. This because a GroupTag is an adjective and different entities
- ///can use the same adjective together with other ones. However since I need to be able to iterate over all the
- ///groups with the same adjective, a group tag needs to hold all the groups sharing it.
- /// </summary>
- /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
- public abstract class GroupTag<T> where T : GroupTag<T>
- {
- static readonly FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _Groups = new FasterList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(1);
- static readonly HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct> _GroupsHashSet;
- public static FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct> Groups =>
- new FasterReadOnlyList<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups);
- public static ExclusiveBuildGroup BuildGroup => new ExclusiveBuildGroup(_Groups[0]);
- static int isInitializing;
- static GroupTag()
- {
- if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isInitializing, 1, 0) == 0)
- {
- var group = new ExclusiveGroup();
- _Groups.Add(group);
- _GroupsHashSet = new HashSet<ExclusiveGroupStruct>(_Groups.ToArrayFast(out _));
- #if DEBUG
- var typeInfo = typeof(T);
- var typeInfoBaseType = typeInfo.BaseType;
- if (typeInfoBaseType.GenericTypeArguments[0] != typeInfo)
- throw new ECSException("Invalid Group Tag declared");
- GroupNamesMap.idToName[(uint)group] = $"Compound: {typeInfo.Name} ID {(uint)group}";
- #endif
- GroupHashMap.RegisterGroup(BuildGroup,
- $"Compound: {typeof(T).FullName}");
- }
- }
- //Each time a new combination of group tags is found a new group is added.
- internal static void Add(ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < _Groups.count; ++i)
- if (_Groups[i] == group)
- throw new Exception("temporary must be transformed in unit test");
- _Groups.Add(group);
- _GroupsHashSet.Add(group);
- }
- public static bool Includes(ExclusiveGroupStruct @group) { return _GroupsHashSet.Contains(@group); }
- }
- }