- using Svelto.DataStructures;
- namespace Svelto.ECS
- {
- public struct GroupFilters
- {
- internal GroupFilters(SharedSveltoDictionaryNative<int, FilterGroup> filters, ExclusiveGroupStruct group)
- {
- this.filters = filters;
- _group = @group;
- }
- public ref FilterGroup GetFilter(int filterIndex)
- {
- if (filters.isValid == false)
- throw new ECSException($"trying to fetch not existing filters {filterIndex} group {_group.ToName()}");
- if (filters.ContainsKey(filterIndex) == false)
- throw new ECSException($"trying to fetch not existing filters {filterIndex} group {_group.ToName()}");
- #endif
- return ref filters.GetValueByRef(filterIndex);
- }
- public bool HasFilter(int filterIndex) { return filters.ContainsKey(filterIndex); }
- public void ClearFilter(int filterIndex)
- {
- if (filters.TryFindIndex(filterIndex, out var index))
- filters.GetValues(out _)[index].Clear();
- }
- public void ClearFilters()
- {
- foreach (var filter in filters)
- filter.Value.Clear();
- }
- public bool TryGetFilter(int filterIndex, out FilterGroup filter)
- {
- return filters.TryGetValue(filterIndex, out filter);
- }
- public SveltoDictionary<int, FilterGroup, NativeStrategy<FasterDictionaryNode<int>>, NativeStrategy<FilterGroup>
- , NativeStrategy<int>>.SveltoDictionaryKeyValueEnumerator GetEnumerator()
- {
- return filters.GetEnumerator();
- }
- //Note the following methods are internal because I was pondering the idea to be able to return
- //the list of GroupFilters linked to a specific filter ID. However this would mean to be able to
- //maintain a revers map which at this moment seems too much and also would need the following
- //method to be for ever internal (at this point in time I am not sure it's a good idea)
- internal void DisposeFilter(int filterIndex)
- {
- if (filters.TryFindIndex(filterIndex, out var index))
- {
- ref var filterGroup = ref filters.GetValues(out _)[index];
- filterGroup.Dispose();
- filters.Remove(filterIndex);
- }
- }
- internal void DisposeFilters()
- {
- //must release the native buffers!
- foreach (var filter in filters)
- filter.Value.Dispose();
- filters.FastClear();
- }
- internal ref FilterGroup CreateOrGetFilter(int filterID)
- {
- if (filters.TryFindIndex(filterID, out var index) == false)
- {
- var orGetFilterForGroup = new FilterGroup(_group, filterID);
- filters[filterID] = orGetFilterForGroup;
- return ref filters.GetValueByRef(filterID);
- }
- return ref filters.GetValues(out _)[index];
- }
- internal void Dispose()
- {
- foreach (var filter in filters)
- {
- filter.Value.Dispose();
- }
- filters.Dispose();
- }
- readonly ExclusiveGroupStruct _group;
- //filterID, filter
- SharedSveltoDictionaryNative<int, FilterGroup> filters;
- }
- }